San Antonio, TX

Sunday March 21, 2004

     1:15pm  I took a shower. I'm going to do my laundry. I'm going to play, not play, work on the computer while my laundry is processing.

     2:26pm  Damnit, this is driving me nuts. My mom just came in. Hold on, let me think about what happened. Oh yeah, my mom changed the password on her email account. I asked her, "Can you tell me your password? I just want to get on and look at my emails. I just want to copy and paste the last letters from my dad that I haven't logged." She all lied to me, "Oh, some people complained. You better not send out any emails to anybody you don't know." I told her, "Mom, I haven't sent any mail at all."
                   I think I know what got her thinking that, though. I told you how I found my bastard father Franklin, right? He abandoned the family in San Antonio when I was three years old. No child support or nothin'. No contact whatsoever. Well, recently my twin sister sent me some stupid joke email. You know, the kind people just delete because they are not funny. Well, that day I was bored so I hit the Reply to All button on the email and sent my Portable Party idea to everyone on her mailing list. Unbeknownst to me, she had already made contact with my real father through the Internet. So bam, he gets his son's idea.
                   Anyway, she told me some of those other people on the mailing list that got my idea had complained. Like they thought my harmless text could be a virus or something. So that's what she's talking about. She said they all complained. I asked her, "I didn't do anything wrong. What do you think that button is there for? To send something to the whole mailing list. It's not like I force them to open up my email. What? Do you think all this porn mail and spam on the Internet, do you think all of the people who send that stuff are asking permission? I am not forcing them to open up my email. If they don't know me, they should delete it. Duh."
                   Then she bullshitted me some more. She told me, "Oh, and I got a notice from Roadrunner, blah, blah, blah." I told her, "If that's true, which I doubt, It's because they know what I am doing." They're trying to scare you, just like they have. I am not breaking any laws. I don't make people open my harmless text mail." She said, "Oh, they received complaints from all these people." I told her, "Mom, they're making it up! It's not true." Damn the ignorance in this world, man. When will we ever learn? We're stuck. People actually think they know better.

     3:50pm  My mom took me to Walmart. Letter of the day is A, Aaron.

                   I got like three A's.

     3:50pm  Victor, this cool dude gave me a cigarette at the apartments next to the bus stop at Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. That's very generous of you. What was your name again? Victor and Peaches. Peaches and cream. And Victor hooked me up with three cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for listening guys, I gotta catch a bus.
                   Man, that was awesome. I saw some dude on his balcony smoking a cigarette and I hit him up for one. I told him my stuff and his son Peaches came out and I told them both my story. I asked them, "Do you have an email address?" They told me, "No, but we always see you, man. Every time we do, we say hey, there's that guy again. Ah, it's the same guy? Yeah, with the stick."

                   You see, I am everywhere. I'm going to be famous, man.

                   I offered to smoke them out and they said, "Man, we're already high."

     4:28pm I 'm at the hospital and Mr. Sanchez is going to hook me up with a courtesy ride to Fredericksburg. I'll walk to Gardendale to go see Kassie. Uh oh, forgot my stick. I'll be right back.

     4:41pm  I just got off on Louis Pasteur and Fredericksburg. I'm walking to Wurzbach.

     4:45pm  Pravo is hooking me up with a pack of matches. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:02pm  I was just walking down Datapoint passing the mysterious Datapoint building. It has a For Lease sign on it. It's creepy. It has said For Lease on it for years. Ever since I first saw it. What? There's not a business who could figure out how to make a little money, in Medical Center San Antonio, where the property is higher class. Yeah right. I think it's a covert federal operation. There's never any cars parked there. I think maybe they go in a secret tunnel or something.
                   I got my big stick. I got my army pants and shorts on. I got my marijuana bandana hanging out of my pocket. I look all hippie. I'm walking and it started drizzling real hard. I stopped and got my rain poncho out of my bag. I just hope they were looking at me from that Datapoint building.

                   I didn't walk too far and it stopped raining, so I rolled my poncho back up and put it up.

                   I just walked up to Data Food Mart. I'm going to turn here on Gardendale. This girl just asked me for some change. I told her, "Nah, I don't believe in money. Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She went, "No, I'm on the clock." I told her, "I'm going to eliminate money and make everything free, prove that it's human nature to be generous and bring world peace. Get rid of cars in big cities. And, get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out." She said, "Oh, my kids believe in that." I told her, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio," and I walked off.

     5:19pm  I walked all the way to Wurzbach and Gardendale. I'm over here at the carwash to see if Kassie is working.

                   They told me that Kassie wasn't there. I hope she's home.

     5:21pm  I'm over by Kassie's. Let me see if she's home.

     5:50pm  Patrick gave me a cigarette and we're having a really good conversation.

     5:57pm  I walked to the Baker Street Pub to borrow the phone to call Kassie. When I walked in there was this old guy who started commenting on my outfit. I told him, "Hey, I got stories." He said, "I bet you got lots of stories." I told him, "That's right, I'm an open book." I called Kassie and she wasn't home. I hate talking to answering machines. I went back to the old guy and said, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I told him my mission-objectives and asked him if he was willing to listen. He said, "Oh, no. I'm a conservative." He all labeled himself. I told him, "Ah, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." In the end he got pissed off. He got all religious and stuff. I told him, "As long as all these Christians are working for evil money . . ." That riled him up. He was all, "No, no. Money's not evil. It's people that are evil." I tried telling him, "Wouldn't it happen so much less without money?" He said, "No, no. You blew it right there. I don't believe in you." I told him, "It's alright. Ignorance is bliss, I guess." I started walking out and he said, "Hey." I said, "What?" He said, "I'm not ignorant." I asked him, "Well, then why won't you listen to me? Thanks for proving me right."

     6:00pm  I'm here at the bus stop. I walked up to these two deaf people. They couldn't hear. I saw them signing to each other. I asked them if they had a cigarette with the bum-a-cigarette hand-gesture. They shook their head no. I nodded, "Thanks anyway." Then I told them my name in sign language. That's all I know, because I found this card on the ground at Easter Seals while back. The lady smiled at me and took a cigarette out of her purse. Then, they went and bought a pack and gave me two more. Awesome. I wish I could tell them what I'm doing, but they can't hear me and I don't know sign language. I wrote in my little notebook "name?" and showed it to them. They gave me their names and I then I wrote, "With the Internet I am going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." They were all smiles and gave me the thumbs up.

                    I had to communicate it to them somehow. I'm recording myself in the store. I look dumb.

                   Oh, and anyway, all of a sudden Kassie pulls up in a car. Kassie and Sabrina. She asked me, "Hey, do you need a ride?" I said sure. We came to the Dollar Store. I told Kassie, "I sent you an email." She said, "Yeah, I got it." She told me that she has a lot of stuff to do. I won't be spending the night.

     8:10pm  Kassie is actually going on a walk with me. I'm so happy. I'm going to show her the bamboo forest up on Fredericksburg. When I suggested it and she agreed, I was ecstatic. She said she has to study so I went to leave. Oh yeah, I was reading through her economics book. Man, there is so much shit in there nobody needs to learn. I got up and went to kiss her on the cheek to take off and go catch the bus downtown or something. She told me, "Hey, don't go." So, I didn't. And so, she's agreed to come walk with me to the bamboo forest. I'm going to show her around. This is my town.

                   Holy shit! I just walked up to the where the bamboo forest used to be. The old Hooter's Camp. It's gone. It got all cleared out. That sucks! Ugh. Let's go walk around.

     9:00pm  I'm just leaving Kassie's. What a shock I just had. See, Kassie went on a walk with me. I was all happy thinking Kassie was so awesome. We finally got in an argument. I had mentioned, "Have you noticed how we haven't ever gotten in an argument before?" She said, "You're right." I told her, "I'll try my hardest not to." See, the truth came out tonight. She doesn't think I am doing anything. She said, "At first I thought you were, but all you're doing is just bumming around. People have to work for these things. You should be working with the system. You should become a politician if you want to change the system." I got all frustrated and told her, "I am not trying to change the system. I'm trying to fuck the system. How could I do that with money and be proving the point that we don't need it?" Anyways, so that was my cue to leave. I'll probably never see her again. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. I told myself I couldn't fall in love with her.

                   Oh yeah, and I got confirmation that she got my email. She just never replied to it. I had told her, "I hope you don't feel uncomfortable at all." This kind of pisses me off, but I've got bigger fish to fry. Ha, I had even asked her, "Hey, would you want to go to New Mexico real quick and come right back?" She told me she had to think about it. But now we had this terrible night and the truth came out. Well, she was being honest and I have to respect her for that. Even just a little.

                   People are so brainwashed. Ugh.

                   I can't believe she doesn't think I'm doing anything. I go out there and talk to people every waking moment. I have a direction. I am the talk of the town. Everybody is talking about me. Damnit. I am educating them.

                   God-damn the ignorance in this world. She's all pissed off at me. I didn't do anything to her. Kassie was so beautiful.

                   Ugh, this pisses me off. She was all, "And how long have you been looking for a traveling-partner?" I told her, "I don't look for anything. I want one real bad, but hey, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen." She is totally out of the question so I got my answer. Process of elimination.

                   I can't believe her shit. What a rollercoaster. After she invited me to stay and everything. I mean, she was giving me hints to leave so she could study and when I tried to walk out there door she tells me, "I don't want you to go." Then this shit happened. We went for a walk and the truth came out. It's really hard to believe.

                   I've been so excited having all these magical days lately. I'm always telling people about them.

                   Before when I first got there she was all, "Let me get this straight, you do this every single day? You keep track of everything?" I told her yes and she's all, "So you've said things about me?" I told her, "Well yeah. Nothing bad, I swear." I'm thinking maybe that's what made her feel uncomfortable. It's good that now she is finally aware of exactly what I'm doing and she can back out if she can't take the heat. Which she did. That's alright, though. It was necessary.

     9:16pm  Javier me esta dando un taco. Te lo agradezco, Javier.

                   I should have told Kassie and Sabrina, "Thank you guys. My book is going to kick so much ass."

                   Oh yeah, earlier I had asked Kassie, "What are you taking in school?" I told her, "With all that stuff that you're learning, do you really need to know that stuff?" She was all, "Not really, but I like learning about new stuff."

                   If excuses were money she would be rich.

                   You don't need to learn all that stuff. Why would you want to learn what you don't need to learn. What you shouldn't be learning.

                   Well, finally the truth came out of hiding with her. I wonder what took so long. I had to ask her, "Why have you been so nice to me, Kassie?" She said, "Oh, I'm nice with everybody." I asked her, "Oh really? Are you as nice to everybody the same way you were nice to me?" She said, "Yeah."

                   Damn, could've fooled me.

                   She's got that nasty East Coast Ignorance Virus.

                   Which there are so many strains of.

                   Sweet! I stole her lighter, hehe. Haha, sucker.

                   It's cool, I needed a lighter. I wasn't looking forward to lighting a cigarette with matches.

                   Oh yeah, I stole her needle and thread too. Suckers.

                   Oh yeah, and I got my definite cue to leave when she got a big burger and started eating it in front of me. I told her, "I get the hint." I gave her a hug and she didn't hug me back at all. She just sat there. Oh well. I kissed her on the forehead.

                   Kassie is a very confused girl. Why would she have made it seem like she wanted me to stay if she's just going to erupt on me like that. Was that her plan all along? The truth came out. She's all concerned about what other people think. Who cares?

     10:14pm  Mr. Garcia hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Cool, I got a transfer from that driver. I called it. He was all, "What do you need a transfer for?" I told him, "Well, it's either a ten mile walk from here or a seven mile walk from West. I'll do either one." He hooked me up.

                     Kassie needs to realize that the more people that disagree with me the stronger I am becoming. Open your eyes, please.

                     In Kassie's case, open your beautiful eyes.

                     I'm thinking this might be a sign to leave. Going to go do my trip to New Mexico and back.

                     Oh yeah, and Kassie had the gall to call me lazy. Damn. I mean, Sabrina is all hooked on this show on TV. They're always on the computer. And I'm the lazy one? They're the lazy asses.

                     Except for my Kassie. She came to walk with me, hehe.

                     It's cool, they're all going to be talking shit about me now. I don't know, I shouldn't assume. They probably won't talk about me at all. But hey, at least I went through it and it happened and it's in the story. It's what really happened. Nothing but the truth.

     10:40pm  I just walked to the Shell station here at Wurzbach and Babcock. There was a lot of people there in line. When I got there, I just asked the cashier, "Hey, could I get some water?" I could've gotten it myself the whole time if he had told me yes. He grabs my bottle and fills it up and hands it back. The idiot put hot water in it. Dumbass.

                     Well Kassie, It really is your loss.

                     Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I've decided I'm going to walk to Planet K. Hang out there. Umm, I'm going to walk to Dominos and see if they have any mistakes. I'm hungry.

                     No mistakes at Dominos.

     11:07pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Pakistan place on Wurzbach and Evers.

     11:40pm  Earl just gave me two American Sprits. Haven't had one of those in a long time. I was talking to these two guys and they recognized me too. "Hey, Victor!"

Next day..

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