San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 6, 2008

     3:01pm  I just got done typing up yesterday.

     3:30pm  I've been hanging out at the Perry house for a bit now. When I got here I threw a tennis ball up into Amy's open window and freaked her out. She was all, "Hey, Victor! Come on in. The door's unlocked." I went up to her room and watched a movie with her. It's a Guy Thing. It was pretty entertaining, I guess. Then I went over to Humplick's room and had a badass presentation with Jigga, Hump's friend. Larry was there too. I had to yell my story over Hump's videogame, but I did okay. I told them my whole Odyssey, hell yeah. And to top off the charge I got from telling my story, Humplick just hooked me up with all this resin pellet he made. It's all in a paper like a joint. I appreciate it, Humplick. This might be traveling-weed. It'll last me a long time.

     3:48pm  I am back home at my mom's house. It was cool. I went over there and hung out with Amy. Midway through the movie she paused it and said, "I'm hungry. Are you?" I told her, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." Her dad had just gone to Sam's. Amy gave me a couple corndogs. Her dad does taxes and stuff. I really want to clean their house for them. It stinks upstairs.

     4:44pm  I got all stoned at Humplick's and decided I'm going walk to OP Schnabel for no reason whatsoever. Because I got high, hehe. I want to start walking again every single day like I used to. Hmm, I goundscored a free bus pass last night, so maybe I should take that as a sign to ride the bus more.

     5:57pm  I didn't tell you I walked all the way to OP Schnabel and right now I am walking the nature trail to the Walmart. I am almost there. I have a bus pass, so I guess I'll ride the bus. Maybe I'll go downtown, I don't know. I want to tell somebody my story, damnit. I just had an awesome presentation with Jigga and Larry in Humplick's room. In the end Jigga told me he didn't think I was crazy.

     6:00pm  I am over by the fence behind the Walmart. They spraypainted over the graffit that was there before. I took a picture. I remember there used to be a picture of a naked lady. I'm going to go to the bus stop and eat something. Then I'm going to sit there and wait for somebody to get off the bus so I can tell them my story.

     6:03pm  They're building a new bus stop at the Walmart. In the meantime the buses are stopping like a block away at the stopsign. I took a picture of the progress they have made so far.
     6:44pm  I forgot to tell you. I decided to just go home. I waited until 35 when all the buses came. When the buses came I looked in them to see if there was anybody cool to tell my story to. I saw Ish the Fish on the 608. I hopped on that bus and said hi to him. Right now I am on the way to the Church's. I'm going to go back home.

                   I got my exercise today on the nature trail to the Walmart.

                   When I got on the bus nice Mr. Wilson was driving. Right when I got on I showed him that bus pass that I found. He said, "Man, I was going to hook you up, anyway. I was going to take care of you." I smiled and told him, "It's the thought that counts. Thanks anyway."

     7:08pm  I was bored, so I decided not to get off by the Church's. I rode the bus all the way to the Citgo on Bowen's Crossing, where Humplick works. He wasn't working tonight. Right now I had a good little presentation. I was standing in front of the Citgo smoking a cigarette and this lady walked out and assumed I was homeless. She asked me, "Are you traveling or something?" She volunteered me a Coke. I kindly refused telling her, "I don't drink soda. I have enough gas, but thanks anyway." I hit her up for my story and she agreed to listen to me. Her little son was there too. When I said I was going to get marijuana legalized she gave me a high five. The first time I asked her if she was willing to listen she had to go, so I gave her my website. See, there was a definite reason for me to come to this Citgo tonight.

                   I'm wearing my Relax, I'm a professional shirt, hehe.

                   Oh yeah, I saw the 608 coming back around and I ran after it, but I guess Mr. Wilson didn't see me. I am walking home now. Fuck Point's Edge. Fuck Bo. I'm not going to walk by his house tonight.

                   I had asked that lady to do me the two favors at the end. I told her, "Everybody thinks I'm some crazy homeless guy. You know how much people love ignoring them." She told me, "You're invisible." I've got perfect cover. It was cool how this lady had her son right next to her the whole time and was agreeing with everything I said about marijuana. Her son was really enjoying my story too.

     7:58pm  I was all resinated so I missed the street to turn on. I walked Bowen's Crossing all the way to Loop 1604. They have a Chevron here now. I told the girl working there my story when she came out to smoke a cigarette. Right now I am walking up 1604 to Braun.

     8:43pm  I had a badass presentation right now with Jose at the Shell station on Braun. I've had a good day of storytelling.

     9:04pm  I'm walking home through the neighborhood. I just realized I lost that beautiful necklace that beautiful Clea gave me. I loved that thing. I guess it came off when I took my shirt off to layer down.

     9:21pm  I was walking down the street and this dude was outside his house and he told me what's up. He had seen me smoking at the Shell station so he asked me if he could have a Bugler. I rolled him a cigarette. I asked him if he had ever seen me walking around before. He said no, but then he said, "Oh, you're the guy my brother was talking about. He told me about some guy who walks around with a cane." He told me his brother thought I was a bum. Just like I want him to, hehe. Undercover-bum.

     9:26pm  I was walking down the street and all of a sudden one of the Amy's pulls up. Actually, the other Amy was in the passenger seat. They asked me where I was going and I told them wherever they'll take me. Driver Amy asked me if I wanted a ride to Subway and I said sure, why not and hopped in the back of the truck. I think she means the Subway in the Valero on Braun and 1604, where I just came from. I'm riding in the back of the truck right now.

     10:57pm  Wow, what a magical night tonight turned out to be. I walked all the way to OP Schnabel and then walked all the way to the Walmart. I got on a random bus. I overshot the Church's and went all the way to the Citgo where Humplick works. I had a good presentation there. I was walking down Bowen's and I passed up the four-way stop I turn on, because I was all stoned. I stayed on Bowen's Crossing all the way to 1604 where they built that Chevron I had never been to before. I went there and had another good presentation. Then I walked to the Shell and told Jose my story. Then I was walking through the neighborhood and this guy who had seen me at the gas station called me over. His name is Frank. He just got out of prison. He asked me for a cigarette so I went over and rolled him one. I didn't feel like telling Frank my story. I was almost home. He told me his brother had told him about me and he was wondering. I gave him my website, so he'll find out about me. I started walking and all of a sudden the Amy's pull up and pick me up. We drove over to the Subway where Amy works, which is at Bandera Pointe. Bandera and 1604. Then we drove to Westchase apartments where I had been before(6-25-07, 2:29pm) and they bought some weed. Matt and Alisa's. Remember that time when we were trading licks(8-8-07, 10:18pm)? At Malcolm's house. We went to Westchase and got some weed and came back. I'm all stoned and I just wanted to a do a little recap of what happened today.

     11:21pm  I am back home.

     1:00am  I am finally going to sleep. I got on the computer for a little bit and took a hot shower. I didn't wash myself. I just soaked in the hot water for a long time.

Next day..

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