San Antonio, TX

Tuesday March 31, 2005

                     Argh, today was a real shitty day. I am not complete. Let's see, I don't have a watch. Mine broke when I threw it on the floor when I was in the shower(3-28-05, paragraph after 4:36 that starts with "What time is it guys?"). I don't have my recorder. Stupid ass me traded it for a laptop which I haven't even been able to turn on. I don't have a power cable for it. Umm, and to top it off tonight I lost the leather cord that was on my walking stick that kept the other cord from untangling as I walked. No weed either.
                     See, today I got sucked into the computer all day. I was delighted that I had a broadband internet connection at my disposal. I logged onto Undernet on IRC and entered all the top warez channels. I was logging onto all the FTP servers and uploading my webpage to them. Planting my seed on the web. I don't know if anyone will actually install it. Warez people are very ignorant. Even though they're downloading free shit all the time, most are still brainwashed with money. I was getting kicked out of channel after channel. I even went in all the marijuana channels like #marijuana and #weed and I even got kicked out of them.
                     I hate the fact that I don't have a recorder and am not able to log my day. I feel like I am wasting time. Even though I can type it up at the end of the day like I'm doing now, but there are so many details I cannot remember. I still have eight days in March to type up. I am missing 21 through 29. I was dreadfully bored today, so I killed time on the computer.
                     It was weird and spooked me out. Right when I was giving a presentation on IRC, the phone rang. When I answered it there was nobody on the other line, or they wouldn't answer. The Caller ID said Unknown Caller. I just checked and this person called my house three times. At 3:19, 3:36 and 3:52. Each time, nobody said anything when I answered. I got spooked. I thought it was the feds or something. On the third call I even said, "I am not scared of you. Come get me already," and hung up.
                     My mom came home and took over the throne. It was around 5:30 and I didn't have anything to do. I was all down and not giving all the cars the peace sign on the way to the Citgo to catch the bus. I wasn't sure where I was going to go. I don't have too many friends. I wasn't going to Bo's because he got all greedy. I got the idea to venture out to Lorenzo's at Santa Fe Place. I walked up to the Citgo and crossed the street to the bus stop. All of a sudden Keith drives by and picks me up. He asked me where I was going and I said to Medical Center. Perfect. We drove over to this bar called Jiggers. The person he was supposed to meet there was still at the office next door. We go and pick these two guys up. They work in collections calling people and demanding money from them. They were all bragging about the thousands they collected today and the bonuses they would get. Everyone in the car was brainwashed with money. We went back to Jiggers and I got to play a game of pool. After Jiggers we drove this white dude to some bar. Keith was going to go back home, and since I never got smoked out, I told him to drop me off on Wurzbach, close to I10. I walked like half an hour all the way to the Sage Crossing tree in hopes I would see some of my acquaintances and get smoked out. No one was out, it was all dark outside. I walked across 410 to Santa Fe Place and Lorenzo wasn't home. Neither was Teo. A bit depressed, I went to Melissa's apartment to borrow her phone. I really love Melissa. She's so cute. Last time I had gone she was all down about losing Mia, Trish's dog. Today she had a big smile on her face. When I commented on it she said it was because she had read that Many Lives, Many Masters book. She let me use Trish's phone and I called my mom. My mom quickly agreed to pick me up. I gave Melissa a great big hug and went to go wait for my mom at the Diamond Shamrock. When my mom pulled up she started bitching and moaning telling me, "This has got to stop." Ugh, I hate these guilt games my mom plays. I felt like telling her, "Don't get mad at me because you chose to come pick me up. I called to ask you for a ride, not demand one." Anyway, we stopped at the Walmart to gas up her death machine. Then she started going on and on about some mass murderer from San Antonio that had found Jesus. I was ready to jump out of the moving car. Anyway, it's about 11:42 right now and my mom finally got off the computer. Oh yeah, did I tell you how we got RoadRunner again yesterday? To keep the computer in the kitchen where it was, my mom needs to buy a fifty foot coaxial cable. In the meantime I moved the computer to the glass table in the dining room, so I could use the cable outlet in that room. Here I am at 11:44 typing this shitty day up.
                     I feel like I have lost some direction. I am without some important things of mine and am coping the best I can. My mom wants me to clean up good before Sunday when she has her bullshit bible study. Like a week ago when she told me she wanted me to clean on Saturday, she told me she'd buy me a new watch at Walmart. She said it was like fifteen dollars. Today I told her, "If you are willing to buy that watch and it costs fifteen dollars, then can you not and put it towards a new recorder for me? That would be the key to my happiness right now." She immediately blurts out, "I was only going to spend fifteen dollars on your watch and the recorder is twenty five." Like I don't know how much the recorder is. It's as if she wanted me to say, "Oh yeah, forget it then." My mom is so ignorant. She just doesn't care about the important stuff. All she gives a damn about is money. She's one of the laziest people I know. Okay, enough talking shit about my mom. I'm going to play some Tetrinet now that I'm back on the computer.

Next day..

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