Silver City, NM

Monday November 8, 2004

     6:08am  Next morning. It's Monday morning. I have a hell of an update to make. Last night I kind of remembered, her name is Veronica, her apartment being towards the back of the college. I went and looked for it and couldn't find it. I gave up looking for it and thought, "Maybe the library is open." Luckily, it was open. Guess who was in there, Veronica. This girl is retarded or something, I don't know. She's just not all there. Just like last time. She didn't remember me, even though I went down on her and everything. I was hoping I would get laid again. Last night at the library I asked her, "I just walked twenty six miles, can I score a shower at your place again?" She let me take a shower and stuff, alone this time. I asked her if she remembered last time and she went, "Oh no, that wasn't me." I told her, "You don't remember we had sex and I went down on you? You don't remember sucking my dick?" "That was my twin sister," she said. That girl is crazy. I gave up and asked her, "Can I eat least go to bed? My feet hurt. I walked twenty six miles." She said, "Yeah, you can go to bed right here in the living room." But, she had the TV on all loud. I told her, "But the TV is going to keep me up." She said, "Well, it's my apartment." I told her, "Well, I'm going to leave then." I just left. She asked, "Where are you going to sleep?" I said, "I don't know. I'll find a place. I'm going to go crash behind your apartment." That's exactly what I did. I just woke up. 

                   I need to find the tennis court at the college and score some balls for my stick.

     6:16am  Jack, this homebum hooked me up with a cigarette over by the tennis courts. I appreciate it, Jack. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:08am  Reg is going to hook me up with a couple balls for my stick at the tennis courts. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Veronica let me take a shower last night.

     7:32am  Scored me three tennis balls. I told the guy my story. Got his email address.

     7:43am  Oh yeah, I checked my email last night. I got an email from Jordan! She was all telling me how she was on probation because of weed. She told me she couldn't wait until I got back so I could show her that cool place I was talking about. I want to show her everywhere in San Antonio. I want to show her the place where I found that fossil.

                    The homeless guy I got the cigarette from earlier, he was all, "Umm, let me roll it for you. So many people who roll cigarettes waste so much tobacco." But, while he was rolling it, it broke. I told him, "Speak of the devil. Just give me a pinch, I can roll it." He just had to be the one to roll the cigarette.

     7:49am  I just walked past the Snappy Mart. This guy Shiver saw me and called me over and offered me a ride to Arizona. I told him I just came from Arizona and not to be worry about it. Thanks anyway, man.

                   It's the thought that counts.

     7:51am  Shiver gave me five dollars for my camera! He said, "Here, get you some food." I went, "Awesome, do you mind if I get a camera with it?" He said sure. The universe provides. Thank you, Love.

                    He told me, "I don't think your plan is going to work." I got his email though.

     7:56am  Terry, the cashier who had talked to me last time at the Silver Shamrock, she hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Terry. She was all, "I remember you from last time."

                    I'm going to see if that girl Jamie still works at the CTS Cleaners.

     8:18am  The dollar store opens at nine, which is where'll I get my camera at. Actually, screw it. I'll walk all the way to Walmart. I can get all the things I need. My compass, tapes for my tape recorder and my camera. I'm hungry, so I'm going to try and score some breakfast. I came to the Grinder Mill, where I got hooked up last time.

     8:21am  Alicia en el Grinder Mill me va a dar gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, Alicia. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     8:23am  Calling the shots, calling the shots. Got hooked up at the Grinder Mill again. That was perfect. Now I'll be fueled up for my walk to Walmart. I'm going to eat my breakfast at Gouge Park.

                   Jamie still works there. She comes in the afternoon, the lady working there told me.

     8:59am  I went to Gouge Park and I ate. I packed up my stuff and took my pants off. I'm going to walk to the Walmart now.

     9:19am  I was walking towards the Walmart, this lady told me it was like three miles and Chris pulled out of McDonald's. His window was opened so I yelled, "Hey, can you give me a ride to the Walmart?" He's giving me a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:24am  I'm at the Walmart. This kid, as he was pulling out of the McDonald's parking lot, I yelled at him, "Can you give me a ride to Walmart?"

                   I have ten dollars to spend. Let's see what I can get.

     9:44am  I got new tapes and a new camera. I got a 800 speed camera. The pictures will be clearer and it was still under five dollars. Oh yeah, first I told the girl in the photolab about my master plan. Then I told Gina, the cashier in the express lane. She agrees with me. Now I'm going to ask people for spare change for a new compass for my walking stick.

     10:00am  Chad is giving me some change for my new compass. I appreciate it, brother. Wow, a whole five dollars!

                     Chad walked by and I asked him, "Can you spare any change so I can get a new compass for my walking stick?" He said, "Sure, I'm a walking stick kind of guy," and handed me a five dollar bill!

                      I bought my compass and I was hoping I would have enough. With those ten dollars I bought me an 800 speed disposable camera for just $4.64. I got me a four-pack of cassettes(one 90 minute tape and three 60's). Outside, I went to go put my compass on, but couldn't find my crazy glue. I picked up and shook the little soap dispenser thing I had put it in and it seemed empty. I went inside and bought a double pack for ninety nine cents. It turns out the soap dispenser wasn't empty, just the that glue was stuck to it and that's why it seemed empty. Anyway, I put my compass on my stick and I'm walking back to Silver City now. I'm going to stop somewhere and brush my teeth.

                      Earlier, at the Walmart the bathrooms were locked. I came over to where they have vending machines over by the left entrance. I set my water bottle on top of a Coke machine and took my layers off. I just realized I left it there, so I'm walking back to get it.

     10:24am  I'm going to stop in this Rough Country Outdoor place and buy a caribiner.

                     They're out of caribiners. That sucks. I'm going to keep walking. I'm going to walk to the mission.

     10:32am  I'm at the gospel mission. I'm going to eat eventually.

                     We just came out of lunch. I had met this pretty girl who spoke Spanish, this Naomi girl. She's married and has kids but she was all talking dirty and teasing me. All talking about sex and everything. I would ask her if she'd want to do it, but her husband might get pissed off. I'm just going to try to get a bus ticket out of here.

     1:15pm  I was walking down Bullard and I ran into that kid that I squatted with last time. Last time he was in a wheelchair(7-18-04, 11:20pm) because he got hit by a car. What was your name again? Jesse. It's a small world. He's going to give me a place to squat tonight. Perfect, he's got a house. He's working.

                   He sold out, hehe.

     2:22pm  What a marvelous entry I have to make. I ran into Jesse again and he has a house! Like, he doesn't have any furniture. It's all a dump now. I'll take a picture of it with my new camera. He said he was working on getting a computer. He's got a job. He does labor and stuff. He's going to let me crash here tonight. He took off right now. He's going to leave the door unlocked. Man, if there was a computer here this would be an awesome resource for me to have. I wouldn't have to go back to San Antonio just yet. It's so cool that I ran into this guy again.

                   He was in a wheelchair last time. He's got a job and he's not homeless anymore.

     2:30pm  I was just sitting there and I just realized that this metal thingy I found yesterday on the highway, I can use as a caribiner for my water bottle! Perfect, I've had a caribiner all this time and I all went in the outdoor store looking for one. I'm glad I didn't find any. Man, I'm going to have this thing forever.

     3:48pm  The apartment is at 105 whatever this street is. The house is over on Broadway and Bayard. It's so awesome that I ended up with a place I can chill and rest. My feet hurt like hell. It's cool, he's going to let me stash my stuff there and sleep there. I'm using my Triforce-of- Wealth now. Water bottle, Adidas bag and walking stick.

                    I had an awesome presentation with this one girl, some neighbor.

     4:02pm  On the main strip I saw some guy standing in front of a shop with a cool-looking sculpture. I asked him if I could take a picture of it. He asked me, "Are you going to do anything with it?" I told him I was going to put it on the Internet and bring world peace." He told me, "Well then don't." That's why I asked.

     4:27pm  Jared hooked me up with a cigarette walking down Bullard. I appreciate it, brother. He even gave me four! He said he had just gotten paid.

                   I'm not homeless, I'm traveling. I live everywhere.

                   I'm going to go in the Silver Shamrock and buy me a snack. I'm hungry.

                   Man, as the mission evolves. I'm going to have this caribiner for the rest of my life. It's some hardcore construction caribiner.

                   Oh, at the Silver Shamrock, I offered to tell the lady inside my story. When I walked in she had asked me how I was doing and I told her, "I'm the happiest man in the world." After some customers left I told her, "Can I tell you why I'm the happiest man in the world?" She looked at me and said, "Well, can it wait five minutes. I have to go to the bathroom." I told her, "That's Okay, I can tell you my story later." She said, "No, tell me now. Just let me go to the bathroom." She asked me, "Is it real long?" I told her, "I could talk your ear off if you let me, but I can shrink it down to a good five minute presentation."

                   I had a badass presentation with one dude. As soon as I told him I'm a long-distance walker/journalist he said, "Hey, come to this car and tell this girl." They're going to tell all their friends. They agreed with everything I said.

                   I'm going to go to CTS Cleaners and see Jamie.

                   I think that's what her name is.

                   Oh yeah, and I've figured it out. What I have is karmic protection. That's what I'm going to call it.

     5:09pm  The weirdest shit. I came to say hi to Jamie and she was working. When I first walked in I don't think she recognized me. She didn't say hi or nothing. I told her, "You don't remember me?" I told her, "I've been hard at work." I showed her my list and everything. She didn't have much to say. I told her, "I was really hoping your name was Jamie." She was taken aback, "Oh, you don't even remember my name? That's fucked up!" I asked her, "Do you know how many people I talk to?" She was all, "Still, still." Her name even ended up being Jamie! I was, "Well, aren't you glad I remembered it?" That was my cue to leave. I told her later and she gave a little humph. I was all, "What? Is your name not Jamie?" She told me, "Yeah, it is. You're the one trippin'."

                   I'm going to go to that house with the hippie flag on the window.

                   244 12th Street. The peace flag is still on the window. An American flag with a peace sign instead of stars. Let's see if anyone recognizes me.

                   Well, nobody is home.

     6:12pm  I came back to Jesse's. Oh yeah, the girl from the mission today that was a tease lives right next door. Her husband is this big Mexican dude. That chick is totally off-limits.

                   I didn't tell you. I'm going to go to the school and look for tennis balls. I have Jesse's BMX bike.

     8:42pm  I'm back at Jesse's.

Next day..

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