San Antonio, TX

Thursday March 25, 2004

     6:00pm  I've had a very long, lazy day. I didn't do shit today. Well, actually I did a lot on the computer. Coded a lot of text files and worked on my links. I shouldn't even worry about links because I don't know what the directories will be on when I put the webpage up.

     6:21pm  I walked up to the Citgo on the corner. I'm going to see if I can get a courtesy ride. I didn't do shit today. I am going to try and get downtown and get smoked out. It sucks that I lost my pipe. I had a full bowl in there. I'd be smoking that thing right now. I think I left it in Kevin's car.

                   The driver didn't give me a ride. The letter of the day is N for Nancy and I only have an hour late transfer. Damn, that sucks.

                   The 610 going to Ingram didn't hook me either.

     6:47pm  Alonso gave me a cigarette over here in front of the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:45pm  The driver's hooking me up with a ride this time. I appreciate it, brother.

                   The driver told me, "I'm going that way anyway." That's right. Waste not, want not.

                   Thank you, Love. You answered my prayers.

     7:18pm  Reylene hooked me up with a slice of pizza. I appreciate it, Reylene.

     7:22pm  I'm at the hospital already. Some girl hooked me up with a slice of pizza on the bus!

     7:30pm  Marisa hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital.

     8:22pm  I had some good presentations on the bus. I got like three email addresses. Cool.

                   I'm headed for Travis Park. Somebody's going to smoke me out.

     9:27pm  The #3 driver hooked me up. The universe provides.

     9:40pm  Robert hooked me up with a pack of rollies. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:52pm  Jake is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                   This guy is telling me about some universal city. It's called Auroville.

                  "They're trying to get rid of money. It's a place where you can just contribute anything you want to and the whole community itself will provide for the needs of everyone. They do have problems, of course."

     10:22pm  Julian, who's seen me before and knows about my story. He hooked me up with a cigarette.

     10:24pm  I jumped on the 91 to go to West Telemarketing and get my pipe back.

                     Please Love, let me get my pipe back tonight. I pray to you.

     11:15pm  Jeff hooked me up with a cigarette under the seven thousand building. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:24pm  He gave me another cigarette. Badass.

     12:05am  Josh hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:21am  I walked over to the smoking cabana. I was going to try and get a ride off somebody. This brother waved me over. Hehe, everybody knows me. He invites me over and I'm telling them my story. And Kathy's going to smoke me out! Thank you, Kathy. I appreciate it.

     12:36am  Man, my night got so much better. I got smoked out! Now I'm going to see if I can get a ride home from one of these people. Oh shit, it's late. I don't know if I'm going to get a ride home. Maybe I'll walk all the way.

     12:42am  Adrian's going to hook me up with a ride. It was funny, I tried and bum a cigarette off the custodian and the security guard saw me. He comes up and says, "Sir, you have to leave the property." I told him, "This guy already told me he was going to give me a ride. I'm waiting for him." He said, "No, you have to leave the property." I said, "After I get my ride I'll be gone. I promise." Then Adrian showed up. Perfect timing.

                      I had some great presentations tonight. I just got dropped off at Carlos'. That was awesome how I stood my ground to that rent-a-cop. That just fell in my lap. Then right after I told him off Adrian pulled up. Perfect.

     1:27am  I was kind of hungry, dreading the walk home on an empty stomach. Tim just offered me the last slice of pizza out of the blue. I'm watching Stargate. This movie is cool.

     2:35am  I'm walking home. The nature hike home. Oh man, I'm having a good time. My mission is evolving. I'm going to ask my mom if she can print me up some more business cards at her school. Then, I'll be ready to go fly a sign asking for money for supplies. I'll be able to give them my email.

     2:32am  I am already at Bandera at the Exxon. No good cigarettes in the ashtrays.

     2:40am  Mike, I asked him for a cigarette and he gave me a whole pack! He just bought a carton. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Yeah! To the victor go the spoils.

     2:48am  Same thing that happened last night happened. I got a cigarette but I don't have a light! The greedy ass at Exxon wouldn't let me use it last night. At the Citgo I went in and asked for a light and he didn't have one either. So let's see how long it takes me to get a light. I'm not walking home until I smoke this cigarette.

     3:08am  Nobody ever came with a lighter. I'm going to walk home and use some matches.

                    The only pavement I hold any respect for is a natural lava flow.

Next day..

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