San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 10, 2008

     1:56am  I woke up from a long nap about an hour ago. It's crazy how I woke up so early. It's because I went to bed early. After I finished cleaning I just crashed out again. I had gotten only five hours of sleep the night before. I'm going to wake and bake.

     2:30pm  I'm leaving. I'm just going to walk around the neighborhood and see if I can get smoked out with something other than resin. I am still smoking on the resin Humplick gave me the other day(1-6-08 3:30pm). There's a chill in the air.

     2:35pm  Hell yeah, I was walking up to the Perry house and I found a necklace on the ground on the sidewalk. It's probably one of theirs, but I put it on.
                   Joey was passed out in his room upstairs, as usual. He keeps his window open so I yelled and woke him up. Maybe I'll try the other Amy's house over by the ditch.

     3:14pm  I was walking down Autumn Shade and I told Johnny B my story. I took his picture. Thanks a lot.

                   I had a good little presentation with Johnny B. He works for Budweiser, I think he told me.

     3:25pm  I'm home. Nothing happened in the neighborhood. Nobody's home.

     5:45pm  Ahh, I was walking around the neighborhood again. I looked down the street and there were no cars at the Perry house. I thought to go check the Brigadoon park. I started walking towards it and all of a sudden Katt and Michelle pull up! Well, I met Katt a long time ago. They just pulled up and I'm going to hang out with them, awesome.

                   Oh yeah, that was Michelle's necklace that I found on the sidewalk earlier. She wants it back.

     6:54pm  I'm back home. I hung out with Katt and Michelle. Katt smoked a bowl with me. I'm all stoned. I was tired of resin already.

Next day..

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