San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 23, 2005

                     It's about time I made an entry this morning. I don't know what time it is. I'll find out later on. I smoked Bill out this morning and I told him my story. He had never heard my odyssey. He actually listened to it. I amazed him. I came over to the Diamond Shamrock and bought me a thing of Grandma's Vanilla Crème cookies. I'm walking to Travis Park to eat it, so I can bum a cigarette off someone afterwards. Hehe, I thought I had quit smoking.

                     I came to Travis Park and I smoked Mike out. I gave him a hit. What's the point of having it if you don't share, right? He hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     I've been up for about an hour. Hold on, let me see what time it is on the Jefferson Bank thingy. I have to wait for it to flash. 7:39am 66 degrees.

                     I just had me an awesome presentation with these four bible thumpers. They listened to me for a long time. I couldn't believe it. I put on a show. I gave 'em a taste of their own medicine, hehe. They're all walking around in suits and shit trying to preach. They're going to tell all of their friends.

                     I'm talking to Carlos at Travis Park. Also Sean, who said he hitchhiked all the way from Alaska. I'm telling them my story. What was your email? ak907574@yahoo.com

                     Chris gave me a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:30am  6235 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. He told me, "Just this one time." Hehe, yeah right.

                     Okay, I got dropped off over by the Sunken Gardens. I'm going to go find somewhere to take a nap.

                     I don't know what time it is, but I just woke up at my little campsite at the Sunken Gardens. Umm, I don't think the Marley Fest is today. It's probably after noon right now and the parking lot isn't filled up or anything. This really sucks. That's what I crashed over here. For the Marley Fest.

     2:30pm  Wow, I slept a lot at the Sunken Gardens. I took a good nap. I walked over by Mulberry and St. Mary's. Over by that Habib Mart I got run off of that one night(4-12-05, paragraph that starts with: "I came to the Habib store on St. Mary's."). Right next to Joseph's Bakery. I see some kids standing there and I give them the peace sign. They waved back and I asked them for a cigarette. One dude called me over and I told them all my story. I told them I had walked back from Austin and he said, "Man, we saw you!" Right now I'm telling Ricardo my story. He's an illegal alien from Mexico, hehe. What was your email? vacant6@hotmail.com

                   They were all about my story.

                   Before I walked to Sunken Gardens I went to eat at Ms. Winnie's. I got a full stomach and took a good nap. I slept on top of my rain poncho.

                   I got smoked out with some good stuff by those kids who waved back at me. They said they saw me walking back from Austin.

     3:27pm  I jumped back on the #8. Going back downtown. Not the #8. The #20. Over by Sam's Burger Joint.

                   Right when I got off the bus downtown I got recognized. One guy told me, "Hey, you were in Austin a couple days ago, right?" Awesome.

     3:41pm  Good 'ol Ms. Smith is driving the 92.

     4:27pm  I'm at University Hospital. I love Ms. Smith.

                   I don't know what time it is, but Larry at the hospital gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Larry. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I had a big half hour wait for the 610, he just pulled up. I had scanned the crowd and I spotted this one girl I had smiled at earlier. I walked up to her and asked her, "Hey, have I ever told you my story?" She told me, "Yeah, you have." I told her, "Well shit, we have fifteen minutes to wait for the bus. Can I tell you another story? A different one?" I told her my head injuries story, and right when I finished her bus came. Perfect.

                   I hit up some guy for my story right now and he wouldn't listen to me. Thanks for proving me right. He can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

                   I just got off the bus at the Citgo by my mom's house.

     5:48pm  I am at my mom's house. I'm going to take a shower.

     6:41pm  I never mentioned my older sister Diana is here. She's going to leave pretty soon. She's going to give me a ride to the Walmart. I'm going to catch the bus downtown from there. I'm going back downtown. Fiesta Weekend. I just came home to take a shower.

     7:13pm  I'm at the Walmart. My sister brought me to the Walmart.

     7:33pm  The 88 came. I'm on the bus going downtown.

                   I'm downtown at the parade talking to Crystal. She just spotted me out of the crowd. What's up Crystal?

                   Crystal: "How are you doing today, sir?"

                   I'm the happiest man in the world.

                   Crystal: "I just wanted to compliment you and let you know that your outfit is Da Bomb."

                   It was cool, this black girl just picked me out of the crowd. She was like with a band or something. She nodded her head when I told her I was going to get marijuana legalized. She'll be telling all her friends.

                   I'm not too sure what time it is, but I am having a blast today. I jumped in the parade and everything. People were holding out their hands and I was slapping them. I even slapped a couple cops' hands! I got recognized so much! I saw my mom, I saw Gus again. I am having such a blast. Everybody knows me. I was just cutting through the big crowds jumping in and out of the parade giving everybody the peace sign. I am really glad I went home and put on my bright tie-dye shirt. Everybody was recognizing me tonight. People were yelling, "Hey, what's going on?! I know you!" I am sooo excited. I'm going to get killed, hehe.

                   I followed the parade route until it comes over here by Frio. I put my thermal pants on at the Greyhound station. It got hot walking around, so I told this cop standing there, "Hey, just incase I'll look suspicious, I'm going to walk around that corner and take off my thermals." He told me he didn't care, so I came over here by this building. I'm going to take a hit of weed, too. Ha, fuck the police.

                   I was walking down St. Mary's and I ran into Nanos(2-19-04, 4:48pm and 2-23-04, 4:41pm and 3-26-04, 8:36pm and 4-3-04, 4:15am). Looks like he's out of jail.

                   There are all these people at the bus stop at Travis Park, but I don't see any buses coming.

     12:30am  I wound up at Travis Park and there were a lot of people waiting for the last lineup bus. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride somewhere. I don't want to crash on that front porch again. Umm, I'm going to go home and have a typing day tomorrow. I'm going to rest. It's Sunday.

                   Tonight I was just wading through the crowds. I was just walking around getting seen the whole time. Making my rounds. Everybody was doing a double take when they saw me and giving me weird looks. Looking me up and down. Staring at my stick. It was just awesome. I am getting so famous.

                   I might just die trying, hehe.

                   It's around one and I'm at the Walmart right now. I hope my mom's awake. Maybe she'll come pick me up. I'm going to go inside and use the restroom and put my thermals on.

                   I'm leaving the Walmart. With the dollar I had I bought me a box of Mrs. Freshley's Honey Buns. I went to the smoking cabana at Walmart, hoping to find a snipe in the ashtray. I sure did. I'm walking home now.

     2:40am  I got home about five minutes ago.

Next day..

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