San Antonio, TX

Tuesday November 23, 2004

                       Okay, since I do not have a working tape recorder I am going to type this up from memory. Let's see, this morning I woke up at my mom's house pretty early. Right when she was leaving for work. I asked her if she could spare any "bus fare" and she gave me two dollars. I decided I'd walk all the way to the Walmart just for the exercise. At the Walmart I can find out what the letter of the day for the transfers are easier than by the Citgo by my mom's. I walked down Braun Road. Halfway down Braun I saw a 609 bus coming to the bus stop I was about to walk in front of. I ran up to it and he stopped. I got on and told him, "I don't suppose you could hook me up with a transfer? I'm walking to the Walmart." He told me no, but I was sure to look on his stack of transfers and I found out the letter of the day, I. I checked my transfers and I had a couple I's. Cool. Day's starting out good. I walked all the way to the Walmart and I had a good twenty minutes to wait for the 610 to the hospital. I went inside and played video games(for free).

                       Oh yeah, yesterday I finally watched the Mel Gibson Passion of a Christ movie. My mom had bought the DVD. It wasn't that impressive. That story has been told a million times before. I have been needing a haircut for quite some time and I didn't feel like going to the Rios and asking them for a free one. After the movie I went in the bathroom and with a pair of scissors starting cutting my hair. I was just cutting it as short as I could. Then I got the idea, "Hey, I can shave my entire head. Like, with a razor. Never done that before." So I did. I really like it. I'm bald on top and my cool long goatee.

                       Okay, back to today. I caught the bus to University Hospital and then jumped on the 92 going downtown. Right when the 92 passed Eagles Nest apartments on Callaghan/Fredericksburg I remembered this guy named Joe(I think) that I had met when I was getting out of jail earlier this year(4-26-04, paragraph starting with: "Oh yeah, and on the ride home I got on the 92. . . "). He had given me his apartment number and I had stopped by before and smoked weed with him. He had even hooked me up with this black microcassette recorder he had(which is long dead now). I checked where I thought was his apartment, 1211, and nobody answered. So I walked down Fredericksburg.

                       I walked around in the Warren Inn apartments, hoping to get smoked out by someone. It's more ghetto in there. Then I walked around the apartments next to that, Renaissance Parc, I think. Nobody smoked me out. I walked back up to Fredericksburg and caught the 92 when it came in front of some car dealership.

                       For over a year now, I have had this big gaping whole in one of my teeth. There's no pain, but I'm sure there will be someday and I don't want to lose a visible tooth. Back in March I had gone to the Christian Dental Clinic(3-2-04, 2:25pm), close to Travis Park, and gotten a molar pulled. The dentist had looked at the holey tooth and said I could get a filling, but I told him I would do it later, since there was no pain. I told him after I get back from traveling. Well, now that I have, I remembered and when I went into town today, that was a mission-objective.

                       I rode the 92 all the way to Travis Park downtown. At Travis Park I immediately went up to the kids in the square. Natalie, Shiela, Lola and all the other regulars. I asked them where the weed was and they said there wasn't any in the park. I can always walk to Sam's Shelter and score there, but they're shintzy over there. I said screw it and walked to the Christian Dental Clinic. Sure enough, I have an appointment for an exam on Friday December 3, 2004 at 1:30pm. I was glad to get something done.

                       After that, I get to the park and some other kids showed up. The cool hotdog guy hooked me up with one for a dollar. They immediately recognized me. They introduced me to some guy as "The Story Guy." He was all, "Yeah, I heard about you." And as luck should have it, there was someone there who had weed. This dude traded me a good nugget my other dollar. Ahh, weed. My day got so much better from there.

                       I smoked a couple people out and bummed a couple cigarettes. I was talking to this one guy when the 90 pulled up. The 90 goes down Woodlawn and I wanted to go say hi to my gangster friend Nanos. I got a courtesy ride and rode the bus to his house, knocked on the door and some lady told me Nanos didn't live there anymore. I told her if she could tell him Victor was back when she saw him again. She said ok and started to close the door. I asked her, "Where is he at?" She told me he was back in jail for another two years. Damn.

                       From there I walked down San Pedro all the way to the 92 stop on Cypress, right past the VIA office. Oh yeah, before that, I had stopped at the public library across the street from San Antonio College. I've been wanting to go to a public library to look up the Illuminati. I don't want to do that on my mom's computer, just because I think they're watching me. I did a Google search for "Illuminati" and I got some really great stuff. I remembered I had put a 3½ floppy disk in my CD-case awhile back. I didn't want to email myself the texts and links that I had found. So, I took the disk and figured out how to save them. It was a really shitty disk with the guard missing, but it looked like it could still hold data. I was able to copy stuff to them just fine. Oh yeah, and just now I noticed the strangest thing. Check out when the Illuminati text was put on the Internet:

                       From: "Robert V. Rodriguez"
                       Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:22 PM

                       Umm, that's today, a couple hours before I did the Google search. Weird, wacky stuff, eh? How weird is that? It seems as if I were just meant to see that while it was still up.

                       After the library, I walked into SAC. I wanted to go in front of the library and bum a cigarette. I had always hung out and told my story there before, so I was hoping someone would recognize me. When I first got there and asked for a cigarette, this one guy told me no. I said thanks anyway, turned around and started walking. When I turned around, he saw the peace tattoo on my neck and said, "Hey, I know you. You're the guy who walks everywhere that was here last semester, right?" I told him yeah and showed him my list of cities for this year's tour. At first the guy told me he only had two cigarettes. After he recognized me I said, "You can't hook me up with one for the cause? Now that you remembered who I was?" He still told me no, that he needed to have one at eight. Like he couldn't have bummed one himself then.

                       I said screw it and took off walking towards San Pedro. I walked by these two girls outside smoking and one hooked me up. Then I walked to the bus stop at Cypress. I sat down and smoked my cigarette and took a hit of weed. I got on the 92 when it came and rode it to the hospital. At around six or so. We just had a small cold front come through so I went to the bathroom at the transfer center and put on my 100% cotton thermal. Oh yeah, I found a lot of my old clothes. I went outside and scanned the crowd for cigarettes. I asked this one lady and she agreed. As she was pulling out the cigarette, some security guard I had never seen before, not David, came up and started yelling at me saying, "You can't bum cigarettes." I told him, "Since when does it hurt to ask? She's giving it to me willingly." He started yelling at me some more so I started telling him off. Telling him, "Yeah? Or else what? Whatcha gonna to do, tough guy?" I told him, "Let me see your badge, you little piglet." He pointed to the one he was wearing and I told him, "Okay, now show me something you didn't get out of a Cracker Jack box." He was all yelling at me right in front of the lady. He was telling me he wasn't going to let me bother her. I yelled at him, "Don't you think that you and me yelling at each other right in front of her bothers her more than her giving me a cigarette? If you don't like it, call the cops. Anyone can be a puny security guard. It takes a real man to be an officer," I told him that, even though I don't like the police. I was just trying to make him feel dumb. I crossed the street and he was helping this lady with a walker cross. I yelled at him, "The kids are taking over, old man." Eventually, I just walked up to this cool dude and bummed a cigarette off him. He was reading some book and I asked him, "Hey, will you read one of my stories?" I have a couple printed out I keep in my wallet." I started showing him my Bexar County Jail 04 story, but his bus came.

                       I walked back over to the security guard with my lit cigarette and told him, "Hey, look what I got!" He smiled and said, "What? Why didn't you ask me? I was trying to bum a cigarette off that lady, but you beat me to it." Ha, I broke that rent-a-cop. Called his bluff. He ended trying to joke around with me. Owned.

                       The 610 came at 6:35 and I rode it to the Citgo. I bummed a cigarette at the Citgo, walked to my mom's house. I made me a big peanut butter and strawberry preserves sandwich. I ate the sandwich and then my Rachel called.

                       About the Illuminati stuff I copied at the library. When I came home and tried to copy it to the hard drive, at first I highlighted all of them, right-clicked and went to Send>3½ floppy (A:). It copied the antimoney.txt, a small 11kb text file. Then it got an error copying the next one. Remember the disk is in bad shape. It got to a point where the floppy drive was making the same exact scanning noise and it eventually errored. I popped it out, waited for it to stop scanning and put it in again. I got the hang of when it would start that cycle and I was able to pull a couple other files out. Out of the thirteen text files I saved, only five copied and didn't error. The largest being 26kb. I named the files, antimoney.txt, darkpoetry.txt, einstein.txt, floweroflife1.txt, floweroflife2.txt, links.txt, lookuptotesky.txt, naturalperson.txt, note from the rich.txt, ritualabuse.txt, speaks.txt, strange.txt and tothepoint.xt. I was able to get antimoney, darkpoetry, notefromtherich, strange and tothepoint. The Illuminati one I'm talking about is strange.txt. Just think about the synchronicity involved. What a grand coincidence that one of the text files I was able to copy was that one, confirming Lena Journeyhawk's story about the Illuminati and that was posted today Tuesday November 23, 2004.

                       Cool, I was able to get links. There should be a wealth of pointers in here. Here it is people. Do your own research.

                       I just realized something. All the text files have that the header:

                       From: "Robert V. Rodriguez"
                       Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:22 PM

                       Just figured it out. See, to be able to save it as a text file on the library's computer I had to, on the browser(IE), File>New>Message. It would pull up a blank message window. I would tab down into the body field, paste the text from the web, File>Save As, make it save on the A: drive, name it something and save it as a text file. I guess this Robert V. Rodriguez guy was the last person to send a message on that public computer. Well, it would've been a cool coincidence, hehe.

                       Oh yeah, notefromtherich is hilarious.

                       Oh yeah, I never mentioned. Today in the park I was hanging out with some dude who recognized me. You know, showing him my list and stuff. He had the Metro section of the newspaper(SA Express News). He said he found it on the bus, saw the headline and had to grab it. The headline is, "Mom: I just cut my baby's arms off." It really freaked me out. I read the article and it's about some lady in Plano, TX who actually cut off her eleven month old baby's arms off. She called 911 and told them, "I just cut my baby's arms off. Both of them." They never mentioned what with.

                       It said that this lady was your stereotypical mother. She had three other kids and neighbors saw her taking them on walks every day at the same time and buckling them into the car and stuff. That she seemed like a very loving mother. They said they would have never dared to think this lady would be capable of such an atrocity. The baby died in the hospital shortly after.

                       Shit like that just freaks me out. What could make someone do something so evil? It just has to be something demonic and not human. They said this lady complained of postpartum depression or something like that. I don't buy it. This lady suffers from evil. Plain and simple.

Next day..

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