San Antonio, TX

Wednesday March 24, 2004

     6:35am  I woke up. I woke up because my mom's alarm, in her room went off. That was weird. Man, I slept great last night. I slept a lot.

     7:14am  This morning I offered to go get some milk for my mom at the Citgo on the corner. She gave me change for bus fare. Then I thought, "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to meet that girl Connie at the hospital at 7:30. She's going to hook me up with some Boosts." I thought I was going to walk to the Walmart or ride the bus or something. I asked my sister Laura if she could give me a ride to the Walmart and she said yeah. I checked the schedule and realized there was no way I was going to be at the hospital at 7:30am. I asked Laura if she would take me all the way there and she said, "No problem." I appreciate it, sis.

     8:00am  My sister dropped me off a while back. Maybe like twenty minutes ago. She dropped me off at University Hospital. Oh yeah, I saw Connie. She told me, "Oh, I forgot to bring that stuff." She didn't get them. I'm going to go smoke a cigarette. Hold on.

     8:02am  Joey is hooking me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Letter of the day is H.

     8:13am  James hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:32am  I just got on the bus and there was another driver talking to Mr. Honduras. When I walk up he says, "Hey, I know this guy. He's going to put me in his book." Awesome. I told him, "Yeah, I'm everywhere." Then Mr. Honduras asked me, "Hey, if I give you a transfer will you put me in your book too?" I told him, "You know how it works." Hehe, even before I even asked for a transfer for the cause he gave it to me.

     9:11am  Like I said, Mr. Honduras, who I've been telling my story to the whole time, hooked me up with a transfer for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. He hooked me up last time too.

                   Doc is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:39am  What was your name, brother? You can make it up if you want. This brother I'm telling my story to. I asked him what he thought the world's greatest problem was and he said, "Pigeons." That's hilarious. He just walked off because he doesn't want to listen to me.

     9:57am  I just had this great talk with this ignorant bible-thumper. He doesn't know shit. He wouldn't listen to me. You hypocrite. Hahaha. It's going to be a surprise, buddy!

                  When I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He said, "Oh, everybody's ignorant." I told him, "Being ignorant is a choice. Why do you choose to be? It's a choice. You can choose not to be ignorant. Why would anyone choose to be ignorant?"

     10:03am  I saw these people in front of the Home Suites and told them my stuff. They wouldn't listen and wouldn't shut up about the word of God. Jesus this, Jesus that. I had asked them if they would listen to me and she said, "No, you smoke cigarettes and you probably do drugs." I asked her, "Hmm, have you always been so quick to judge?" She said, "Yeah, I go to the library." 

     10:30am  What was your name again, brother? Not only did Tino listen to me and give me his email address, he gave me a cigarette too! Badass. Everybody gets credit.

                      Don't get mad at me. Get mad at everybody else proving me right.

     10:44am  I had some great presentations until the #5 bus came. This one guy gave me a whole pack of cigarettes. This lady listened to me too. She had messed up teeth. I shouldn't talk shit. That's right, I'm going to go to the library and check my email. I have a great time planned. I'm going to catch up in typing up my stuff soon. I'm going to go to SAC every day and type my stuff up. I can eat at the Travis Park church at noon then go type my stuff up some more on a full stomach.

     10:46am  The cutest little homeless dog just came up to me. He's just the perfect little puppy. Man, I want to adopt him, bad.

                      I can't take care of a dog right now. I've got a world to save. I gotta take care of everybody else first. Aww, he's all whimpering at me. Awwwww.

     10:47am  When I was telling that guy my story earlier, I noticed a little caterpillar, an army worm on my shorts. I didn't mess with him. Now, he's crawling up my neck! I got me a pet cater-pillar.

                      Sorry, dog. I can take care of this one.

     11:00am  I tried telling this story to this Holmes guy with a cowboy hat and he didn't listen to me.

     11:03am  I saw the crazy San Antonio Inner Tube Lady. I hit her up for my story, asked her if she'd listen and she said, "No, no. You'd be wasting your time." Have you always been that ignorant?

     11:27am  Dude, I had a good presentation right before I went to The Riverwalk. I saw some guy smoking a cigarette and I told him my story. He wouldn't listen to me all the way, but he told me, "I think you should keep telling your story." To other people, he meant. I told him, "Yeah, somebody's gotta do it." He agreed with me. That was awesome.

                     Oh, and I asked him to do me the favors and he wouldn't do either one. I told him, "As much as I want people to think I'm crazy, I value the ones who don't even more. Thank you."

     12:30pm  I'm having a conversation with this brother right here at Travis Park.

                     Randy: "I met this young man, believe it or not, just in the last couple of minutes, I feel a lot better than I've felt in years. Just the simple words that he's told me has really opened my eyes and I feel better. It's amazing. It's really amazing. I'm glad I met you. I hope that whoever listens to this takes it seriously. Before I met this young man two minutes ago I felt miserable. I feel a lot better now. I'll leave it at that. Listen to this young man."

                      I said, "I'm always glad to be of service. I love making a difference. Hey, don't you gotta be crazy to make a difference?"

     12:40pm  Man, that was just awesome. I made this guy feel a lot better. I am a beam of lights for others to follow. He was all smiles, man.

                      Mr. Real hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. For the cause.

     1:13pm  I've been here telling Alana my story. She has been listening to me attentively, hehe. She told me that I needed to talk to somebody here at SAC. She's giving me a destination. She's going to show me where this place is. She said I need to talk to Professor Badrich. Isn't that hilarious how that's his name?

                   131 is his room number, so I have to come back here and talk to him.

                   131A in Gonzales Hall.

     1:22pm  Dan hooked me up with a cigarette here at SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:54pm  I'm in the library now.

     3:57pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:37pm  I am leaving SAC. Man, I got a lot of work done today. I finally typed up what I had been dreading to retype. That day when I went over to Jennifer's and I interviewed her and her dad(1-23-04). I had type it all up once before but lost it when the browser disappeared on a computer glitch(3-4-04, 11:30am).

                   I have to go to the tennis courts to look for tennis balls.

                   No tennis balls anywhere. That sucks.

     6:45pm  I came over to these last courts and I found shitloads of balls. Like six or seven. Awesome. Score.

     6:55pm  I walked over to the bus stop on Cypress and I'm going to catch the 91 or 92. Courtesy ride.

     7:07pm  This cool driver who has hooked me up before is giving me a ride on the 91. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:30pm  Fuzzy offered to buy me a beer on the bus. Cool, I got off and he got me a St. Ides Special Brew. Mixed fruit. Six percent alcohol.

                   I didn't tell you. After me and Fuzzy got off the bus to get some beers, this chick, Fuzzy's wife, they're going to go in the thrift-store. He told me, "Go in at the same time I do, so they'll be looking at you and I can steal me a shirt. I got bored, so I said no and came to wait for the bus to Medical Center. Let's see if I get a courtesy ride. Walk over to Kassie's.

     7:57pm  Andres gave me a cigarette outside the Burger King. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:58pm  Mr. Mouton hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:00pm  I got off the bus. We stopped here at Crossroads for a bit. Now I'm going to smoke that cigarette I got from that guy. That guy had told me, "Hey man, I see you every single day. What are you doing?" I told him my mission-objectives and, "I would tell you exactly how I plan to do this if I wasn't about to get on a bus. I will tell you next time you see me. Because you will see me again. I am everywhere."

                   I'm wearing my Willie Nelson shirt and he said, "I like that shirt." 

     8:40pm  Estela en Alamo Tacos y Gorditas me esta dando gasolina para el estomago.

     8:45pm  I just scored at the taco stand! I tried telling the lady my ideas in Spanish. 

     8:48pm  Albert hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the Data Food Mart. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:05pm  I am in Kassie's apartment complex. I'm going to knock on the door.

     11:03pm  I just left Kassie's. Man, the weirdest shit. She pisses me off. I walked up there and Sabrina answered the door. She let me inside. I told her, "I'm here to get my book." We were sitting there talking and all of a sudden Kassie goes, "Oh, let's watch a movie." They asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I told them, "Well, if I watch a movie will I be able to crash in the living room?" Kassie told me yeah, sure. I thought, "Whoa, maybe she's thought about it and realized I was right." See, because a while back she asked me, "Victor, what do you want from me?" I told her all I wanted was her friendship. I guess she didn't believe me or something because then later she says, "You should leave." I say, "Well, I wish you would've told me that before the buses stopped running. Remember, it was you who invited me to stay for the movie. You said it was okay for me to crash in the living room. What do you expect me to think? I am just a bit confused here."

                     Anyways, I'll miss Kassie.

                     She was all, "What are you giving people?" I pulled out my tape recorder and told her, "I am giving them credit for proving me right. And for proving me wrong too." Damn, what more do people want?

                     She had a big fat sack of weed and she didn't give me any.

                     If Kassie takes offense to common sense, that's her problem.

                     I shouldn't be down about this, but I can't help being down. She was real pretty.

     11:40pm  I walked to West and Janie and Ashley are hooking me up with a cigarette.

     11:47pm  Ashley hooked me up with a joint! That's awesome! The universe provides.

     12:14am  Not only is Richard giving me a ride, he gave me a cigarette too!

                     Oh, I didn't tell you, when I first got to West I saw Zai working there. I saw these two girls in a green Mustang and one of them was smoking a cigarette. I hit them up for a cigarette and they hooked me up. I told them, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it." Then I asked them if they had any weed. This girl said, "Yeah, I could hook you up with a little." This girl went to her car got me a fat joint!

                     Hahaha, screw the whole Kassie shit!

                     Sweet, the universe provides. I am doing something right. I'm going to prove her wrong.

                     She thinks my mission is bullshit.

                     I gave Kassie's lighter back. I gave her the needle and thread too. I should've kept the lighter. She's got my Player/Hater one.

                     Oh yeah, I went under the seven thousand building and saw people smoking. I forgot that Earthlink project got out late. These kids were there that were there last time when I got ran out by the security guard. I told them about the song I had sang to him. They recognized me as soon as I walked up.

                     This dude Kevin hooked me up with a ride to Babcock North.

     1:00am  Yuck, I'm at Carlos' and Bob's swinging his dick around in his boxers and wants us to watch. Carlos seems to like it.

     1:02am  I have to recap what just happened. Bob was swinging his dick around in his boxers and I told him, "Andrea told me that you didn't have that big a dick, Bob." I asked him, "Do you know if she's still in town?" Haha, he picked up the phone and called her. She answered and he told her, "Oh yeah, Victor just said that you said that my dick wasn't that big." He like called her to verify. What did she tell you, Bob? Oh shit, he left a message! Haha!

                   Haha, that message is logged. She better erase that answering machine tape. Anyway, he left a message saying, umm, I just told you.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm walking home through the woods. I went through the ditch over by Bob's house which connects to OP Schnabel park under Prue Road. I'm going to walk up the cliffs and go hang out at my hideout. Damn, I wish I had a cigarette. I'll walk up to the Exxon and get a cigarette from the ashtray or ask somebody for one. Yeah.

                   Oh yeah, I don't know if I ever told you. At West, the security guard came up to me and he was all friendly with me. I thought maybe I had talked to him before. He wasn't running me off. He came up to me and I asked him if I could tell him my story. He says, "I've heard about it." I thought, "Whoa, that's cool. He's heard about it." He wouldn't tell me at first but then he says, "Yeah, you talked to my daughters at Sundance last week." Oh wow! Now you see how I was meant to go to Kassie's that night? So I could talk to those kids in the playground. (3-16-04, 9:42pm)

                   He didn't give me any problems or anything. He told me, "Yeah, I talked to the security guards about you." He said one said, "I know who that is. That's Antonio from San Antonio." They know my name!

                   Ha, they call me Antonio from San Antonio.

                   Oh yeah, earlier Kassie said that she felt like I was sucking her in. I was never trying to suck her in. She was just scared she was falling for me.

     1:40am  I cut through all this brush and I'm on a trail now. I'm going to go up to my platform and smoke some weed.

     2:05am  Oh my gosh, I am so scared. I really hope I left my pipe at Bob's house. I'm going to walk all the way over back to Bob's. I don't have my peace pipe on me. I don't know what happened to it. I thought maybe it might have fallen out of my pocket, but I would have noticed that. I'm getting scared. I'm going to walk all the way to Bob's and see if I can crash there. I don't know where I lost it.

                    It sucks, when I got to my platform, not only did I not have any matches or a light, I didn't have my pipe either. This sucks. I'm going to cry.

                    Man, I don't even remember taking it out at Bob's. I didn't smoke anything. This sucks.

                    Maybe I left it in that dude Kevin's car. Hmm.

                    Oh yeah, Bob fell in my love with my Willie Nelson shirt. He offered me money and everything. He was standing there showing off two big bags of weed. He even took me to go show Carlos the shirt. He just loved it.

     2:15am  I'm walking still. I'm going to back and see if my pipe is there and see if I can crash there. Maybe I'll just come back in the morning and look for my pipe.

                   I didn't tell you. I didn't find my pipe at Bob's. This sucks, man. That pisses me off.

     2:20am  I don't know if I told you, but I'm already walking back. It sucks I had to backtrack so much. It sucks that I wasted my time because I didn't find my pipe. That really blows. I'm going to walk all the way to my mom's house. I'm really tired.

     3:23am  I am just now walking up to Bandera Road in front of the Exxon.

     3:45am  I found me a snipe in the ashtray and the dude at the Exxon won't let me borrow a lighter. Dickhead. I'll wait for somebody to show up and ask them for a ride.

     3:51am  Julia just hooked me up with three cigarettes! I appreciate it, Julia.

     3:55am  I am leaving the Exxon. I'm walking home.

     4:28am  I'm at my mom's house already. I'm tired.

Next day..

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