Willcox to Lordsburg, walking North towards Silver City, NM

Saturday November 6, 2004

     4:20am  I just woke up in this field in front of the Rip Griffin's. I'm freezing. I am so fucking cold. Oh yeah, I crashed out in the field next to the truckstop. I'm kind of worried about my poncho. There were little sharp rocks I was laying on.

     6:35am  I just woke up in the Subway in the truckstop. There's a Subway part to it. I got a couple more hours of sleep. It's cold outside.

                   I woke up and used the restroom. I took off some layers outside. I went back in the truckstop. The manager smiled at me real big. Ah, I'm not going to ask her if I can bum rides here. I asked her, "Do you know where the Greyhound stops?" She gave me directions. I'm walking there now. I have twenty dollars. That should be enough to get me into New Mexico.

     6:45am  I'm walking down Rex Allen Drive.

     7:45am  I got to the place the Greyhound stops at. This RV park. Umm, Lifestyle RV Resort. I don't know if today is Sunday or not, but it says it's closed on Sundays. On Saturdays it opens at eight, which is about fifteen minutes from now. The Eastbound bus comes at 10:35. I just need to know if it's Sunday or not.

                   Also it says, "If office is closed and you need help call 1-800-231-2222. Do not come into the RV park."

     7:58am  I called Greyhound. It's $22.50 to get to Lordsburg. I have twenty. I need two fifty. I wonder if they'll hook me up.

     8:12am  They finally opened up the Greyhound. I already knew how much it was to Lordsburg, but I asked him anyway. He told me, "It's $22.50." I told him, "I only have $20." He told me, "You can just walk down to the police station. They will help you with bus fare." I said, "Do you mean they'll give me the $2.50 I need or they'll take me to Lordsburg?" He told me, "Oh, they'll just give you the bus fare." Oh shit, I might be able to save this twenty dollars for weed.

                   Thanks to the cops, haha.

     8:26am  I walked over to the police station. I'm going to ask if they'll hook me up with bus fare to Lordsburg.

     8:30am  The police department here in the City of Willcox is giving me a bus voucher for bus fare to Lordsburg.

     8:33am  I scored! I was meant to come here.

                   Just like in Truth or Consequences. Cops give me a bus voucher. Now I can buy some weed. Thank the police, thanks police.

     8:41am  I walked back up to the Greyhound station at the Lifestyle RV Resort. There's a Mexican restaurant here that opens at nine. I'm going to eat breakfast.

     9:25am  I weighed all my stuff at the Greyhound station. My backpack weighs, with all my shit on, it is approximately like twenty pounds. My mission bag is about 12.5, I guess. My stick is two pounds. My full water bottle is 2.5lbs. It comes out to about thirty five pounds or so.


                   Anyway, that's what I'm hauling.

                   The guy at the Mexican restaurant told me to come back in half an hour when his wife is there. They're going to hook me up.

     9:33am  I can't believe I got another resin hit out of my pipe! I took a hit of weed and I'm going to go try the Mexican place again.

     9:54am  Pauline at Rosalinda's Restaurant, by the Greyhound station, is giving me something to eat. I appreciate it, Pauline.

     10:32am  Here's the Greyhound. Perfect.

     10:46am  We're in Lordsburg.

     12:10pm  Oh yeah, right where the Greyhound stops there's a Family Dollar store and I was able to get me some socks for five dollars. Perfect, a six pack.

                      I went in the McDonald's restaurant and changed and put on my pants.

     12:37pm  The coolest shit happened. I was at the Family Dollar. I see some guy with a weed shirt on go in the store. When he came out I asked him, "Hey, know where I can get a dimebag?" He said, "Yeah, walk with me." He had it on him right there. I got me some weed! Now I'm going to go find me a place to smoke.

                      Walking North on Main Street. Silver City is thirty miles or so. I don't know. I'll probably get a ride.

                      Man, that was just too perfect. I sat down and aired my feet out and changed out my socks. I see a cool guy walk in. I hit him up when he comes out and I score.

     12:47pm  I was walking by this motel and some lady was up close to the fence. I asked her, "Hey, how much will you charge me to take a shower here?" She told me about some shelter that's six blocks down. I'm going to go take a shower. Cool. The universe provides.

                     I was thinking, "Ah, maybe I shouldn't." She told me it was real nice. That's probably a sign for me to go check it out. She said it was the church of Jesus Christ in Spanish. Iglesia de Jesuschristo. I'm going to go tell my story.

                     I'm going to go find somewhere to get high.

                     I walked in some Catholic church. There was a big crowd of people and there was a mass going on. I didn't want to interrupt, so I gave a peace sign to them and kept walking.

     1:29pm  I walked into some rock shop. I wanted to get a second opinion on my rock. It is indeed an Ammonite and forty one  million years old.

                   I'm walking East down this street. I haven't gotten to this church yet.

     1:45pm  Oh man, the most ignorant guy just came up to me! See, I had come to this church that wasn't a church. It was like a closed down motel complex. I went and knocked on all the doors but it seemed like nobody was there. I even heard a radio going in one room. Since it seemed like I was alone, I sat down and pulled the Frisbee out of my bag. I flipped it upside down and poured out my seedy dimebag of weed I had just bought. I wanted to sort out all the seeds. These two guys pull up in a car. I ask them, "Is this the church I can take a shower at?" He tells me no. He gets out of the car and asks me what I'm doing. When he realizes it he gets all pissed off and starts shouting at me, "Get out of here!" I told him, "Okay, I will," and started packing up my things, still holding the Frisbee with one hand. He kicks the Frisbee and knocks all the weed out of it. Pissed, I stood up and got in his face. He was all, "You don't scare me. You or your homeboys." I came to my senses and willingly backed away telling him, "No, I am not going to overreact. I forgive you, brother. You know not what you do." I yelled, "I am going to make everything free and bring world peace, damnit!" I figured it was the guy who ran the religious shelter. I was all tense. I asked him, "Don't you see you are treating me the same way the Babylonians treated Jesus?" He goes, "Well, my Jesus doesn't smoke dope." And you call yourself a Christian? Hypocrite sinner!

                   Okay, screw Lordsburg! Screw this town! Screw bible-thumpers! He calls himself a Christian. That guy had the devil in him!

     1:52pm  After I got run out of the homeless shelter, Johnny hooked me up with some bud. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was so perfect! Right after I had lost my weed, I got kicked down a couple nuggets. Thank you, Love. Thank you so much. I am so much happier.

                   What a crazy chain of events. I was walking down the street. I was just livid with what just happened. I saw these three kids walking and I stopped them and told them, "The most messed up thing just happened down there at the homeless shelter." I told them what had happened, and then straight into my intro. I got my whole platform out and in the end Johnny said, "I can turn you on to some," and he handed me a couple nuggets.

                   Then I walked a little further and I saw some other guy walking. I thought, "I'm going to tell this guy what just happened too." I walked up to him and said, "The most messed up shit just happened to me." This guy tells me that he used to run that shelter. But now, there's some ex-con who's in charge and that he's a big hypocrite(don't I know it). He was saying, "He shouldn't have done that. I'm surprised he didn't call the cops." Oh, and he invited me over to his trailer. I'm going to tell him my story. Oh, I'm all stoned. I'm going to smoke him out too.

                   That's so cool what just happened to me. I ran into Jaime and I got a place to squat if I don't get to Silver tonight. As soon as it gets dark, I'm going to walk back over to his trailer. I hope I remember how to get there.

                   It's like parallel to the railroad tracks. Now I'm walking West away from it, so I have to walk East to come back.

                   Oh yeah, Jaime gave me a lot of info on the guy who knocked over my weed. He said that he's a pastor. He told me he was an ex-con. He says that he steals money from the church and stuff. That he does it in Silver City, too.

                   He's a pastor, damnit. And he got all pissed off at me like that. He was telling me, "I'm not scared of your homeboys." He told me, "I don't ever want to see you in this town again." I told him, "Okay, screw this town."

                   Jaime wouldn't listen to me though.

                   I should've told that pastor, "You have the devil in you."

     2:48pm  I'm going to go into the El Charro Mexican Food and try and score some food.

     2:49pm  No-go. She told me the manager wasn't there. Oh well.

                   She told me good luck, like everybody else tells me.

                   I've decided to leave. I'm not going back to Lordsburg. I'll walk. All the way to Silver City if I have to. It's only thirty miles. A couple days. I got some new socks. My feet feel good. Silver City here I come.

                   See, I wasn't meant to score any weed in Benson. I was meant to hold onto that money until now. I'm going to buy some traveling food at the grocery store.

     3:03pm  Daniel me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

                    I had the most awesome presentation with this guy in here. I went back into the grocery store. I asked him if he'd run me off for asking for rides. He told me no.

     3:31pm  Rosie hooked me up with a cigarette outside the grocery store. I appreciate it, Rosie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:35pm  I'm walking to Silver City. Silver City is forty five miles, not thirty.

     3:44pm  Mile marker 28. I'm not going to stop. Oh, and I don't think I ever mentioned it. I had a good presentation with the guy sitting next to me on the Greyhound. He listened to my whole story. He was going all the way to Virginia.

     3:58pm  I'm coming up on an official scenic historic marker.

                   "Lordsburg. Population 3195. Elevation 4245. Lordsburg was founded in 1880 on the route of the Southern Pacific Railroad, near that used by the Butterlfield Overland Mail Company(1858-1861). It eventually absorbed most of the population of Shakespeare, a now deserted mining town 3 miles South."

                   Please Love, I pray to you. Grant me a ride.

     4:10pm  Passing sign that says, "Gila Cliff Dwellings," that way, to the right. I'm coming up on the 70/90 junction.

     4:12pm  Passing mile marker 0 for I90.

     4:18pm  Silver City 41 miles. Cliff 58. Holy shit, I've already walked four miles.

                   These socks make a world of difference, man. I'm going to walk to the next mile marker.

     4:30pm  Mile marker 1. Let me rest. I walked five miles. I'm going to start doing that from now on. Five miles between rests. Next mile marker I rest at is 6. I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

     4:49pm  I'm off. Let's see how long it takes me to walk five miles.

     5:05pm  Mile marker 2.

     5:22pm  Mile Marker 3.

     5:38pm  I took a drink of water. Hey, there's another mile marker coming up. Cool. I took a drink of water then I ran a little bit. To compensate for the time I stopped to drink water.

                   I didn't really stop. I just stopped, unscrewed it, drank, screwed the cap on and kept walking.

     5:39pm  Mile marker 4. Two more to go.

     5:55pm  Mile marker 5. Whoa, more sixteen minute miles.

                    I'm still keeping it under twenty minute a mile and I've been walking for like seven miles.

                    More like nine, maybe.

     6:13pm  Mile marker 6. I'm going to stop and rest. Let's see how long it took me to walk five miles. An hour and twenty two  minutes.

Next day..

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