San Antonio, TX

Monday January 7, 2008

     8:12am  I got 7.09 hours of sleep. I slept real good. I'm going to get stoned and get on the computer.

     12:32pm  I am the Walmart. I forgot to tell you.
     12:40pm  Hell yeah, I got on the bus right now and talked to Jade. She had seen my WPTMJ shirt at the Walmart. She said it was a great shirt and I tried telling her my story. She had to get off pretty soon over by Huebner Creek. She told me she had just gotten here from Portland. She told me she didn't know where anything was. I immediately offered to show her around. I asked her, "Do you mind smoking resin?" She said that she couldn't. That her fiancé was in the military and she had to be a good girl. I'm going to the Medical Center for no reason. I am reading my book.

                     Page 219 "What worked evidently was cultural diversity.

     1:06pm  I'm at the hospital.
     1:19pm  Jumped on the 91 going downtown.

                   Page 234.

     1:57pm  Downtown. Martin Street.

     2:08pm  I walked over to the NIX hospital to use the restroom on the sixth floor, like I have done many a time before. This little security guard is giving me problems because of my WPTMJ shirt. I walked in and he immediately said, "You can't come in here with that shirt!" I told him I would cover it up. Then I thought for a second and yelled, "Why not? Freedom of speech." He said I had to change my shirt telling me it was private property. I told him to let me talk to his superior. Dude, I had my hoody on and it wasn't even that visible. I told him, "You know I could just zip my hoody up," and he said okay. So I get in the elevator and as the door starts to close I tell him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can." He stops the closing door and says, "What did you say?" I told him again, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can." He got all mad. I told him, "Why don't you call someone with some authority? If you don't I'm going to call the police. You are violating my freedoms. You can't do shit to me.  I hope you are enjoying your power-trip." Hehe, this piglet was livid. He made everybody else get out of the elevator and kept talking shit to me. I eventually said, "Okay, I've wasted enough of your time, bye," and started walking out. Furious, he told me, "No, you're going to wait for the police!" I just walked out of the elevator and told him, "Whateva, I can do what I want," and walked out. I walked out of the front door and he followed. I stealthily removed my digital camera from it's case and turned around and pointed it at him. "Gotcha, thanks for making my story so interesting," I told him. He dashed at me but was too slow. Haha, sucker.

                   Haha, I took his picture and everything. Fuck that dude. I should've told him, "Any stupid wetback can become a security guard. It takes a real man to be an officer."

     2:34pm  Haha, right now I walked over to Alamo Plaza and as I was waiting to cross the street this mountain bike cop saw me and called me over. I walked over there with a big grin on my face. He tells me, "Do me a favor, don't go to the NIX anymore. That guy was all freaking out because of you.  He was yelling at us to have you arrested." The cop was halfway laughing. Haha, the real cops got my back. He just laughed and told me, "Just leave him alone."

                   Right now I was walking back towards Travis Park. I walked in front of the NIX and the security guard was looking at me again while I walked by slowly. I just stuck my tongue out at him the whole time I was walking by. He smiled.

     3:27pm  I'm in Travis Park. I'm going to head home already. Oh yeah, I saw James and smoked everyone out with my resin. James, the guy who didn't kill himself after hearing my story a long time ago. He told me that he's been to jail a lot and he always sees my VICTOR THE LIBERATOR tag at the magistrate's. That's so awesome that it's still there. I can't believe they haven't scratched it off. Through county jail let it be known!

     3:30pm  Got on the 92.

                   Be sure to copy out the chapter The Boiling Frog on page 258.

     4:44pm  I just got off the 534 close to Planet K. Evers and Wurzbach. I figure I'll go stand in front of there and smoke a cigarette and proudly display my shirt and tell my story to somebody.

     5:05pm  I was standing in front of the Planet K. All of a sudden these guys pull up and tell me, "Can we take a picture of you?"

     5:42pm  I was standing in front of PK just letting people read my shirt and giving out my website. This one dude came outside. He told me he had gone in there and asked them if they had any stuff to pass a drug test with. He was immediately refused service because of his verbiage. I offered to smoke him out with some resin and he said sure. When his friend(who bought the stuff instead) came out we got in his car. I told him, "Big Brother likes to watch this parking lot, so let's drive somewhere." Tom and Mike. They're giving me a ride to Huebner and Eckhert. Oh yeah, Mike gave me a lighter. I appreciate it.

     5:47pm  I just got dropped off at the Shell station where Josh works. Tom and Mike sat in the parking lot for a long time so I could finish telling them my story.

                   I thought I was going to hang out there until Josh got off and he'd give me a ride home. It was still early and I could've still caught the bus. After a couple hours I decided to call my mom. Luckily, she was out at the Walmart and happily agreed to come pick me up.

Next day..

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