San Antonio, TX

Tuesday March 23, 2004

     6:10am  I just woke up in this camp. There's nobody else here. I got a good four hours of sleep. I crashed in this little room, this little enclosure they made out here with pallets and stuff. I slept on my rain poncho. There was a soft carpet laid down. It was damn comfortable. I'll probably sleep here a lot now. Now that I know about it.

                  Well, as long as it's dry.

     6:48am  I got a courtesy ride to the Crossroads Park and Ride. Right when I got here I found a cigarette on the ground! "The universe provides," I told this lady and picked it up.

     6:54am  Kenny hooked me up with a cigarette here at Crossroads. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:57am  The 92 didn't give me a courtesy ride. Oh well. Next one.

                   The 550 guy wouldn't give me a transfer. Greedy ass.

     7:09am  I asked the 602 guy and he wouldn't give me a transfer. One of these guys will.

     7:10am  The 524 guy didn't give me a transfer either.

                   This driver just walked up to me and hooked me up with a transfer! I had already bummed a dollar of some guy who I am smoking weed with and that driver just came up and handed me a transfer. Awesome.

     7:44am  It was Mr. Grant who hooked me up with a transfer.

                    I came to the other side of the transfer center. I see this girl sitting down reading a Watchtower pamphlet. I figured, "Hey, I'm going to tell her my story." I went and asked her and she said, "Hey, do you remember me?" I've already told her my story! That's like the third time that's happened this morning and it's only eight. Anyway, she busted out a little roach and we're smoking out at the bus stop. Cool, cool.

     8:17am  Man, that was awesome. Just how all that happened. First of all, it was awesome how I found that place to crash last night. I didn't have to walk all the way home. Second, it's cool that I got a courtesy ride to Crossroads. Third, it was cool I met this Connie girl and I told her how I've been stealing Boosts from the hospital for years now. She said she would hook me up with some liquid nutrition from the place she works at! She's like a nurse in training or something. She told me to be at the hospital tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning. I'm going to score some more Boosts. That's so awesome. Gasoline for my stomach. I am happy.

                   And she had a big fat roach we smoked! She let me keep it.

                   Great things are happening.

     8:20am  I just got off the VIA bus at the Walmart. I'm going to walk through the woods all the way to the park then up Braun Road to my mom's.

     8:22am  Oh yeah, I'm going to play some videogames at Walmart.

     8:35am  Nameless gave me a quarter for my tax. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game(except you).

     8:57am  I went to the McDonalds and I only had a dollar. I asked them, "I've only got a dollar. Will you hook me up?" The guy told me, "No, no, you gotta have eight cents." I bummed a quarter off this one guy.

     9:00am  I ran into Richard at the bus stop. Where did I talk to you last time? West Telemarketing? Yeah. He hooked me up with two cigarettes. That's awesome. I appreciate it, brother.

                   In the end it will be my persistent-consistency which will ensure the success of this mission.

                   I got this idea. Next time I go to McDonalds and only have a dollar, I'll hit them up and they'll tell me no. I'll go, "Oh, well all the kids here hook me up. What? You don't think I know about the employee discount? You greedy ass. All your employees already hook me up. So why don't you?" Even though they don't really, hehehe. I'll be lying but it will be cool, hehe.

                   I'll tell her, "If you don't believe me, ask them!"

                   Oh, yeah earlier, that guy I smoked out at Crossroads, he ended up giving me a dollar. I gave it back to him after the driver hooked me up with the transfer. Then, on the bus on the way over here I got hungry and asked him, "Hey, don't suppose I could get that dollar back for something to eat?" He was a bit hesitant and first. Like he said, "I have to make a phone call. Let me give you fifty cents." I told him, "You can just use the courtesy phone here in customer service." He hooked me up with the dollar again.

                   Oh yeah, I love this place. I love these woods. I love being out in nature with all these living things.

                   I'm all rested. It's morning and I'm out in the woods. I had a place to sleep for the night. Awesome.

                   Right now I'm walking and I'm real close to Snarlwood.

     9:52am  I'm going to go see if Dana's home. I haven't been here in a while.

                   Umm, I figured it was way too early to go ringing somebody's doorbell.

     10:08am  I walked up and Dana was home. She answered the door half-naked. I didn't knock that hard because it was so early. She got up and peeked her head around the corner. She was all, "I'm sleeping." Rawrrrr. I should've told her, "Hey, do you wanna do it?" Anyway, she asked me if I had any weed and I offered her my last hit. She said, "No, that's alright," and she went back to bed.

                   I just passed this little business. Some casket place. They're having a big casket sale. Man, this is pathetic. We are so evil and we don't realize it. We are even cashing in on even death.

                   I walked up to the HEB. I'm going to go see if Marko is at the Donation Station. I think I'm going to take that nature hike up this ditch to the tennis courts in front of Braun Station Elementary.

     7:43am  I walked up to the Donation Station and talked to this old guy working there. I asked him if Marko still worked there. He didn't know who Marko was, so I guess he doesn't work there anymore. I asked him, "Hey, got a spare cigarette?" He said, "Sure, let me go get one out of my car."

     7:47am  Manuel is giving me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. At the Donation Station.

                   That was awesome how this morning that driver saw me asking for transfers and walked up to me and handed me one. Everybody knows me.

     10:57am  Umm, I got distracted. I'm going to go to the other side of Guilbeau and see if I can find that three-level treehouse I found a long time ago. Where I scored that hammock(12-20-02). My dumbass dad said I should take the hammock back. It was meant for me.

     11:04am  Damnit, these woods are being raped too. The tractors are here chopping shit up. No respect, no respect.

                     Damn, someone tore the treehouse down. It's all in shambles. That sucks.

                     I should email Kassie and tell her, "Don't you see that this is the precise reason that I am able to do this? Because nobody is taking me seriously like you. They're not believing in me. That's exactly why I have been able to get this far."

                     11:35am  I am walking through the Babylon that killed these woods. They raped my woods I used to mountain bike in all those years. I finally found a trail. I can see houses real close.

                     No respect.

     11:46am  I'm walking through some neighborhood they built here. Ray Crest, I don't know. I'll tell you when I find out.


                     Man, I went in a total circle in this neighborhood.

                     I stopped and took my pants off. I'm getting hot.

     12:10pm  I'm on the powerline trail that leads over to the tennis courts in front of Braun Station Elementary.

     12:29pm  Just got to the tennis courts. Wish me luck in finding a ball.

     12:37pm  This sucks. No spare balls anywhere.

                     Yes! I found one! Man, ask and thou shall receive. I was about to give up and just take off walking home. It was towards the back by this tree.

                     Pete hooked me up with a cigarette here by the tennis courts. I appreciate it, brother.

                     I'm going to sit here at my old bus stop in front of the elementary school. They still have the white pole, but they took the sign off it. This is where the 622 used to stop. There's a plaque here that says, "Carson's Corner. In appreciation of Jim Carson, principal 1982-1989." I remember that dude. I came to this school for a little bit.

     12:45pm  I am up from Carson's Corner walking.

     1:47pm  I'm going to take a nap. I'm tired.

     6:45pm  I just woke up.

     9:25pm  I didn't tell you. I already left my mom's house. I'm going to walk to the gas station and bum a cigarette. On Braun Road and 1604.

Next day..

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