San Antonio, TX

Friday April 1, 2005

                     Wow, today turned out excellent. Let's see, last night I slept great. I woke up late today, around nine. Keith had told me to come by today to smoke weed, so at around 11:30 I took off walking over there. I got to his house and no one was home. Since it had warmed up I took some layers off. When I finished shedding, up walks Keith. He told me that he had to go help his neighbor fill out some food stamp forms. He didn't want to, though. He said he wanted to smoke. So I thought we were going to. After about ten minutes he tells me, "I smoked it all last night, but if you come back around five and I'll smoke you out." A bit bummed out, I just walked the EZ Mart to wait for a bus. Today was pretty chilly and I thought I would just walk back home and stay there all day. When the bus finally came, it was that nice Mexican dude who always hooks me up. When he pulled up I got on and asked him for a courtesy ride just to the Citgo so I could walk home. He nodded his head and let me on for free.
                     I was all bummed out about not getting smoked out. Before I got on the bus I had thought, "I'm going to wait for the bus and maybe someone I know is on the bus which will give me direction for the day. If not, I'm going home to format some text files." A couple stops afterwards, this guy Merlin gets on. I met Merlin about two days ago. He had told me he was in the Mexican Mafia and stuff. He seemed pretty sharp. Anyway, he tells me, "What's up, Victor. Where are you going?" I told him I wasn't sure yet. Then he says, "Wanna go with me?" He was going to some motorcycle shop to get a job. He told me he wanted to introduce me to someone. I told him, "Okay, give me an audience."
                     I walked up to the driver and told him, "I know I asked you for a ride only up to the Citgo, but do you mind if I go all the way to the hospital? I just met my friend on the bus." He said okay. Well, on the 610 this guy Seth I know gets on. Seth is this twenty six year old homeless kid I know. He asks me what's up and if I wanted to smoke some weed! Seth had just found a dugout with a sneak-a-toke. Merlin, Seth and I get to the hospital. I tell them both to follow me and I walk over to under that tree by the tennis courts where I've smoked out before. I don't know. Merlin sure tells some tall tales. He told me he would trade me a digital camera for my laptop. I was all psyched out. Then he told me his ex-girlfriend had it, that she had stolen all his stuff, but he would get it back. I told him I wouldn't get my hopes up then. Anyway, Seth was on his way to the dollar movies over by Loughman's Village on 410 in between Callaghan and Evers. Merlin busts out saying his friend works there and he would hook us all up with a free movie. So I thought we were going to go watch a movie. Seth said he would meet us there. Merlin still had to go to the motorcycle shop.

                     There was an unusually long wait for the 92, but it finally came. To kill time I approached some people with my story. We rode the 92 over to Fredericksburg near Callaghan. Merlin's friend didn't end up working right then at the motorcycle shop, so we took off walking towards the movies theater. We walked that street La Fonda is on to 410 and walked the access road to the movie theater. Merlin's friend who would hook us up ended up not working either. I told Merlin I was going to split and try to get hooked up at the Mediterranean place on Evers, where they've hooked me up before(5-6-04, after 3:29pm and 5-20-04, 8:55pm). As I was walking to the Mediterranean place I spot Seth sitting in front of the BP gas station, bumming change. I walk up to him and say hello. He told me some lady just volunteered him some food. Just then this lady comes out with a hotdog for Seth. Seth asked me if I still wanted to see a movie and I told him sure. He said the movie started in like forty five minutes. I was damn hungry, so I told Seth I was going to try and score some food at the Mediterranean place. I walked to the restaurant, and sure enough got hooked up with a big thing of food. I got it to-go. I walked back over to the BP and Seth was still there waiting for me and bumming change.
                     I ate heartily. I left some and offered it to Seth. He willingly accepted it, but ended up giving it back. I guess he didn't like it or something. Just then, I remembered Keith's invitation from earlier. It was like 4:20 then. I told Seth forget it about the movie, that I was going to head back towards my hood to get smoked out.
                     Well, when I walked up to the bus stop on 410, guess who I see. Merlin. Merlin weaseled a little weed out of Seth back when we smoked by the tennis courts earlier. He asked me if I had a weed-pipe and I told him no. Then he asks this other guy there and he ends up giving him a Zigzag rolling paper. Perfect. So he rolled a little pinner with a cigarette filter on the end. I got like two little hits off it.
                     Bandera was like one and a half blocks away. I saw a lot of people at the stop, so I chilled out at the stop for a bit. When the bus finally came I got on and asked the driver for a courtesy ride just to Bandera. He got all pissed off the second I opened my mouth and started shaking his head saying, "No, you gotta pay." I told him, "Geez, just to Bandera a couple blocks away?" He still said no and I yelled, "You greedy-ass!" I walked to Bandera. I didn't know what time the 88 was going to get there, but I was enjoying the rush hour publicity right where I was. Everyone was staring at me as they rolled by slowly. I was meant to be standing out there today. The bus finally came and I paid with the dollar I had. When I was on the bus I thought, "Damn, I should have just got on and asked for a courtesy ride. Then, if the driver told me no I could just say, "April fools," and pull out the dollar."
                     Anyway, I ride the 610 over by Keith's house. Keith was nowhere to be found, damnit. I don't know why, but I walked all the way over to the Citgo and bummed a cigarette. I know I said I quit, but I have cut back so much. Even today, on two occasions I took a couple hits off a cigarette and threw the rest of it away. After I smoked I started walking back towards my mom's house. I walked past the basketball courts and through the New Territories park. I usually just walk down Old Tezel to my mom's, but I was bored. I decided I would turn left on Guilbeau and go around the long way to my mom's. Well, I walked a couple blocks and I spot these teenage kids in some field. One had a backpack. I walk up to them and hit them up for my story. After I say my intro and mission-objectives, one of the kids pulls out a camcorder out of his bag and says, "Want me to get this on tape?" A huge grin comes over my face and I said, "Yes, please document me." I gave those two kids my whole odyssey story and they got it all on tape. Afterwards one said, "Yeah, my friend said you smoked with him under the bridge not too long ago." He also said he had seen me at that party I had showed up to a couple weeks ago on Teaberry Drive(3-19-05, 4:40pm). The one with the concert in the backyard. After I asked the two favors, one of the kids says, "I don't think you're crazy. I think you're brave." After that, I walked to my mom's house.
                     When I walked up I saw my burden sister's car in the driveway. When I opened the door my little nephew said hello and asked me where I got this new rock. I had traded Merlin this blue crystal rock I had for this other one. That night I had first met him. I told my nephew he could have it. My sister was ignoring me and giving me dirty looks. Her dumbass must still be holding a grudge for that day we all went hiking(3-27-05). I told her, "It's your fault. You didn't answer when we called." Her dumbass playing these stupid games with me. Holding onto grudges and never letting go. Even though it's her own fault. She reminds me so much of my mother. They're so alike in that aspect. Anyway, they were getting ready to leave. I asked my mom where they were going and she said just out. I told them goodbye and went inside. I was hungry again, so I walked in the kitchen. Then I ran back outside to the car. My mom hadn't gotten in it. I asked, "Where are you guys going again?" She repeated herself, "Just out." I asked, "Out to eat?" She said yes, so I asked if I could come. She immediately told me no and said she would bring me something. What kind of shit is that? Why couldn't I go then? Screw my sister. Right before they left my little eight year old nephew even apologized to me for his mother. I feel so sorry for that kid. He's getting raised all wrong. Okay, so I'm home and on the computer.
                     Oh yeah, I left the house with three CD's and I gave two out. I gave one to Seth and those kids who videotaped me. Therefore, I had a very productive day and I'm back home now.

Next day..

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