San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 2, 2005

                     It's 7:03 and I just woke up and took a shit. Today I have to clean the house for my mom's bullshit bible study thing tonight. She is so concerned about what other people think about her, so she is having me clean her house so people will think it's always clean. Little do they know, it hasn't been messy like it used to be ever since November fifteenth, when I returned from my last journey. Okay, I shouldn't be talking shit this early in the morning. Let me go eat breakfast and start cleaning. If I didn't have to clean I'd be walking downtown today. Let's see how long it takes me and if I feel like walking downtown when I'm finished.

                     Oh yeah, I have to go water my garden.

                     Time is 10:04 and I just finished cleaning most of my mother's house. I did the kitchen first. Picked it all up, wiped the counters and swept and mopped. Then I started on the dining room. I tidied up and moved all the furniture out of the way then I swept and mopped it. Living room next. Swept and mopped it. Then I cleaned the front bathroom, which never gets that dirty because I am the only one that uses it. My mom is still asleep and she should be real happy when she wakes up. She had told me she was only giving me fifteen dollars for my cleaning today, but I think I deserve more. At least twenty five so I can go buy another recorder. She'll probably give me some bullshit about not being able to spare the money, but my mom is a real big liar. I don't trust her one bit. She's very petty and trivial too. I busted my ass cleaning her mess. She damn better appreciate it. I did the same exact thing last week.
                     Well, it's ten and she's still not awake. Maybe she stayed up all night playing her stupid internet dominos. I hope she wakes up soon. I swear, I'm her maid. She just sees it as cheap labor. She kind of expects it now. Argh. I want to take off walking downtown, but I want to wait for her to get up so I can ask her for some busfare at least. It's Saturday. I need to be out being seen by my town. There is still much work to be done.

     12:22pm  I just got me a brand new tape recorder. I'm having a happy Saturday. I'm walking to the Citgo to catch the bus. See, this morning. Actually, I typed up what happened this morning. My mom finally woke up and she wasn't as impressed as I thought she'd be at my cleaning. It was a great job. For three hours I cleaned this morning. The house was spotless. It was all her mess too. This morning I had asked her if I could have the last of the milk and she quickly asked, "Can you go get some more?" She gave me seven dollars total and told me to go to Walgreen's, because the milk was cheaper than at the Citgo. She also gave me her ATM card and a little note saying she authorized me to get the prescription for her. I went up to the Walgreen's and bought the stuff. All this morning I was expecting payment for my services, only because she said she would pay me when she asked me to clean for her. When I came back from the Walgreen's I hint, "Hey, didn't you say you were going to buy me a watch today?" She told me, "Yes, later on we can go pick one out for you." I told her, "No, like I told you, mom. If you are willing to give me fifteen dollars for a watch, I would rather that go towards a new recorder." She told me, "But your tape recorder costs more than fifteen dollars." I told her, "That's why I said that I would rather it go towards, not buy it." I tell her, "Mom, after all this cleaning you can't spare another ten dollars? This tape recorder means the world to me." She yells, "I don't have another ten dollars!" That was bullshit. I tell her, "You're lying. I paid for your gas with your Walmart card and it had sixty five dollars on it." She goes, "Oh yeah . . . well, that's what I was going to use for your watch." She told me she didn't have any more money then she tells me she was going to pay with her card that she knew I knew the balance of? My mom is the worst liar. I got her to let me use the card.

                     She even had the nerve to tell me, "Well, since I'm giving you another ten dollars, that pays for another cleaning." God damnit, I work a lot more than fifteen dollars' worth when I clean her mess. And I always do it for free anyway. She thinks she has to buy my services. She's all greedy.

                     What a hypocrite, man. She believes in God . . . but she doesn't believe in Love.

                     I'm at the Citgo already, I've been here for a couple minutes. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to get high somewhere. I'm really happy to have my recorder back. I have my visual-aid when I'm telling my story. I got four dollars from my mom. I got my new tape recorder and I'm going to go score some weed somewhere.

                     I forgot to mention that the day that Keith picked me up at the bus stop(3-31-05, 5th paragraph), when we got to the stop light at Bandera and Mainland, all of a sudden I see these little black kids in the van next to me. They were all giving me the peace sign through the window. They recognized me! I had my Natural Balance hat on, so I put on my rainbow beanie and they all cheered. They knew who I was. These little kids.

                     I have three CD's in my bag to give away. When the bus comes I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride. If he tells me no I'll pull out my dollar and say, "Ah, April Fools."

     12:51pm  I got on the bus and asked for a courtesy ride. The driver tells me, "I've already given you three rides." I tell him, "April Fools," and I put in my dollar. He goes, "I figured." I tried to tell this one girl my story and this ignorant ass guy wearing this Vietnam veterans hat tells me, "Leave the lady alone." The girl tells me, "I'm just trying to ride the bus." I told her, "Damn the ignorance in this world."

                     Haha, they all think I'm crazy.

                     6760 hooked me up with a transfer.

                     I got off on Lake Ridge. Over by Sage Crossing. I'm going to walk around and get smoked out somewhere.

                     I have to make an update. I don't know what time it is. I don't have a watch on. I came over to Renaissance park. I mean Oaklawn Apartments. I ran into Justin and we're all smoking in Justin's apartment. Evan's sitting there using my old recorder. He's got headphones on and he's listening to his flows.

                     Gypsy Jo's going to say something into my recorder. Jo, "Alright, Victor. I hope you look back at these tapes and remember that fucking wingnut little gypsy chick who gave you that bracelet on your wrist."

                     I don't know what time it is. I was following Jo and Thor. Thor's cool. I like him a lot. Him and Jo just went to that Slipknot concert. They're all hyped up about that. Thor was kicking ass in the pit. I don't much like Slipknot myself. They seem a little violent. I'm going to walk to Crossroads Mall now. Hobby Lobby. I have to fix my walking stick. Remember, I lost the leather cord from my walking stick and the handle unravels as I walk.

                     I just got to Crossroads Mall. I'm about to go inside. It's so awesome how I'm logging again. I felt like shit when I didn't have a recorder. Well, I was typing it up at the end of the night, so it wasn't that bad. I'm back to work now. I have one of my mission-critical things back. I just need a watch now. I was thinking about taking my broken watch to a place to get it looked at.

                     I just walked by this little kiosk in front of Androni's Crafts. This Middle Eastern guy was working it. I saw they had two Nintendo's displayed with a controller and everything. I went up to him and said, "I want to play." He gave me some bullshit, "No, only if you want to buy it." I told him, "Alright, well I want to see if I want to buy it then. I need to test it, you know." I asked him, "What do you have the controller out for . . . if people can't play it? I want to play it." In the end he was all, "Which game do you want?" I told him to put it back on Mario. I played the first level and got off it. I went up to him and I told him, "I don't want to buy it. April Fools," and I walked off. I'm going to go to Hobby Lobby and see about my stick.

                     It's about time I made an update. I went in the Hobby Lobby and looked for the leather strip. I was able to tell the cute girl that helped me my whole story. Odyssey and all. And I found me a rainbow cord instead! It's not leather, it's cloth. I hope it stays on there. It's cool that I found out the trick to hold the string on it. It evolved by itself.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I went in the Hobby Lobby. I asked the lady who cut the rainbow cord for me, "I've got three bucks. Do you think that will be enough?" She told me it would be more than enough. It ended up like being like sixty seven cents . . . but I just walked out of there without paying on accident. I'm all stoned. That's cool. I still have three bucks for weed then.

                     I just walked by this bum spanging in front of the Save A Lot. I hit him up for my story and he tells me, "I'm trying to make money here." Ugh, ignorant ass. Where does he think the money he makes comes from? Dumbass. I walked off. He all asked me, "Oh, is it long?" I'm trying to save the world here. He is relying on the exact same stuff I am pointing out. Now that's a bum right there.

                     Oh yeah, originally I thought about going to Sbarro's and getting hooked up again, but I kind of got paranoid because I had just stolen that string.

                     Steve hooked me up with some badass cinnamon stix at the Pizza Hut. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

                     Whoa, Steve hooked me up with a shitload of cinnamon stix. I'm going to go share them with Melissa.

                     I went to Santa Fe Place and Melissa was glad to partake. I noticed the door to Sam's apartment was open, so I went upstairs and offered him some too. He refused, but told me to have a good day. I had a shitload left and I was offering some to any person who walked by at Santa Fe, but nobody would accept any. I finally sat down and was actually able to eat all of them. They were damn good with that icing stuff. I got hooked up good. I had to wait for the manager to get off the phone, but when he did I asked for mistakes and he immediately walked over and brought back a huge order of cinnamon stix. How awesome.

                     Since I have such a full stomach. I have decided I'm going to walk downtown. Hey, I can go say hi to Olivia at the thrift store. It's after five. She should be there. I'm going to go give her a big hug.

                     I just got out of the thrift store and Dan hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Oh yeah, and I bought me a rainbow shirt! A badass tie-dye. I'm going to put it on.

     6:09pm  Mr. Hernandez is hooking me up with a courtesy ride downtown. I appreciate it, sir. I told him, "I'll walk if I have to."

                   I don't know what time it is, but when we got to the park I saw all these people in the middle. I went over there and this dude let me hit a joint. Well, right when I was hitting it hard these two mountain bike cops rode past. I dropped the joint on the ground real quick. They just kept riding by and nothing happened. Dude, that's the second time that's happened. I can look up last time it happened. I think it was last year(4-20-04, 1:58pm).

                   It's so cool that it happened almost exactly a year ago. And that last year it happened on 4-20 exactly.

                   I'm thinking about how I'm going to get home.

     7:31pm  Mr. 6900 is hooking me up with a ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I just got to the hospital. The last 610 passed at 7:15. I think I'm going to walk to Planet K. I just walked by some lady right now and she said, "I like your shirt." I went back and asked her, "Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She ended up being way ignorant. I told her, "Thanks for proving me right. Have you always been that ignorant?"

     8:21pm  Mr. 1011 hooked me up with a ride to West from the Hospital. I was going to walk to Planet K, but he was my deciding sign. Got a courtesy ride to West.

                    I don't know what time it is, but I am at West Telemarketing already. Oh yeah, this shirt is magical, I swear. On the way over here this guy on the bus came out and asked me, "So what's your mission?" I guess he saw me logging the bus driver's generosity and he asked me what my mission was.

                    I just poured all the water out of my water bottle, so I could go inside West and refill it. Just to be seen.

                    I just walked to Babcock. I'm going to see if that guy is working at the Subway. If he hooks me up I will tell him, "My contribution is ready," and give him a CD.

                    He wasn't working. I'm going to go check the Pizza Hut and see if they'll hook me up.

                    Pizza Hut told me no too. Screw it, I'm going to go hit up Papa John's and see if they have any mistakes.

                    I went in the Walgreen's and I called my mom. I was just calling her to let her know I was on my way home. I'm going to hike through OP Schnabel and walk up Braun Road. Oh yeah, my little nephew is there. I'm going to walk there and hang out with my little nephew. Tell him how dumb his mom is, hehe.

                    I was just walking through OP Schnabel and at the pavilion there are all these kids. At first I asked this couple that was walking around, "Hey, do you wanna smoke a joint?" Nobody told me yes. I've got a joint in my wallet and I want to smoke it with somebody. Maybe I'll just walk up to the Exxon and maybe somebody will give me a ride if I smoke them out.

                    I came out of the park. I'm out of the park. I'm going to walk to the Exxon on Bandera and Braun and call my mom. I'm going to walk downtown tomorrow, I shouldn't walk that much tonight.

                    Ahh, I'm not going to call her. Because if I have to wait for her to come get me, I will be tempted to smoke a cigarette. I'm going to keep walking. Today is April second, by the way.

Next day..

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