San Antonio, TX

Tuesday March 16, 2004

     11:02am  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm going to catch the bus to the mall and go buy me some shorts. I spent all morning still working on my Bastard Franklin story. Man, my webpage is going to kick so much ass.

     11:18am  John hooked me up with a whole pack of cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Hehe, John came outside and I asked him for a cigarette. He tells me, "What's the matter? You don't got any money?" I told him, "That's right, I don't got any money." He gave me a cigarette.

                     That dumbass John. He automatically assumed I was homeless or something. Because I'm wearing boots, I'm guessing.

     11:26am  The 610 came. I'm going to Ingram Mall and buy some shorts. The girl in the back is wearing a cross. I'm going to go talk to her.

                     The girl on the back is talking on a cellphone. I don't want to interrupt her.

     12:00pm  I had a great presentation in the back of the bus. Everybody was listening to me. Awesome.

     12:02pm  Dex hooked me up with a cigarette at the Ingram Park and Ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                      Now, I'm going to walk to the mall and buy my shorts.

                      I'm at the mall now. In Gap. I asked for a tape measure and I'm a thirty two waist. I used to be a thirty six back when I was with Chasity.

                      Mission accomplished. Got my new shorts. I am wearing them out.

     12:56pm  Kennedy hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Ingram Mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:06pm  I just took a picture of my old shorts. I took the peace sign patch off of them and I'm going to put it on my new ones.

     1:28pm  I tried telling this one guy on the bus my story, but he wouldn't listen to me one bit. He's proving me right. It'll be a surprise.

     2:13pm  Beto hooked me up with a cigarette over by the Walmart on Mainland. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:15pm  I met this other Puerto Rican guy on the bus. I asked him if he'd smoke me out and he said sure. That we would ride to his house and smoke. He couldn't remember what stop was his, so we rode all the way to the Walmart. I suggested he use the courtesy phone inside for free. He had to call his probation officer. Umm, I'm just going to ride to my mom's house on the 610.

     2:30pm  Just got off at the Citgo by my mom's. I'm walking home. I'm hungry.

     3:12pm  I got to my mom's house and ate two bowls of cereal. Now, I'm going to walk back to the bus stop. I hope the bus hasn't come around from Ingram already. If it has, I'll wait.

     3:22pm  I walked up to the gas station by my mom's house. These two guys recognized me. They said, "What's going on, Victor?" Tommy and Ryan. When did I talk to you guys last?

                  Man, that was rad! I was all bummed out because I was going to have to wait for the bus. These dudes I ran into were going to Ingram anyway, so they gave me a ride to the park and ride. So bam. And they pulled in right before the 610 got there. I'm going to go downtown and get me some weed. Oh yeah, I was sure to put my "Future Shock" book in my bag. Later on I'll stop by Kassie's and if she's there and I'll drop it off.

     3:37pm  I jumped on the 82 bus. I'm going to go downtown and get some weed. I'll get me a two dollar joint from those lame kids in the park.

     4:32pm  I got off the bus at St. Mary's on the other side of the Greyhound station. I saw Fuzzy there. He saw me and said, "Hey, BUM!" I called him a bum at the same time. I'm going to walk to the park and get my bowl filled.

     4:56pm  I came to Travis Park and saw this old bible-thumper lady handing out flyers. She wouldn't listen to me, just like I knew she wouldn't. Oh yeah, this dude Rob came up to me. He told me, "Are you really writing a book?" I told him, "I am living one." He's going to smoke a brother out. Cool, cool. We're going to go smoke under the smoking bridge.

     5:22pm  Fuzzy was nice enough to give me the rest of his beer. Thanks.

     5:34pm  I saw these two kids walking and I went up to them and asked, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" They told me, "No, not really." I told them, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

     5:51pm  Dude, I just blew this one guy's mind. His friends were all thinking I'm crazy and calling the dude. I got to the point where I say, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." This dude agreed with everything I said. He was all amazed. Anyway, they called him back over. I walked by them and said, "Haha, all you guys think I'm crazy. Just like I want you to. I have you all tied around my little finger." I just kept walking.

                   I'm going to go to Kassie's house.

     5:53pm  I just hit this girl up for a story. I told her my mission-objectives and asked her if she was willing to listen. She said, "Umm, I don't think so." I asked her for an email address and she said, "I do, but I don't give it out." I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

     5:43pm  Geoffrey is hooking me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:20pm  Jose hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I told him my story the other day.

     6:24pm  I asked this girl if I could use her cellphone. She goes, "There's a payphone right there." I know where the payphone is, bitch.

                   Dude, I just got me a destination. I gotta go to this free show I was told about. At Hermes Music on San Pedro/410. I'm going to go there and see this band. And from there I'm going to call Kassie. I'll tell her, "Hey, it's a free show. Come watch it." If she doesn't want to come I'll tell her I have some weed and see if she wants to smoke.

                    S34-ZTT. This cute girl just drove by and winked at me. That's her license plate number.

     6:37pm  The #4 pulled up and I realized I didn't have my transfer ready. My decoy transfer. So I got on the bus and asked for a courtesy ride. He wouldn't let me on. Damnit.

                    Oh yeah, I left my Player Hater lighter at Kassie's. I like Kassie. I need a lighter still.

                    I never mentioned that the first day I went over to Kassie's. I thought her apartment number was 1405. So I went and stood in front of 1405. Then I flipped through my composition book to look where I wrote down her apartment number. Then, all of a sudden the door opens and there stands Kassie. I freaked and asked her, "How did you know I was here!?" She told me, "I felt you." That's crazy. I didn't make any noise or nothing. There's no window."

                    Man, I should just come out and tell Kassie, "I want you to know that I am only human and you're so pretty. I'm just wondering if we could get to know each other better. I know I am on a mission and I'll have to go. But hey, you could be the thing I come back for."

     6:50pm  This dude just walked by and I held out my pipe and said, "Hey man, wanna hit my peace pipe?" He said sure. He was this older dude. I tried to tell him what I was doing, but he wouldn't listen. I asked him if he had an email address and he told me he was homeless.

     7:07pm  Mr. Ramos didn't hook me up with a courtesy ride. That sucks.

                   That sucks. That #4 driver didn't hook me up.

                   Nobody wants to hear the truth . . . but I'm going to say it anyway.

                   I'll scream it at the top of my lungs.

     7:18pm  I'm going to go over to Medical Center. I'm walking over to where the 91 and 92 stop.

     7:45pm  I was wondering if the bus was still coming and if the driver was going to hook me up. To my surprise Renee was driving the bus! My good friend Renee who always hooks me up. I got a ride. The universe provides.

                   Oh yeah, Renee was telling me that she doesn't pay for movies either. She got the Jesus movie off her friend who downloaded it. That's so awesome. I am so glad to hear when other people are doing that. Everybody needs to stop so we can get rid of money. Everybody needs to stop paying. You can get away with it.

                   Oh yeah, about that Jesus movie. I haven't even seen it yet and I know it's blasphemous. It's sacrilegious. They're making all this money. Just like Satan wants them to. The brainwashing continues.

     7:52pm  I was talking to Renee and she was telling me that she just recently failed a drug test. She said it was because she took some Tylenol and had a miscarriage. She got bad cramps. I never knew that Tylenol made you come up positive on drug test. Did they specify what kind of test it was? It was for weed and cocaine and all that. It came up codeine. So it's not marijuana. She was real mad. She thought she was going to lose her job. Do you know what the moral of this story is? Say no to drugs.

                   Man, I love Renee. She's the coolest bus driver in the world.

     7:55pm  Kevin hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:07pm  Renee gave me a cigarette. Thank you, Renee.

                   If you take offense to common sense . . that's everybody's problem.

                   Oh yeah, earlier that guy Rob smoked me out in front of this badass palm tree. I took a picture of it.

     8:33pm  Ana me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Ana.

                   That was awesome. I walked all the way to Gardendale. This Mexican restaurant here on Gardendale and Wurzbach hooked me up. I had passed a taco stand before I got here and had considered hitting them up, but there was a big line. Forget it.

                   Oh yeah, I scored three tacos! It was cool. I told that girl as much of my story in Spanish I could. Then when the tacos were ready they gave me two. In Spanish I told her, "I am going to go meet this girl and give her a taco." Then the lady hooked me up with an additional taco! Sabrina, Kassie's friend can get one too! How perfect. I hope they're home, or I'll eat all three.

     8:57pm  I am here at Kassie's and I'm going to see if someone is home.

                   Damnit, nobody is home. That sucks! Umm, I'm going to eat all three then. I'm going to sit out here. Maybe they'll come home.

                   I just had the greatest idea. I am really bored sitting here. I think I am going to go door-to-door and ask people if I can tell them a story. If people open the door and look like someone I don't want to talk to, I'll just tell them, "Oh, I got the wrong apartment, sorry."

                   I even got weed to smoke people out with. Awesome.

                   I even got a taco to give away.

     9:15pm  This girl just walked by and I asked her, "Hey, are you hungry? I've got a taco. I just got hooked up with three. I only need two. I didn't pay for them. They're not mine to keep." She looked at me weird, hehe.

     9:42pm  Gabbie hooked me up with a cigarette. I walked over to the playground here at Sundance Apartments. I saw these kids hanging out and I walked over and blew their minds. The kids here even hooked me up with two dollars! I told them, "With these two dollars I can go buy a pack of cigarettes, because last time I hung out with Kassie and Sabrina I bummed off of them all night. Badass. Vanessa was the one who hooked me up with the two dollars. To the victor go the spoils.

     9:47pm  Man, I think I was a really good influence on these kids. Billy just said, "Victor has changed some of my perspectives on things." All the other kids there chimed in with, "Me too." They all said, "Me too," at the same time. One guy said, "This was better than school." Haha, my story is better than school. Hear that?

     10:02pm  Man, that was a spectacular presentation I just had with all those kids at the playground. They were all about it. Ok guys, I'm going to go see if my friend Kassie is home. If not, I'll come back and tell you guys some other stories.

                     Man, the kids here at Sundance are hooking me up with all this stuff. They gave me a cool rainbow Rasta bracelet. Also this cool blue water bracelet.

     12:48pm  I came over to Kassie and Sabrina's apartment. We are playing Mad-libs. Kassie just finished one. It's titled, "Secret letter from an admirer." "Dear Ms. Sabrina Marie Tortilla, you may not recall my fish, but I met you at the rank cocktail party given by our rancid friend, the Vic-Man. We had a birth talk about nasty sheep. I was impressed by your lubricated conversation and your grasp of the lovely situation. Also, I was very much attracted by your fugly eyes, your musically-inclined little chin and your smelly teeth. If you will pardon me for seeming goatlike, I was fascinated by your rotten walk and by your snarfly figure. I hope I made a pretty ugly impression.

                    Umm, the tape messed up.

Next day..

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