San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April, 12, 2005

     10:34am  I woke up about half an hour ago. I watered my garden and I planted a couple weed seeds I had in my wallet. I'm going to clean up the kitchen before I leave. I have to go to the post office today and mail a letter to myself. My mom gave me a buck fifty for busfare.

     11:05am  I am leaving for the day. I have to go to the post office. I am going to go to the one on Medical. I'm going to catch the 610.

                     I'm at the Citgo already. I'm going to wait for the Ingram-bound bus and hop on for a "schedule" and check what the letter of the day is.

                     The letter of the day is C.

                     I have no C's.

                     I'm going to wait for the bus and if I don't get a courtesy ride I'm going to walk it.

                     I'm walking down Guilbeau right now. Everybody is waving back.

                     I walked all the way down Guilbeau to right before Bandera. When the bus came Mr. Perez was driving. He pulled up and I asked him, "Can I get a courtesy ride to the post office on Medical? I'll walk it if I have to." He told me, "Go ahead, sir."

                     Okay, I'm at the post office. I'm going to mail that letter to myself.

                     I had to wait a long ass time in line to buy my forty five cent envelope. It already had a stamp on it and I just mailed it.

                     I'm going to walk to the hospital now.

                     Rob hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. Thank you, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     This greedy ass bus driver told me no.

     1:24pm  R. Garcia hooked me up.

     1:38pm  I tried to tell this one guy my story on the bus. This fool told me that music was the world's greatest problem. In the end he told me, "Don't ruin my day." I told him, "Alright, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss."

                   Right after that ignorant guy wouldn't listen to my story, this guy sat down behind him and I hit him up for my story. Turns out he's already heard it. I had told him before and we even smoked some weed at The Rocks at West Telemarketing. What was your name again, bro? Chris. Alright, I'll look it up(1-6-05, 7:07pm).

                   I'm downtown. I'm going to go to the park and see who's there. Hopefully I will see David and get my scarf back.

     2:30pm  I'm talking to Amanda in the park. What's your email address? tankgirlmiller@yahoo.com

                   That was an awesome presentation. This girl Amanda was sitting there waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up. In the end she told me, "Good luck."

     2:41pm  90 degrees.

                   I'm going to walk home. I killed time great in the park. I told my story to that one girl. This real pretty girl. I recognized all these kids that had seen me in Austin. I'm walking right now. They supposedly have a spaghetti dinner somewhere near the Salvation Army.

                   I had a great presentation right now in front of the Salvation Army. All these kids that just got out of high school or middle school. I'm not sure.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm at the spaghetti truck at the Salvation Army and True Vision Baptist Church is hooking everybody up with spaghetti. We appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm walking away from the Salvation Army. I had an awesome little smoking session with David. We sat down in the grass and smoked some weed. Man, it's really trippy. David gets mistaken for me everywhere he goes. He, firsthand realizes the impact I am having on this city. We've even been talking about maybe starting a fellowship. He's going to get on my team. I told him, "David, it seems like we have some similarities," and he agreed. I have to make it clear to him. I have told him, "I will totally consider any suggestion made to me, especially from someone who is so alike to me . . . but in the end I am playing this game by my rules. I am the only one I can fully trust." It seems like David is going to help me. Tonight we're supposed to camp out in the Japanese Tea Gardens, over by the Sunken Gardens Theater where they have the Bob Marley Fest. I'm supposed to meet him later on at Travis Park. He told me to meet him there later on tonight and start yelling, "Oi!"

                   My project is evolving! Two heads are better than one. I cannot be stopped.

                   I was telling my story like crazy at the Salvation Army. I had a huge audience. I even told them my head injuries story.

                   I took a picture of David with his stick. It's got a tennis ball on it and everything.

                   That's so awesome. There's another guy in San Antonio with a stick with a tennis ball on it that people mistake for me. I am just so loud now.

     7:15pm  I just ran into Scoot. I think I met him here in San Antonio before. I don't recall his name, though. He said he comes through to sell weed like really cheap. Like he sells ounces for twenty five.

                   I'm talking to Matthew Franklin in the park. What was your email? linbinbeyond@yahoo.com

                   Another great presentation in Travis Park with this black dude. On my way to save the world.

                   I don't know what time it is but I ran into, what were your names again? Carlos and Joshua. I remember Joshua from the other day . . . damn, that side of the tape ran out.

                   David never showed up at the park. I was talking to this girl Sylvia, this very attractive fifty three year old lady. She was telling me about all the problems she was having with her boyfriend, that she was going to break up with him. I guess we were flirting. Anyway, David never showed up. I had gone to the middle of the park and asked the kids if anyone had seen Ziggy. This one guy told me, "Yeah, he's looking for you. He told me to tell you that he's walking to the Sunken Gardens." He said he left like five minutes ago, so I'm taking off walking. Maybe I'll catch up with him.

                   I'm going to walk through the St. Mary's Strip. Cool.

                   Passing The White Rabbit.

                   Crossing underneath 281.

                   Almost to the Sunken Gardens.

                   I'm at the Japanese Tea Gardens. I've been yelling oi at the top of my lungs but David's not answering. Damnit, he told me he was going to be here. They told me he had just left five minutes ago. That sucks. Screw it.

                   I have an idea. When I was walking in front of the Sunken Gardens parking lot, I saw these two cop cars in the shadows. I'm sure they would have noticed another guy walking by with a walking stick, so I'm going to go ask them if they've seen another guy walking by with a stick. Hehe, because I'm fearless. Fuck the police.

                   The pigs had already left.

                   I came to the Habib store on St. Mary's. The rainbow cord on my walking stick had come undone and I was just standing there tying it back on. This guy named Richard pulls up in his car and I give him the peace sign. He walks in to buy something and when he comes I tell him to have a nice day and drive carefully. He smiles and says, "Do you need any change?" I tell him, "Sure, if you can spare it." He tells me, "You know why I helped you? Because I was listening to Christian Radio right now." I jumped right in with my presentation but he didn't let me get too far. I appreciate it, Richard. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I was standing in front of the Habib Mart tying my stick. Some guy walks out and volunteers me some change. Told me he was just trying to be a good Christian. I tell the guy sure. He hooked me up with like eighty five cents or something.

                   Habib: "You are out here begging for money."

                   Louder, dumbass. I want to get this on tape. This dumbass is all talking shit to me. Ooooh, he's calling me names. Ooooh, he's calling me a bum. I didn't ask for shit, dumbass. That guy offered. He said, "Here, I'm a good Christian. Do you need some change?" Shit, have you always been so quick to judge?

                   Haha, that was hilarious. He was all, "I'm going to call the cops!" He was all trying to brag, "Oh, well I've called you three names! I called you three names!"

                   Hehe, I put on my show and got this dude all riled up. When he told me I couldn't stand in front of his store I told him, "Or else what, punk? Whatcha going to do, tough guy?" He started ranting about how he was going to call the cops. I told him, "I dare you to, punk. What are you waiting for?" He wouldn't shut up and started threatening me. Telling me that I better leave or he's going to hurt me. I told him, "Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder. Do something already. I'm getting bored." This guy got all livid.

                   Haha, I take the fun with me everywhere I go.

                   When I walked off I told him, "I forgive you. You don't know any better."

                   I walked out the door still talking shit to him and walked to the Diamond Shamrock across the street. I went in there and bought a honeybun.

                   Brian, at the Diamond Shamrock hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh dude, the cop finally showed up when I was walking away from the Diamond Shamrock. He ran my record and said, "Hmm, twice for criminal trespassing?" I told him, "They've both been dismissed and one was on a VIA bus and I had my bus pass and everything." I told him I could show him the dismissal form in my wallet. I dove right in with my story with the cop. In the end he told me, "Go wander the earth. Kung fu."

                   I've decided I'm going to go back downtown. It sucks I never found David. I was hoping he'd smoke me out.

                   I told that cop I was going to get marijuana legalized and everything. Marijuana is the key.

                   I'm walking back downtown. I just walked by the Greyhound station and Joseph said, "Hey man, remember me?" I met him at the Walmart by my mom's. I'll look it up. Joseph, right? How long ago? Like four or five months ago.

     10:29pm  77 degrees. I'm back in Travis Park. The park is dead. Nobody anywhere.

                   I came back to Travis Park and Victor hooked me up with a cigarette. Victor is from Spain, España.

                   I'm going to go down on The Riverwalk and tell my story to somebody.

                   It's past eleven, I think. I'm on the Riverwalk talking to . . . what were your names? Shon and Shatell. What were your emails? Shon@yahoo.com

                   Shon said, "I'm not going to doubt you."

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm reading this Father of the Riverwalk plaque. I read the whole thing, but I took a picture of it too if you want to know what it says.

Next day..

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