San Antonio, TX

Sunday April 24, 2005

     9:53am  I just woke up.

     11:28am  God-damnit, my little nine year old nephew pissed me off. I was sitting here at the computer trying to transcribe my stuff, working hard. He comes in and starts saying I'm a loser and that I have to get a real job. That I needed to get a life. I'm sure he gets it from his mother.

                     What pisses me off is that I am positive he gets this mindset and attitude from his stupid mom, my twin sister Laura. I told him, "Your stupid mom is raising you all wrong." I was just sitting there trying to save the world and he comes and tells me that bullshit. I got the urge to hit him real bad, so I stood up and told him, "Don't mess with me, I am really busy." He just kept going. See, he was on the other side of the kitchen counter, right next to an open pantry door. Just to scare him I pushed the flimsy falsa wood cabinet door that he was standing next to. I just wanted him to get the message. I didn't push the door so hard that it would hurt him real bad. Anyway, the door to the cabinet snapped off . . . showing how everything else in my mom's house is so dilapidated and in need of replacement. My mom is going to be all pissed off.

                     Ugh, he was telling me shit like how I needed to go to college and get an education. Screw that, I can learn things on my own. Too bad his stupid mother can't and is raising him all messed up. My sister is raising him to live in a world where wrong has right-of-way. Fuck that world.

     12:05pm  Oh shit, I'm getting kicked out of my mom's house. My nephew went straight to the telephone to tell on me. When my mom got home she came in and said, "That's enough, I want you out! Largate!" I told her fine and went to my room to gather my supplies.

     3:30pm  I am leaving my mom's house. Supposedly for good. Hehe, yeah right, I'll be back in a couple days at the most. I gave her the key and everything. I've got my backpack and everything. My Quadforce of Wealth. I don't want to take off traveling though. I still want to wait until June fourteenth. I backed up all my files real good and put them on this other hard drive. I still have a lot of work to do. This sucks getting kicked out of my mom's house right now. I need to find another workstation.

                     I walked to the Citgo and David, the guy at the carwash who always gives me a cigarette, gave me another one. They're cheap Star cigarettes. Ahh, it's all the same nicotine.

                     It's time to make an update. Before I left the house I put that messed up hard drive I got from the computer shop in my bag(4-21-05, after 9:50am). It doesn't work, so I'm going to return it. Since I was on the 610 and I knew it was going to pass by the computer shop, I figured I would return it now. Corporate Technologies, that place is called. That guy doesn't know enough about computers to call his shop that. Plus, if I got rid of the hard drive, my bag would weigh less. I got off the bus at Bandera and Eckhert. Then I realized aww shit, it's Sunday. Even though the open sign is on(these people remind me of my mother), it's still closed. Anyway, they have the backseat to a truck out here, so I just stuffed the hard drive in between the cushions and hopefully they'll find it. I put a towel over it. I'll be damned if I carry that hard drive in my bag all the way until Monday. It's heavy. Like two other pounds.

                     At the Citgo earlier I scraped a resin hit out of my pipe. I was about to hit it, but then the 610 came. At the bench in front of the computer shop I smoked the last of that cigarette David had given me at the carwash. I'm just sitting here all stoned at the bus stop on Eckhert. I'm all nice and resinated. I was thinking since I have bags I don't want to walk all the way to Medical Center today. I'm just going to wait for the next bus. That's what I'm going to do. I don't know what time it comes.

                     Just a little patience, yeahhhhh.

                     Hmm, I could just walk all the way to the Walmart again. I have a transfer.

                     At least I got to score a shower this morning.

                     Man, screw my little nephew. Earlier he just came out and said, "You need to get a life." That pissed me off. Even though he's a little eight or nine year old kid. It makes me so mad how his mom has blatantly brainwashed him so he thinks I'm crazy. It's his world I'm trying to save. That pisses me off. Ingrate. I just got up and I umm, I wanted to slam the flimsy door on him, I didn't even hit the door that hard and it broke off at the hinge. That door didn't even hit him. Since everything in my mom's house is so cheap, I broke the door. He called her on her cellphone and tattled on me real quick. She comes home and starts yelling at me how I am destroying her house and started point out all the things I've ever broken. She was all pissed off saying stuff like, "And you're not going to pay for that!" Ugh, her shitty possessions mean so much to her it's pathetic. I swear sometimes it seems like she loves her possessions more than her own children. My mother doesn't own a damn thing in this house. It all owns her.

                     509-7007 is the number to the computer shop. I should probably call them and tell them I left that hard drive there. On Monday.

                     Tomorrow I'm going to go donate plasma for the first time in many years. The last time I donated plasma was with Chasity back in 2002. Hmm, I'll get like thirty bucks. I could go buy a new walking stick. Ah, I have to go buy some blank CD's and go back to my mom's house and burn copies.

                     I should probably go out and wait for the bus already.

                     I got so high off that resin. There isn't a bench at the bus stop here at Bandera and Eckhert. I'm sitting in front of The 7500 Eckhert Center. At the bus stop on the ground here I tagged it hardcore with Victor the Liberator and a peace sign. At my mom's house I found me a fluorescent metallic white paint marker. It looks awesome.

                     Last night I was getting compliments like crazy. On my hat and my tie-dye.

     5:09pm  At long last, there she blows. There's the bus.

     5:22pm  University Hospital. M. Hernandez hooked me up with a transfer, cool.

                   I got off the bus over here in Balcones Heights. I'm going to go see if Lorenzo is home at Santa Fe Place Apartments.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I am leaving Santa Fe. Oh, it was weird. Guess who was all making out. Melissa and Tony. That's weird. It's not like I am jealous or anything. I have totally ruled out Melissa as a companion. I can't have anybody for right now. Later on, maybe. I don't know.

                   I went up to Melissa's and she said I could stash my backpack there. I'll get it later on tonight. I'm still shocked Melissa would make out with Tony. Not that Tony is all ugly or anything, just that I was under the impression Melissa was all anti-relationship, no matter how casual. She made it seem like she had some traumatic experiences with men in her past. I've seen different chicks over at Tony's before. He's bragged to me how he's screwed this one lady who lives there. One girl I saw there he told me she was his wife. Then I can't help think that maybe they're not in a relationship and it might be just a physical thing. Hey, I think Melissa is a hottie. It makes me wonder why we never messed around.

                   I just walked up to Melissa's door. First off I didn't see any lights on inside. I didn't want to knock. I went over to Tony's apartment, a couple units down. His radio was all blasting all loud. I banged on the door real hard and nobody answered. I thought they might be in there doing it or something and just ignoring me. I went back over to Melissa's door and I kind of heard a voice inside. I knock on the door again and Tony opens the door! Wearing shorts and his shirt off. Melissa was in there and she handed me my backpack. I swear, I am just shocked that she has something going on with Tony. I just couldn't understand it. With all of Melissa's supposed trust-issues. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. I know I can't have a girlfriend anyway. I don't know. It's just really weird. I should probably stay away from Santa Fe. Oh wait, I didn't check to see if Lorenzo was home.

                   I just walked by to see if Lorenzo was home. No lights were on inside and the shades were shut. I was walking and these two black dudes were sitting in their apartment watching TV. I overheard when I walked by one guy telling the other, "Yeah, that guy travels everywhere." I walked up to the apartment and said, "You guys are talking about me, right? Hey, have I told you guys my story?" He said, "Yeah, you've told us already."

                   I was walking in front of the Sonic here in Balcones Heights. I found a mint on the ground. I picked it up and it looked a little dirty. I threw it back on the ground and got the idea to go ask one of the Sonic girls for a new mint. I asked her and she gave me two. I didn't log her generosity though. That would've been lame for just a mint.

                   Cool, I walked back over to Bay-Lu on Gardina and there's a taco stand open right now! I'm going to score.

     11:20pm  Francisco, en Mi Tacos El Rey me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   I have to make an update. I scored at the taqueria! I put on a great presentation too. The guy understood English and he was nodding his head up and down the whole time. When I told him I wanted him to think I was crazy he told me, "No, no. You're really intelligent." I blew that guy's mind. He's going to tell all his friends.

                   Oh yeah, I went to Teo's. Teo was all pissed off at me. He read the shit I had written about him on my webpage. About how I trusted him about as far as I could throw him. When I showed up today he was all, "I want to talk to you." He told me, "Don't write shit about me anymore." I told him, "Alright, I'll take it off(bullshit)." He said, "It's alright, it's already in there and you've handed some out already, just don't write about me anymore." Afterwards, right before I was going to leave I went and knocked on his door. When he opened it I told him, "I just wanted to thank you for actually reading my stuff." We're still cool with each other.

     6:49pm  I am telling Sandra and Richard my story on the bus. What was your email, Sandra? sandragonzalez29@hotmail.com

     7:03pm  I'm telling these kids on the bus my story. What were your names? Crystal and Bianca. What was your email? squee_0212@yahoo.com

                   I had an awesome presentation with those girls. They gave me this one guy's phone number to call.

     8:05pm  I came downtown and went to the Riverwalk. I'm telling this couple my story. What was your names? Kyle and Jessica. And your email? kf57482@txstate.edu

                   That was a great presentation. I told them my story right in front of the park police and everything.

                   I got recognized by this dude named Kevin at the carnival. Oh yeah, I went to go harass Bobo the Clown. Right before I even got there, I guess Bobo saw me coming from around the corner, he says into the microphone, "There's that hippie with the stick who's always bothering me." There were like five cops standing there watching him when he said that. They all saw him point me out. I just stood there and gave Bobo the peace sign. I started chanting, "Down With Bobo! Talk is cheap!" I got recognized so hardcore. Everybody turned around and looked at me, the hippie with the stick.

                   Talk is cheap, Bobo!

                   I came to Travis Park and Josie hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Josie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sweet, I just hit Josie up for my story and as soon as I said marijuana she said, "Oh, this is what you need." She's going to hook me up with a joint! Awesome.

     10:18pm  Ricky hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Oh yeah, I ran into James and we jumped on the bus. James gets on my nerves. At least I've got a place to crash for the night. He said I could crash at that dude John's apartment, where we went the day before yesterday(4-22-05, 3:53pm). Right now I'm walking

Next day..

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