San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April 5, 2005

     8:42am  I just woke up. I downloaded Tony Hawk 2 and the movie 1984.

                   I am not sure what time it is because I still don't have a watch. I just did my stretches and got all my stuff ready. I ate some cake and a little cheesecake. My mom bought me some 4Life multivitamins. I took a pill. I'm going to walk downtown again.

                   Oh yeah, last night I broke my water bottle. I was sitting in the computer chair and I stood up real quick and it caught and broke the strap of the bottle. I have me a plastic bottle in my bag. Today is my walking day. I am going to walk downtown.

     9:10am  I forgot to brush my teeth. I'm going back.

                   I'm coming up by the tennis courts on Camino Villa. I'm going to check if there are any tennis balls, even though I have more than thirteen at home. I'm going to check the trash can for a tennis ball because I'm going to walk downtown today and this one is almost out.

                   No tennis balls.

                   At the Exxon I got some water. About to walk in the park.

     10:20am  I'm at the Walmart. The Ingram-bound 610 is here. Mr. Perez is driving it. I looked inside the bus to see what the letter of the day is, N. I got one Nancy.

     10:22am  I don't know if I'm going to walk downtown. Maybe I'll walk back from downtown today. Because I have one transfer. That's my sign.

                     Screw it, I have like half an hour to wait for the Medical Center 610. I'm just going to walk it.

     10:33am  Passing Jefferson Bank. 65 degrees.

                     I'm going to stop by the computer shop and ask them how much a new hard drive for my mom's computer would be.

                     The guy isn't there, so I couldn't find out.

                     I'm walking in front of Marshall High School. I just walked by the soccer field where all these people were playing football without pads. I gave them all the peace sign and a couple kids waved back.

                     Whoa, in the school parking lot there's a bumper sticker on a Jeep that says, "Give war a chance." Screw that. License plate R58-VYY.

                     I'm walking Bluebird Lane to Huebner. Same way I went last time.

                     Please Love, get me high. Surprise me today.

                     Turning left on North Hollow.

                     Right turn on Oakdell Way.

                     I'm over by Lamb Road already. I'm going to cut through Walnut Hills. I'm going to go see if I can find that place in the woods where I got smoked out the other day(4-3-05, 1:20pm). I dropped a roach on the ground. I'm going to see if I can find it.

                     I'm at the place where we smoked. Please San Antonio, help me find that roach.

                     Eureka, I found it! I can't believe it. Thank you, Saint Anthony. My prayer was answered. Hmm, it's kind of wet, so I don't know if it will smoke.

                     See, right before when I was walking through Walnut Hill hoping I would run into that guy again, I found a snipe on the ground. At first I didn't pick it up. I told myself I wasn't going to smoke. Then I thought, "Well, if I find that roach I'm going to want to smoke a cigarette." I picked it up and put it behind my ear. Sure enough, I find that roach. It was way too small to just light it up and smoke it. I didn't know how I was going to get the THC in my lungs. Then I remembered I had grabbed that snipe earlier. I took a little pinch out of the end and I put the little bit of weed I got from the roach in the tip of the snipe. Ahh, got the THC in my lungs. Mission accomplished.

                     Thank you, San Antonio.

                     I walked out of the woods at the Auto Net. Right here on Wurzbach. Windridge Apartments. Across the street from Fast Eddie's.

                     I'm at University Hospital right now.

     12:07pm  This greedy ass bus driver told me no. My transfer was only seven minutes late. I shouldn't have trimmed it earlier. I trimmed it at the Walmart for ten, which would expire at noon. He told me no and crumbled it up real quick. I called him a greedy ass. I told him, "I was just testing you. You failed. I'll just get a courtesy ride." Screw it, that's a sign to walk downtown.

                     I walked by the dental school and actually got an appointment made. At Friday May 6th at 2:15. It's ten dollars for the screening.

                     That sucks. I have to wait until May 6th to get my teeth worked on.

                     Ha, I just cut through the Oak Hills Country Club again. They all saw me. I even snagged a couple tennis balls.

                     Oh yeah, when drivers don't hook me up with rides I'm going to tell them, "That's alright. I forgive you. You don't know any better." Just to make them think.

                     Cool, Fredericksburg is all busy right now. There's all these cars out. Everybody is staring at me.

                     Walked Fredericksburg and turned left on Magic. I'm going to take the trail to the tree. It sucks they cleared it out and we can't hang out there anymore. They moved away all the couches and it's not a room anymore.

                     Pretty much what I can do in half an hour on the bus, I can do in an hour and a half walking.

                     Justin and Samantha are sleeping. Their grandma told me they stayed up all night. I'm going to go to Sbarro's in Crossroads Mall and see if they'll hook me up there.

                     The greedy ass at Sbarro's told me no. He told me, "I already hooked you up once."

                     Oh well, next. Side-wok Cafe.

                     Lee at the Side-wok Cafe hooked me up with an egg roll. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     I'm walking to Santa Fe to say hi to Melissa.

                     Joe hooked me up with a cigarette at Santa Fe. I appreciate it, Joe.

                     Melissa wasn't home either. I got a cigarette off some guy, but I'm not going to smoke it. I just bummed it so I could tell him my story. He was a bit bothered when I pulled out my recorder to log his generosity, so I didn't tell him my story. Let me see if Teo's home.

                     Teo wasn't home, but Ashley was. The door was open and everything. She was sitting down on the floor playing on a laptop. I put my webpage on that computer real fast, hehe. All the pictures and everything.

     1:40pm  Bruno, at Cristan's is hooking me up with a taco for my walk downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Sweet, I didn't even tell him my gasoline-for-the-stomach line. I just went in there and asked him if he would hook me up with a taco for my walk downtown. He goes, "Sure, what do you want?" I'm going to walk to the bus stop and eat.

                     I gave Bruno my presentation up to the part where I say they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing. He agreed with every single thing I said. He told me, "I've seen you walking up and down Fredericksburg."

                     About to pass Hildebrand. Deco District HEB.

                     Just passed under I10.

                     Stopped at Little Dad's Snowcone Shoppe and got some water.

                     I just turned left on Ashby and I saw all these middleschool kids just standing out there. I walked by and gave them the peace sign. This one beautiful girl smiled real big at me.

                     I'm over here at the McFarlin Tennis Courts again. Let's see how many tennis balls I get today.

                     Whoa, I already see four balls on the ground and there are some stuck up in the fence again too.

                     I scored me like nine or ten more tennis balls at McFarlin. I already had two from the Oak Hills Country Club today. After I got the balls, I went to the public library in front of SAC. I went in there and asked the guy if he had a plastic bag. He said, "I think we have one." He told me, "You should throw the balls back. They would probably appreciate it." I told him that there wasn't anybody at the courts I got them from. I told him that when I found a couple balls on the other side of the courts that people were playing at, that I threw those back and they even told me thank you. I told the librarian guy, "I had to climb up the tall fence to get these. I deserve them. They're mine." He told me that he gives them to his German Shepherd. I told him, "Do you want some? I didn't pay for them. They're not mine to keep." Just then this other kid who was on the Internet laughed out loud.

                     Oh shit, I just walked by the Wienerschnitzel place and there's a sign that says, "Hotdog Wednesdays, twenty five cents." Hmm, I have a quarter.

                     I walked in that place holding my quarter and asked them, "Is today Wednesday?" They told me that it was Tuesday.

     3:20pm  Travis Park. I walked all the way downtown again.

     4:17pm  When I got to the park I saw Apok and asked him if he would sell me a joint for $1.25. He told me no and gave me some bullshit excuse. I got some other dude Russell to put some in and we walked off to smoke the joint. After we were both all high, I put on my show and blew his mind. Then afterwards this girl Martha showed up and told me she had joints for a dollar. I wish she would've been there before Apok was. Then I got the idea to just go ask people waiting for the bus, "Spare change for a joint?" I asked this nice black girl Charmel and she up and hooked me up with some weed. Like enough for a joint and she gave me two papers. I appreciate it, Charmel. Everybody gets credit, thanks. luvthisbth22@aol.com

     4:20pm  I got hooked up with some weed! That Charmel girl was cool. I asked her if she could spare any change for a joint and she says, "I already got some." I told her, "I'm not trying to sell any. I was asking for spare change so I can buy one." She tells me, "But I don't have anything to put it in."

                   Martha, the girl who was selling joints in the park for a dollar, hooked Russell up with a whole joint in the park. He appreciates it, Martha. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   6674 told me no. I told him, "I forgive you, brother. You don't know any better." He told me, "You're always asking for a courtesy ride. You gotta get some money somehow."

                   Mike hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                   The 91 told me no too. I forgave him and told him he didn't know any better. He said, "Alright."

                   This one driver told me, "I can't, they've got cameras."

                   Sweet, Mr. Giles on the 88 hooked me up.

                   I just got to the Walmart. I didn't give Mr. Giles credit in front of him when I got on the bus. Then I stood up next to him, because it was all crowded. He initiated conversation with, "You're putting a book together or something?" I guess he saw me in the mirror when I logged it. I had a badass conversation with him. I asked him if he had a computer. He told me yes, but that he didn't have the Internet. I told him, "You don't need the Internet." I gave him my last CD. I had a damn productive day today.

                   Actually, I have a dilemma. I need to buy some new CD cases. The slim ones.

                   Actually, I have tons of old CD cases I can use. They don't have to be the slim ones.

                   I'm going to take a nature hike through OP Schnabel all the way home. I got hooked up with some weed today. I'm going to find a place to sit down and roll a joint. As soon as I find a place more private I'll pull out my Stinky Cheese Man Book and roll a joint. Then I'll find somebody to smoke it with. I love this park. These trails are awesome.

                   Whoa, I just walked by and there was some dude up in a tree. I walked by and asked him what he was doing. He said, "Just climbing around." I asked him if he wanted to smoke a joint, but he said no thanks. I told him, "I guess you are already high."

                   I was looking for a place to sit down and roll a joint and I found one. This tree growing sideways I can sit on.

                   I just came out on Bandera Road.

                   I found two whole menthol cigarettes on the ground on Braun Road. I picked them up. I walked a little further and thought, "I failed the test." I threw them both back on the ground. I don't need to smoke cigarettes. It was a test.

                   I have weed for my typing tomorrow. That's all that matters.

                   I got a total of nine balls today. I just counted all my balls and I have a total of twenty six balls.

                   I forgot to make an update when I came home. I don't even know what time it is. Hold on, let me find out. It's eight. Oh yeah, I forgot. We had Daylight Savings Time not too long ago, so it's still all bright right now. I got home and I just took a shower. I had some good exercise today. I'm not even that tired. I could have walked all the way back from downtown if I wanted to. I caught the bus to the Walmart and hiked it from there. I took my time hiking back though. I actually got lost in my own woods. When I came home my mom was watching this video for her 4Life business. I swear that thing is a cult. It was all talking about all these incentives and rewards. It was about nothing else than money. That company needs to change their name to 4Money. If it was really 4Life it would be 4Free. It's not. It's all about money. She's the biggest sucker they've got. She's all about that. Damn illusion.

                   I did have a better day because I took my multivitamin this morning. I'm sure it could've been any brand multivitamin. My mom quickly got on the computer after I got out of the shower. I'm going to watch a movie. But I'm going to smoke some of this joint I have. Get ready for it. Left Behind, I think it's called. With Kirk Cameron.

     11:15pm  I am going to bed.

Next day..

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