San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 26, 2005

     8:27am  I just woke up.

     8:50am  I just finished watering my garden. Remember yesterday I transplanted my marijuana pot into a pot and put it on the other side of the fence. Well, after I pulled out the plant, it started drooping. I thought it was going to die for sure. It's coming back on it's own. It's awesome. You can't stop life.

     9:50am  I am taking off from my mom's house. My mom pissed me off so much. She's so ignorant. Today she was all, "You've used more than ten CD's!" She had said I could use ten CD's of the fifty-pack she bought. I used maybe like fifteen. I told her, "Well, I'm only trying to save the world here, mom." She all snapped at me, "I'm going to take the rest to my school!" I asked her, "What the hell do you need that many CD's for?" She yelled, "I wouldn't have bought them if I don't need them." I said, "That's hilarious mom. Like you only buy things you need or something." It's total bullshit. She doesn't use them at all. That's all she cares about. Her stupid possessions. My mom doesn't own a damn thing in this house. It all owns her.

     10:15pm  Al hooked me up with a tennis ball over at the courts on Braun/Camino Villa. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     I walked by those tennis courts and scanned for loose balls. There was a group of guys playing tennis. These old guys. I walked up to them and asked, "Do you guys have any dead balls I can have for my stick?" Al told me, "I thought you were kidding." Then he said, "Sure, I can give you one." He went back and got me one. Cool. I told him, "I'm writing a documentary on generosity the whole world is going to read on the Internet and you're in it." He went, "You're kidding, right? Random acts of kindness, eh?" I told him, "That's right. Everybody gets credit."

                     Did I mentioned I'm in the park already. I'm already at the pavilion by the cliffs. I'm walking to the Walmart. I'm going to try to get downtown today, it's Saturday.

     11:08am  I'm leaving the Walmart. Mr. Cardenas is driving. He's going to hook me up with a ride again.

     11:12am  Mr. Cardenas hooked me up with two transfers! He gave me an extra one.

     11:15am  I'm going to Ingram. Mr. Cardenas hooked me up with two transfers and a ride.

                     I'm at Ingram Park and Ride already. It's cold. It started raining on the way over here.

     12:13pm  I just had a badass presentation. I was in the bathroom and this guy walked in. He asked me, "What's the farthest you've walked?" I told him my story and he agreed with everything I said and I handed him a CD. I told him, "My contribution is ready." He all tried to give me money. I told him, "No, I don't want any. I'm living proof we don't need money to work. I'm doing this for free."

                     I'm going to jump on the 534. Going to Medical Center.

                     At the last second I got off the 534 and decided to get on the 82. I found a crossword puzzle in a seat, but I didn't have a pen. I saw some cool-lookin' guy on the bus and asked him for a pen. He leant me one and I hit him up for my story. He told me, "I've already heard your story last night." He was at that camp last night where the kids were tripping on Mescaline. He told me, "I never thought I'd see you again." I told him I was everywhere.

     1:02pm  Downtown. Just got off downtown.

     1:08pm  The greedy ass at the hotdog stand didn't hook me up.

     1:22pm  Lindsay hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park.

     1:44pm  I jumped on the 91. Travis Park is dead. It had started raining earlier, so it's all wet. I'm going to go to Sage Crossing and see if I can get smoked out. The cigarette I bummed in the park, I put a little hit of weed in it and gave it back. I quit smoking remember, and I don't have a pipe.

                   I got off on Williamsburg. I'm going to go to Santa Fe Place and see if Lorenzo is home.

     2:45pm  I left Santa Fe. I got to chat with Melissa. She's not mad at me. Poor Mia, she's lost. I got my Third Wave book back.

     3:02pm  I'm in Oaklawn Apartments.

     4:17pm  I forgot to tell you. I went to Renaissance Parc, umm, I mean Oaklawn Apartments and I ran into Justin and Samantha. And Ian and Evan. We smoked a joint. It was all good. I'm going to walk to the hospital now. I'll cut through Oak Hills Country Club.

                   I am a long-distance walker. I walk for peace.

     4:26pm  I was walking down Fredericksburg, over by Mockingbird. All of a sudden I hear a bus getting closer. I was about to turn around and give it the peace sign, like I do to all the buses. I wasn't even at a bus stop and I hear it stopping. I turn around and it's Ms. Smith! She pulled over for me again(1-22-05, 4:52pm)!

                   My angel Ms. Smith picked me up. I got off early, right when it turned onto Louis Pasteur off Fredericksburg. I want to walk. She hooked me up with a transfer too. Perfect. I just love Ms. Smith. I told her about my whole plateau I had reached on my mission. How I was giving out CD's and stuff. I told her I had already given one to her son. Anyway, I'm going to hike to West Telemarketing. I have nothing better to do. I need to score some food somewhere. Let me think.

                   Oh yeah, Mexican Taco Cafe. I'm going to get hooked up there.

                   I scored at Lorenzo's. The Italian place next to the Mexican Taco Cafe. Rick, the manager there hooked me up. He even told me, "Have a seat." I sat down in front of him and tried to tell him my stuff. He wouldn't listen to one word I said, even though he was blatantly proving me right. He was all anti-marijuana. He hooked me up though. He wouldn't let me get anything in. I told him, "I guess it'll just be a surprise. You can wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." I'm going to walk to West now. I have a full stomach.

                   At Oaklawn Apartments earlier, we all went to the laundry room to smoke a joint. This lady came in with her kid to do her laundry. Evan started swinging around my stick and broke the compass.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. At Lorenzo's Italian Restaurant, the pretty Mexican girl who worked there, she told me I should go to Sam's Burger Joint on Tuesday's. That they had open-mic. I told her, "Thanks for giving me the destination."

     5:48pm  I walked all the way to West Telemarketing. I'm going to check The Rocks for stoners. I doubt it though. It's Saturday and there are barely any cars there. Maybe I'll get surprised.

     6:12pm  I walked Prue Road a bit and I'm taking a right turn at this driveway that goes into the woods by the lake. It's a big lake.

     6:15pm  There's these two dudes fishing out here.

                   I'm not going to tell those two guys my story. They're busy fishing.

                   Whoa, I found a flipped over, junked, burnt car out here.

     6:26pm  I tagged Victor the Liberator with a peace sign on this car out here with my white paint marker. It looks awesome. I wish I could take a picture of it.

     6:35pm  I ended up behind some big neighborhood. I followed the fence and I just came out on some paved road. I don't know what it is. 6301 is the address of some house. I'll tell you when I find out.

                   The street I ended up on was Melissa Ann. It comes out right to Babcock right here in front of Plant Interscapes. I've been there before(1-24-05, after 11:05am).

                   I'm going to walk to the Babcock North skatepark and see if there are any kids there who recognize me. See if I can get smoked out.

     6:45pm  Kay at the Citgo at Spring Time and Babcock hooked me up with the ten cents I needed for my honeybun. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:53pm  I got me a honeybun. I walked to the skatepark and sat down and ate it. Watched people do tricks. There weren't that many people there. Nobody recognized me. I'm walking down Babcock North. I want to walk by Carlos' house and see if my CD is still where I left it. They might've moved from there. I don't know. I haven't been there in a long time.

                   I went to Carlos' house and Tim was home. I heard him coughing in the garage so I knew he was toking. I knocked on the garage and he asked who it was. I told him it was Victor. When he opened the door I said, "Hey man, I know you guys are smoking weed in there. Smoke a brother out?" He hesitated and I said, "Come on, for old time's sake?" He said, "Alright, but me and my girlfriend are hanging out. You have to go afterwards." I said okay and he said, "Actually, you know what. I'll just roll you a joint." I told him that was cool. He rolled me a joint. I have a joint behind my ear now. I need to go find someone to smoke it with.

     7:20pm  I walked Spring Mont close to Prue. I just walked past these kids and I'm telling them my story. What was your email? mhc_wolf@msn.com

                   Badass, I had a good little presentation. This one girl asked me, "Do you believe in God?" I told her, "No, I don't believe in God. I believe in Love." When I said that they both backed up and said, "You don't believe in God?" I laid my scripts on her and she said, "All I know is that Jesus died for my sins." I asked her, "And how do you know that?" She thought about it for a second and said, "I don't know." She asked me, "What do you do with that tape recorder?" I busted out with my scripts on that. When I asked her, "Don't you think that would be the most interesting story in the world?" She nodded her head up and down.

     7:47pm  I just scaled the cliff trail up by the radio antenna in the park. I'm thinking about going to the Exxon on Bandera and Braun and finding somebody to smoke this joint with.

     8:00pm  Coming out on Bandera Road. I'm going to go to the Exxon and find somebody to smoke out.

     8:20pm  I saw some people leaving the church and got the idea, "Hmm, I wonder if Andre is around this late." I walked over and asked some guy walking out if Andre was around and he said, "Yeah, he's right in there." I went in this building where they had this big fancy stage and I saw Andre. I told him, "My contribution is ready," and handed him a CD. I have to give something back.

     8:35pm  I'm in my mom's neighborhood. I'm going to go see if Amy's home. Maybe I can smoke her out.

                   I walked by Amy's house, but her garage wasn't open so I couldn't tell exactly which one was her house. I'm going to keep walking.

                   Oh yeah, some dude hooked me up with a lighter at the Exxon. I had asked him if he wanted to smoke some weed, but he told me he was waiting for his friend to show up with some hydro. At first he said, "How much?" I told him, "No, I have a joint behind my ear I want to smoke with somebody." He told me nah, so I told him, "Okay, I'll just ask somebody else. Don't suppose you have a lighter you can spare?" He hooked me up.

     9:15pm  I found somebody to smoke out. I was just walking down the street in my mom's neighborhood and I saw these two cool-lookin' dudes. When I first saw them I thought I'd ask them, "Hey, you guys look cool. Wanna smoke a joint?" Then I thought against that and hit them up for my story first. Just to see how they'd react when I mentioned marijuana. Sure enough, when I told them I was going to get marijuana legalized they asked me if I had any. I told them, "I sure do. I have a joint behind my ear." I blew their minds with my story after we smoked.

                   That was awesome. I am so on the right track. Everything happens for a reason. I was just down the street from my mom's. These two guys. It sucks I didn't get their names.

Next day..

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