San Antonio, TX

Sunday March 27, 2005

     11:53am  I am finally making an update for today, because I had to rewind it because I'm on the same tape. I typed up all morning. I am caught up now. Let's see, this morning I woke up. Oh yeah, my twin sister Laura called and asked me if I wanted to go hiking! With her eight year old son Carlos. Charlie is really into fossils and Laura told me that she wanted to take him to the Leon Creek Bridge by Mainland so he could look for fossils. I told her, "That's right next to the nature hike I take to Walmart all the time, let's go there instead. I will be your tour-guide." I just finished eating a bowl of cereal and some cake and we're about to go right now.

     12:22pm  We're at the Walmart now. It's cold outside. It's chilly.

     2:18pm  I am having a lot of fun hiking with my nephew and my sister. We took the trail from the Walmart all the way to OP Schnabel. I let them check out the badass platform at the top of the cliff. Well, Laura didn't climb up on it, but I convinced Charlie too. He just loved it. He thought it was a beautiful view. He kept telling his mom to come up and see, but Laura pussed out. Then we went walking some more and I took them to see the trail garden. Carlitos told me, "Alright, let's ditch my mom." We just took off. We started running up and down the little hills. Well, when we went back to where we left Laura, she was gone. We started shouting for her at the top of our lungs. She didn't answer back. I told Carlos, "I think maybe she's not answering back because she's playing with us. Or maybe she's hurt, hehe. Let's go find her." I just said that to freak out my nephew.

     3:22pm  We walked around yelling, "Laura!" for a while and we hiked all the way back up to the platform. We went up there and shouted for her. There was no excuse for her not answering back. I wondered what to do. I told Carlos, "Let's try and eliminate our options. We could either hike the woods all the way back to the Walmart to see if her car is there or not, or we could go out the front of the park and walk Bandera to the Walmart, which would be quicker. Which is the only way I think Laura would do it. Actually, I shouldn't give my sister so much credit. She's way ignorant. I just thought she wouldn't be able to find the Walmart all by herself. If the car is not there we can go inside and use the courtesy phone and call my mom's. If the car is there I don't know what we'll do. She'll be missing."

                   We came out of the woods in French Creek Village, by where that Dana girl lives. We came out to Bandera and we're almost to the Walmart already. We just walked in front of this palms place. Bamboo, yuccas, etc. landscaping.

                   We walked all the way to Guilbeau. We were going to walk the Walmart parking lot to the bus circle and see if Laura's car was there. Out of the blue she just pulled up right now!

                   Haha, she's all pissed off. When she pulled up Carlos got in the back seat and I reached for the door handle to the passenger seat. It was locked and she just took off with this dirty look on her face, haha. That was hilarious.

                   I'm just walking down these random streets in Wildwood. I'm trying to find access back into the woods. Whoa, this truck drove by and the kid driving it gave me the peace sign first.

                   Today is Easter Sunday, by the way.

                   I'm walking around in Wildwood. This street right here dead-ends and there is no woods-access anywhere. I'm going to walk up to Bandera. I might make my way to Babcock North again. Maybe get smoked out somewhere.

                   The street I was on was Wood's End Street.

                   I'm going to go in the KFC and ask for free food.

                   Mars, at the KFC is hooking me up with some food. So I can walk. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah, he said he met me at OP Schnabel once. I'll look it up. He said he was with some short, chunky white dude named Kyle.

     4:02pm  Mars' email: infamousmars@satx.rr.com

                   It was awesome. I decided to go hit up KFC for food and this dude who worked there recognized me. He told me I had smoked out with them at the platform once. He reminded me, "Yeah, do you remember that purple pipe you found that one time?" That sneak-a-toke I found that one time. That blessing I got. I'll look it up(5-22-04, 6:57am).

                   I'm getting Ale's email. What is it? yellow_submarine57@yahoo.com. Zanny, is that your name?

                   Ha, two girls that work there are both named Ali. The one who's email I got is Ale.

     5:02pm  I am finally leaving the KFC. I got hooked up with a meal. I read the comics and made friends. This girl Ale volunteered me her phone number. She said, "If you ever need to get smoked out." I even put on my show for all the kids working there. Odyssey and everything. Both Ali's are cute high-schoolers.

                   I gave her a CD.

                   That Ale girl told me, "Man, I'm going to tell everybody!" All her friends, she said.

     5:11pm  I was walking down Bandera thinking about hiking the woods all the way to Babcock North to hopefully get smoked out somewhere. All of a sudden Lisa pulled off to the side of the road. I walked up to the car and she said, "Hey! You're that guy from the party!" I got recognized. She's giving me a ride. Cool.

     5:18pm  I was just walking in front of Rainbow Gardens. All of a sudden, this girl Alisa who recognized me picked me up. Remember the party I ended up at on Teaberry Ridge that other day. Where the kids were having a concert in their backyard(3-19-05, 4:40pm). I told her, "So you've heard my story?" She told me, "I heard all about you. There was this big group of kids on the sidewalk all talking about you." We came over to Wings To Go, in this shopping mall by 1604. She just got a job here, so she's going to get her uniform. Umm, umm, I'm going to smoke a cigarette, man. I've told some great stories. I am doing a good job today. I deserve a cigarette. I'm going to smoke one of her cigarettes. A Marlboro Red.

     5:54pm  I just got dropped off on Old Tezel, close to my mom's house. Nobody's home there. I'm going to walk to New Territories and hopefully get smoked out there. Oh yeah, that girl who picked me up was all happy about getting a job. She was all, "I got a job! I got a job!" When she dropped me off I told her, "Just remember, money isn't all it's cracked up to be." She was all, "Oh, that job is awesome though!" Ugh, confused youth.

                   I was walking down Old Tezel and somebody else recognized me and pulled over. Kat, Amy's sister just picked me up. Amy, the girl who lives on Autumn Shade. That's awesome. Today has been such a wild ride.

                   We came to the Walgreen's on Mainland/Tezel. She's going to take me back to Bowen's.

     6:10pm  I just got dropped off by Kat, Amy's sister. She dropped me off on Bowen's Drive and Valley Trails. I'm going to walk and maybe somebody else will recognize me and give me another ride. I'm going to go see if I can get smoked out somewhere.

                   Oh yeah, and Kat told me something about some anarchists thing. How they plan on flash-bombing some place. About the government starting the draft pretty soon or something. She told me to keep it hush-hush though.

                   "Not if I can help it," I told her.

                   She's an Austinite.

     6:26pm  I walked all the way over to Keith's. He told me that then wasn't a good time. I didn't ask him if he had any weed. I'm going to keep walking.

                   I walked Bowen's Crossing to Weybridge. Turned right on Weybridge and I'm going to check these tennis courts for balls. I'm on my last tennis ball.

                   Sweet, scored two tennis balls. Perfect.

     7:18pm  I ended up all the way on Culebra.

     7:24pm  I came to the Diamond Shamrock over on Culebra and Les Harrison. I thought, "Man, what am I going to do?" I was trying to figure out where that house was that I ended up at that one night. With the kids I met at that party(3-19-05,2:55am). I couldn't find them. I said screw it and doubled back on Les Harrison which turns into Weybridge. I still want to aim for Babcock North. It's far from here. I still have to walk all the way to Braun Road. I'm going to do it. Maybe I'll go by Carlos' house and see if Tim will smoke me out. I don't know. I want to go say hi to Carlos too. I haven't seen him in a while.

     7:38pm  The 610 pulled up. I didn't think there were anymore left. 6906 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. Thanks. I'm riding the bus to Walmart. Then I'll take the nature hike to Babcock North.

                   I got off on Guilbeau and Bandera. I got the idea to go to the KFC and say hi to that girl I met earlier. The one who gave me her phone number. I'll tell her about the wild ride I had after I left. Maybe she'll offer to smoke me out. She gets off at ten though.

                   I went back to the KFC and got hooked up with two legs by Ale. Now I'm going to walk to Babcock North.

                   I walked Bandera to French Creek Village. And walked Hetherington to the park side entrance.

                   I'm going to go to the Prue Road bridge. Maybe there'll be some kids smoking out there.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I am in OP Schnabel Park now.

                   I don't know what time it is, because I can't see my watch. I was walking up the paved path to the top of the cliffs. All of a sudden, I see a small flash to my left. I ran into these two kids sitting down at a cement picnic table. Colin and Justin. What's Colin's email? cbzed101@satx.rr.com

                   I don't know what time it is, but that was awesome. It was all dark and I'm walking through the park. All of a sudden I see a flash of light. I got a little closer and noticed there were these two kids sitting there. I walk up to them and asked, "I don't suppose you guys got any Easter marijuana, do you?" This guy pulled out his bong! He asked me, "Did you smell us from all the way over there?" I told him, "No, I saw the flash of light from your lighter." They smoked me out! And I put on my show for them. Odyssey and everything. They were telling me, "Keep going, keep going." Now I'm going to keep walking to Babcock North.

                   Thank you, Love. Thank you, Love. That was cool. Perfect.

                   If I get offered employment at this computer shop, I'll find out tomorrow, I'm going to straight-up tell them when I first get there, "I just want to make it clear that I am not looking for a permanent or full-time position. I just want to help. I have a few expenses I need to cover, like getting my film developed. My priorities lie with my main job," and I'll tell them my story.

                   I have come to learn that to succeed, all you have to do is believe in yourself.

                   Oh yeah, when I went to the Wings To Go with that girl Alisa earlier, I just stayed in the car and waited for her. To kill time I flipped down the mirror to look at myself. I noticed I had some nose hairs that needed trimming. With the little scissors on my Mary Jane tool, I trimmed my nose hairs. When she got back in the car I told her, "Oh yeah, I found something to do while I waited for you. I trimmed my nose hairs." She got all grossed out. She said, "You mean there's nose hairs in my car now?" I lied to her and told her, "No, I threw them out of the window." It's not like they had boogers on them or anything. Dumb kid. I think she was seventeen years old. I had asked her, "Do you have any marijuana?" She said, "No, but I have some cigarettes." I told her, "Well, I kind of quit, but I'm really tempted." She told me, "Oh, I'm not going to quit until I turn eighteen." She's so brainwashed, man. Driving a car and wanting a job so bad. Haha, she's all excited about getting a job at Wings To Go.

     9:25pm  I am in Babcock North already. I'm almost to Spring Forest.

     9:35pm  There aren't any cars at Carlos'. I'm going to go knock on the door.

                   There doesn't seem to be anybody home.

     9:43pm  I'm coming up on the skatepark.

     9:49pm  I came over to the skatepark and this one greedy ass wouldn't let me bum a cigarette. He was all, "I only got a couple left." He won't even give me a drag. 

                   The greedy ass calls himself Wicked.

                   Man, screw that skatepark.

     10:14pm  I walked back by Carlos' and he's home.

     10:41pm  Man, everybody is being greedy tonight. He wouldn't give me a ride home. He wouldn't even let me crash. He said, "Oh no, my roommates wouldn't like that." Bullshit. Screw him. He's going to be so surprised. I'm walking back home.

                     I had asked him, "I don't suppose you'd want to give me a ride home, would you?" He all said, "I don't think I want to give you a ride home." It's alright. I can walk home.

                     Carlos is as sold-out as they come.

                     Whoa, badass. A armadillo just popped out! Cool.

                     I'm walking through the park and in the parking lot there's a police car. Haha, he's going to see me walking through the park.

                     Maybe I'll go ask him for a courtesy ride, hehe.

                     The cop pulled up to me. It was some lady. I told her, "I'm just walking through. Don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride?" I don't think she heard me. She told me, "The park is closed." I told her I was walking through. I told her happy Easter and to drive carefully and just kept walking.

                     I should have told her, "No, this park is closed to vehicular traffic after sundown. You're not supposed to be here."

                     Chump park police.

                     Oh yeah, right when I popped out of the park on Bandera, when I crossed the street this carload of people recognized me and yelled, "What's up, Victor?!" They gave me the peace sign. I all yelled, "Marijuana!" at them. Haha, right when the park police was there.

                     The people who don't think that ignorance is the world's greatest problem . . . are the people who are the most ignorant of all.

     11:11pm  I'm at my mom's house. Cool, she made some cake, awesome.

Next day..

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