San Antonio, TX

Thursday March 4, 2004

     6:45am  I am leaving my mom's house. I woke up, ate breakfast. Read my Future Shock book while I took a shit.

                   Oh shit, it was recording this whole time. I woke up around 6:45am. I did my stretches and now I'm walking to the park. It's raining.

     7:15am  I just got to OP Schnabel Park. Took me about thirty minutes. I just walked in the entrance.

     7:16am  Ah, I'm not going to go straight to the Walmart. I'm going to walk around on the trails. I hit the immediate left hand trail when you get in the park. I'm over close to the baseball fields.

     7:26am  Whoa, I'm walking on a trail that I've never been on. Alongside Bandera.

     7:37am  I'm glad I found this virgin trail. This will kill time perfectly until nine, until the pharmacy opens.

                   Now I gotta walk all the way to the Walmart. Let's see how long it takes me.

     7:39am  I got to some neighborhood sidewalk on the North side of the park.

     7:41am  I walked down the straight road along the neighborhood on the other side of the park.

                   I think I'm going to stop and roll up my poncho and put it in my bag. It's not raining that hard. Barely drizzling.

     7:48am  I'm over here by the antenna.

     7:52am  It started raining harder, so I put on my poncho again. Man, these trails are beautiful today. It's awesome walking around in the woods in the rain.

     7:55am  It's raining hard now!

     8:09am  I stopped at the BAM rocks at the creek. Subject to water.

     8:13am  The rain's calmed down. I'm on my way, walking alongside the creek, to the Walmart.

     8:25am  Badass, I saw a rolled up Armadillo roll by. 

                    I'm over by the natural wall and the Legalize Herb cement thing and Snarlwood.

     8:45am  I'm at the Walmart already. I'm going to play videogames for fifteen minutes.

     9:05am  I came to the Walmart. I came like fifteen minutes early so I played some videogames. At nine when the pharmacy opened I got my prescription. It's going to take fifteen minutes more to go through. I'm going to play some more video games. At 9:20 I'll come back.

     9:34am  Julie hooked me up with a cigarette right here at the Walmart.

                   Letter of the day is N as in Nancy.

     9:40am  I took a picture of the sign on the bus that says, "Get back to nature." It has a big dinosaur crushing a city.

                   I got twenty four pills and I just took one. This should last me eight days. Three pills a day.

     9:53am  Here's the 610 going to Medical Center. That's my bus. I have a transfer already.

                    I had asked this guy if he had a transfer and he said, "Yeah, but I need it." I told him, "I just want to look at it." The letter of the day is N.

                    Oh yeah, my mom gave me a key last night. I have a key now.

                    I don't live there. I just sleep there. I live in the whole city.

                    I love San Antonio.

     10:00am  I just had a great presentation with this girl Rachel on the bus. She got off in front of Marshall High School. She was all smiles. She just gave me a peace sign right now. She listened to everything I said.

                     I start it, I end it,
                     I kill and words will defend it.
                     Got big plans, blood stained hands
                     Gonna put my name on the map.

                     On my way to save the world.

                     Got a brand new set of words and the going rate is cheap
                     Unconditional devotion, unquestioning belief
                     Words carved in stone to sting with sharpened bones
                     Of the one's who thought my righteousness was something to oppose!

                     Man of many names, but his motives stay the same
                     My actions are a means to and end                 
- NOFX's Missionary

     10:15am  Haha, I got the bus driver telling me to sit down. This has happened before.

                     I just stayed standing when the bus driver told me to sit down again. I told him, "I don't want to. I prefer to stand." He gave me the bullshit rebuttal, "Oh, but it's for your safety." I told him, "I can take care of myself. Do your job."

                     Oh yeah, the driver doesn't have his nametag in place, so the guy driving the 610 right now. He knows who he is.

     10:30am  When I got off I told him, "Ha, if excuses were money you would be rich. Concerned for my safety, my ass. You just wanted me to sit down."

                     I got on the 91. I'm going to go to SAC and type my stuff up.

     11:02am  I got off the 91 at Cypress. I'm going to walk to SAC.

                     I'm going to stop at VIA and take a piss. I'm going to take a picture of the VIA Metropolitan Transit building.

     11:30am  I changed my mind about typing my stuff up at SAC. I was so pissed. I spent all day here yesterday. Like I stayed late typing up this big long email. It never sent to my email. I have to type it all over again. I was like halfway through the tape already. I have to rewind and type it up again. I was to the part when I met that girl Jennifer and got smoked out. She told me about ADD and stuff(1-23-04, 5:37pm). I typed all of that up, the whole conversation and it never actually sent the email, dude.

                     I want to get to Travis Park by noon so I can eat lunch there, even though I ate a sandwich earlier. I just want to make an appearance.

     11:46am  The 92 didn't give me a ride, damnit. I was just testing you, brother. You failed. To like Travis Park, a couple blocks away. He wanted me to pay full fare. Screw that. These boots are made for walking. That's just what they'll do.

                     I walked like a block away and I'm going to hit up this driver.

     11:50am  Mr. Ramirez is hooking me up with a ride on the #4. I appreciate it, brother. That 92 was a greedy ass.

                     See, San Antonio is where all the love is at.

     11:57am  I just walked up to Travis Park and somebody yelled, "Hey, there's free food over there!" Badass, that's what I was coming to the park for.

     12:00pm  Mobileloavesandfishes.org is hooking people up in the park. We appreciate it.

     12:57pm  First, I saw this guy walking, like I smoked a bowl with this other dude. Oh yeah, I got me two joints for five dollars. What a rip-off. I should've gotten three. Oh yeah, I bought some weed with my mom's money. I'm not going to tell her. She can learn about it when she reads my stuff.

                     Haha, she'll never know.

                     Anyway, I saw some guy walking down the sidewalk. He had a cool yellow Nesquik shirt on. I asked him, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." I gave him my intro and asked him if he was willing to listen and he said, "Oh no, I'm in a hurry." He took off. While he was walking off I went, "Hey, have you always been that ignorant?" I am sure he heard me.
                     Anyway, right now I saw this black guy and a girl walking by. They walked by and I went, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." The guy said, "Nah, I don't want to talk to you." I told him, "I'm not asking you to. I just want you to listen. Alright, ignorance is bliss, I guess." He came back and asked me, "Whatchu say?" I told him, "I said ignorance is bliss." He went, "Oh," and the turned around and walked off.

                     If I would've told that guy, "Have you always been that ignorant?" he would've come up and hit me, I'm sure.

     12:50pm  I was waiting for the black guy I got those two joints from. He was listening to headphones. When he took them off I asked him, "Hey man, can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." He went, "I'm doing something right now." I told him, "I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." He said, "Oh, I don't approve of that." Umm, that's who I got the joints from. I asked him if he'd always been that ignorant and walked off.

     1:10pm  I just had a great presentation. I put on a good show! This one guy who eventually got a call on his cellphone and he had to go. His mobile leash. Anyway, since I decided to use my mom's money to buy some weed, I'm going to go to the Brady Greene and set up an appointment to get my tooth pulled. I'll tell them, "Hey, I'm already on the antibiotics."

     1:15pm  I just had a great presentation with the guy cleaning up the trash. At the end he was telling me peace, peace and when I told him to tell his friends he said, "I will!"

                   I went up to all the Travis Park Kids. I told them, "Listen, I'm all stoned and want to tell my story. I put on a great show. Who wants to hear it?" Ahh, I've already told my story to them.

     1:26pm  Victoria is hooking me up with a sandwich! Awesome. I'm over here telling my story. Planting my seed. I'm just doin' it for the cause.

     1:35pm  Deanna gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Deanna.

     1:55pm  These two punk kids walked in front of the Jefferson Bank building. They were going to fly a sign and spange up some cash. I hit them up for my story. The guy said he didn't have time. That they were trying to get bus fare home or something. I gave him my intro and he said, "That's not going to work. People won't work for free." I told him, "Look what you're doing right now. You're going off to fly a sign. You're counting on generosity yourself. How can you say my plan isn't going to work?" I got frustrated and told them I was going to find somebody who would listen to me. He was like, "Well, how are you going to do it?" I looked at him and said, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." I just walked off. I told them peace.

                    The girl told me to be careful. She would've listened if the dude wasn't there. I'm sure.

     2:21pm  Rob hooked me up with bus fare. Thanks, Rob.

     2:24pm  What bus is this? The #9? Rob and I jumped on the #9 bus. We're going to do some shit. I'm just following him.

     2:30pm  We're over at Incarnate Word. I came here for a reason. I have to talk to somebody. No, I have to go to work. But I would otherwise.

     2:41pm  I took a picture of the college. I saw this guy and this lady walking by. I asked them, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." The lady tells me, "I'm sorry. I have to go to work. I would, though." She all touched me on the arm. Aww, that was sweet.

                   Oh yeah, this guy Rob, I had forgotten who he was until he reminded me right now. I met with him with Josh(1-12-04, 12:09am). He said he's got some weed and he's going to smoke me out. We came to the college to pick up his check. He works here.

                   This girl wouldn't listen to me. She's in a hurry.

                   Everybody is in a hurry at this college.

     3:04pm  It started raining real hard. Just out of nowhere. Bam, showers everywhere.

     3:32pm  We came to the Central Market HEB. Rob came back on his bike, it was all raining and shit. He was all proud that he hopped some curb, did a cool trick and landed it. He's got this badass Redline bike. We walked around. And oh yeah, he ended up getting rid of all his weed. He said he had like an ounce in his bag. At first I was like, "Cool, I'm going to smoke." So that sucks. He said he was going to get a QP. We went to the HEB Central Market so he could cash his check. It's all Babylon here.

                   Cool, Rob's buying us some party favors at the HEB.

                   Rob's number is 436-5367.

     4:37pm  Me and Rob came to the 007 Bar downtown. It's a cool place.

     6:49pm Man, I got an update. Rob took me to this bar. We were all playing pool. I'm all drunk. He was buying me beers. Oh yeah, I can't tell people my story at the bar because the music is too loud. But, he asked some guy, some dude who works at a funeral home or something, he was playing pool with him. Rob said that if he beat him, he'd have to listen to my story.

     7:20pm  I took another antibiotic.

                   Rob: "This is Rob. I'm taking control tonight. Right now Victor and I are in the midst of a Pub Crawl. We are on our way to Main Street to the Subway where my lead singer works. We'll try and get some free food. After that, we'll probably go to to the base."

     8:04pm  I ran into Elvira21@hotmail.com

     8:50pm  We're just walking around downtown on The Riverwalk. Rob asked this cab driver if he could give us a ride to Subway. Let's see if he does.

     9:00pm  We rode a cab to McCullough and Myrtle. There's a big sign that says, "Thinkers. We sell ideas." I need to go talk to these people. 1619 McCullough. I wonder what the hell those people are about.

     9:07pm  We're over here by the Subway on Main Street.

     10:45pm  Flaco hooked me up with a little bud of mushroom. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:50pm  I just took a picture of Flaco on Rob's bike. I told him my story too. He agreed with me.

     12:08am  Rob took me to Jerry's, a band member. Jerry was wearing a Bob Marley Revolution shirt. So I just had to tell him my story. He smoked me out. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:32am  I'm at this bar. I don't know what the address is. Anyway, I kind of feel a bit uncomfortable. I'm just walking by and watching people play pool and stuff. I was talking to this dude that's in Rob's band. He's leaving right now, so I went to his car because I had left my stick in there. I'm going to walk back in the bar. I'm going to look all crazy in front of all these alcoholics with my walking stick.

     2:10am  The bar is closing up. This bar is at the intersection of Barrera and South Alamo. I don't know what the name of the bar is, I forgot.

     3:14am  Rolando, the cab driver is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it. He listened to my story.

     3:35am  Dude, I blew that cab driver's mind. He couldn't believe it. He even gave me a cigarette and when he saw my tape recorder he was all, "Oh my God, you are doing this for real." He was all laughing and stuff saying, "That's crazy! That's crazy!" He reacted so vividly to all the key points of my presentation.

                   That was awesome. That was an excellent recharge for the night. I love giving people hope. His reaction just lets me know I am doing something right.

     4:13am  Oh, I didn't mention. We came over to Rob's house. Rob just offered me some fries. He brought me a badass burger! Thank you Robert's mom. Gracias, señora.

                   Mmm, this burger is damn good.

     4:23am  Be sure to check out the 700 Acres place. I had heard about when I was younger, back when I used to mountain bike. I need to go hiking out there.

Next day..

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