San Antonio, TX

Tuesday March 22, 2005

     7:52am  I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Guess who called this morning. Somebody actually called for me at my mom's house. What a surprise. Ashlee called(2-19-05 to 2-26-05). I told her, "Oh yeah, your backpack is still here." She all said, "Oh no, I just wanted to call and see how you are doing(bullshit)." It was kind of cool that a girl was calling me at my mom's house. That never happens. I told her, "Well, if you want to hang out, I have some weed to smoke." Umm, I shouldn't hang out with Ashlee ever again.

     8:05am  I have figured out what I am going to do today. My mom gave me three bucks for "bus fare." I still had the dollar she gave me for bus fare yesterday and I have some change in my pocket. So I've got like four bucks and change. The night before last night the compass on my walking stick broke. All the water came out and it's all jiggling noisily as I walk. I have to get a new one.

                   I'm thinking about walking downtown.

                   Shit, I didn't grab my CD's that I want to pass out today to people. I only burned two last night. I want to burn a third one.

     8:24am  I forgot to tell you. I came back to the house and burned a fourth CD. That's all I wanted to do. I'm walking again. I'm going to walk to OP Schnabel and hike through the park to the Walmart so I can buy a compass for my walking stick. I don't know what I will do from there.

                   I walked all the way to Braun Road and Bandera. I got the idea to go see if Andre(2-16-04, 6:50pm) was there at the Bandera Road Community Church, so I could give him a CD.

                   Andre wasn't there. He's off on Tuesdays. Alright. I'm going to walk through the park to the Walmart.

                   The place the legendary GRASS sign is at is called Lawns of Beauty. 9444 Bandera Road. It looks like they went out of business or something. It looks all empty. It's going to suck hardcore if they take the sign down. Maybe Clear Channel will buy that billboard. 

     8:49am  I just walked in the park and I'm going to take the right-hand trail.

                   I just smacked a squirrel out of a tree with my walking stick. He all tried jumping to another branch and I swung at him. I didn't hit him that hard, but I made him fall down on the ground, hehe. I was all worried, because when he fell to the ground, he didn't move at all. I poked him a little with my stick and he ran off finally. Sorry squirrel. I was just playing with you.

                   I was trying to hypnotize him, like I do with the squirrels in Travis Park downtown. He wouldn't fall for it, though. Actually, he did fall for it, hehe.

     9:07am  I'm going to see if I can find that girl Dana's house again(2-16-04, 3:29am). In French Creek Village. I couldn't find it last time I looked for it. Maybe her grandma is there and I can tell her some stories.

                   I still couldn't locate her house. I'm still not sure which one it is. I could've sworn it was one of the houses behind the woods. I think it's 7519. I'm not sure.

                   I'm not going to go knock on the door. I'm going to walk to the Walmart.

     9:38am  I'm behind the Walmart now. By the apartments next door. I love that hike. It's marvelous. I try and take a different path every time.

                   The letter of the day is B as in Boy.

     10:03am  Leaving the Walmart. Got my new compass and everything. I'm going to put it on at the front. By the left entrance.

     10:14am  Haha, I had me a great presentation. After I got out of the Walmart I thought, "I'm going to go to the bus stop, see if I see somebody cool-lookin' and smoke them out. I got weed." Right when I got there I saw some kid and told him, "Hey, let's go smoke some weed." He said he didn't have any. I repeated myself, "No, let's go smoke some weed." He still said no. Then I jumped in with my ideas. When I told him that I told my story to all the bus drivers he told me, "Tell that one right there." I told him, "He's probably already heard it." I went up to the driver and asked him how much time he had left. He told me four minutes. I asked him, "Can I tell you a really interesting story?" He said he wasn't up for it. I asked him if he'd always been that ignorant. Right now when I was walking off, I saw that kid step on the bus to talk shit about me with the driver. He wasn't even waiting for that one.

                     Haha, they all think I'm crazy.

                     Just like I want them to.

                     Screw it, I'm going to walk downtown.

     10:24am  I was just walking out of the Walmart parking lot and Tim drove by, my little brother's friend who I met a long time ago, he drove up and I immediately offered to smoke some weed with him. I hadn't even recognized him or anything. He asked me if I ever had gone on that trip. I showed him my list. We're driving around smoking weed right now. Didn't I tell you I was going to find somebody to smoke out?

     10:36am  What an awesome presentation I just had. He didn't have time for the odyssey. My little brother's friend Tim, I blew his mind. I told him a lot of my stuff. He remembered me from a long time ago. One time when I smoked weed with my little brother a long time ago.

                     As long as we humans have such blatant disregard and disrespect for our Mother Earth . . . we will get what we deserve. Justice will be done.

                     I got this idea. I'm coming up on Eckhert now. I'm going to go into Horacio's Mexican Restaurant(1-24-05 and 2-11-05, 12:21pm). I'm going to pull out a dollar. I'll tell them, "All I have is a dollar and I'm going to walk downtown. Will you hook me up?"

     11:05am  Oh yeah, I went into the Horacio's place. Right before I met this one dude who works at the computer shop next door. I gave him my presentation and gave him a CD. Then I went to Horacio's and hit them up for anything for a dollar. The greedy ass girl told me, "We don't have anything for a dollar. The manager doesn't let us hook people up anymore." She told me in Spanish. I told her, "You wouldn't be hooking me up. I'm paying a dollar for it." She asked me, "Well, what do you want?" I told her, "Well, whatever costs a dollar." She said she didn't have anything for a dollar. I told her, "Alright, forget it then. Thanks anyway."

                    Those greedy asses at Horacio's. I thought they knew what I was doing.

                    Oh yeah, right before I got to Horacio's there was a sign over the place next door that said, "Advance your walk." There was a guy outside smoking a cigarette and I asked him if he knew what that sign meant. He told me he thinks it's a business that used to be there. I had never noticed it before. Should I take that as a sign?

     11:18am  I passed Marshall High School. I'm coming up on Abe Lincoln Street. Abe Lincoln was a smart guy, too.

     11:24am  Crossing Huebner Creek.

                     Oh yeah, it pisses me off. I couldn't find my hemp bracelet this morning. The one Gypsy Jo gave me at the Sage Crossing Tree. I loved that thing.

     11:32am  I'm going to go in the Jack in the Box on Eckhert and Huebner here. I'm going to get me a Jumbo Jack for my walk downtown.

     11:44am  Leaving the Jack in the Box.

                     I had made it a point when I left this morning to go visit my little nephew at Plaza de Ville Apartments where my twin sister lives/works. I wanted to show him a fossil I had found hiking. He'll like it.

                     My nephew wasn't at Plaza de Ville and Laura had to go. I'm leaving Plaza de Ville.

                     I walked Babcock all the way to Wurzbach. I'm going to cut through the VA parking lot to the bus transfer center at University Hospital. I'm not going to ride a bus. I'm going to go over there and smoke somebody out.

     1:18pm  I smoked with Jesus today! I told Jesus my whole story too. He listened to me the whole time. Jesus smoked me out like crazy.

     1:32pm  Turning right into Oak Hills Country Club. This is my shortcut to Fredericksburg. I'm in front of the main building right now. Valet parking.

     1:48pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm walking down Magic now. I came out of the country club and walked Fredericksburg to Magic.

     2:15pm  I am leaving the tree at Sage Crossing. When I got there nobody was there. Then all of a sudden Tanya came out and I played with her dogs. She had a new dog. A Doberman, I think. I'm walking now. I'm going to walk downtown, I forgot.

     2:19pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm walking Pin Oak now.

     2:24pm  I was walking down Pin Oak a little bit. Over behind Graham Central Station I saw some kid sitting at the top of the staircase. I asked him if he wanted to smoke some weed and he said sure. We smoked and he told me, "I've met you before. Over a year ago in Travis Park." I asked him, "Oh, you've met the guy with the crazy story about how he's going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace?" He said, "Yeah! That's you." I told him I was still at it. In the end he said, "It was good seeing you again." I told him, "I'm everywhere."

     2:27pm  I'm coming up on the access road to 410. Across the highway from Dave and Busters.

     2:34pm  I just came out of the Jack in the Box on 410 and Fredericksburg. I walked in and filled my water bottle at the fountain. I put like half water and half lemonade, like I did earlier at Huebner/Eckhert. I'm walking to Crossroads Mall.

     2:40pm  Fernando at Sbarro's in Crossroads Mall is hooking me up with a slice of pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. For my walk downtown.

                   Scored at the Sbarro's. A big slice of pizza.

     2:52pm  I'm going to hit Fredericksburg now. Walking in front of the Denny's. I'm going to see if Melissa is home at Santa Fe.

     3:05pm  Nobody was home at Santa Fe Place. I'm just going to keep walking.

     3:15pm  I just walked in front of China Harbor and scanned the sidewalk in front for a fortune. Didn't find any. I'm not going to go to Texas Thrift Store. Olivia doesn't come in until five. I'm going to keep walking downtown.

     3:37pm  I'm walking by the Deco District HEB. I'm going to go smoke my friend Angel out.

     4:15pm  I went over and smoked my friend Angel(1-11-04, 1:52pm).

     4:37pm  I came to Woodlawn and Fredericksburg. When I got to the bus stop some black dude told me, "Hey, what's up, Slim? Remember me?" Some dude I smoked out at the bus stop a long time ago. At Ingram I think he said. I smoke people out all the time.

     4:56pm  I just walked up to Five Points. Flores. At the bus stop I see this girl waiting for the bus. This really cute girl. She had a bag, a backpack. She didn't look homeless or anything. She looked like she was traveling. I walked by and asked her, "Excuse me, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She agreed to listen. I got to the point where I ask if she'd work for free, then her bus came. When I had asked her if she was willing to listen she said, "Keep going." I told her I would see how far I could get until her bus came.

     5:21pm  I have arrived at Travis Park. I am right on time for the feeding at Salvation Army. Let me get directions.

                   I got directions. I'm going to walk Broadway to McCullough. Turn right on McCullough and it'll go straight to it.

     5:33pm  I am at Sally's. Salvation Army. I'm going to get in line to eat.

     5:35pm  I am in here in line at Sally's waiting to eat. Trish walked in and said, "Hey, do you remember me?" I bummed a cigarette off her and she recognized my recorder.

     6:02pm  I forgot to make an update. I finished at the Salvation Army. I had a regular portion of food, thinking I could always go back for seconds. I was still hungry afterwards. I got back in line and this greedy ass told me, "You've already been in line. You can't get seconds." I should've told him, "In a community of plenty, no one should go hungry. Doesn't your greedy ass know the rules? I thought you people were supposed to be here to help." Then I saw my friend David. He told me to hold his bongo for him and to meet me outside in a little bit. Maybe he's going to bring me some more food. I don't know. Maybe he's going to smoke me out. I don't know.

                    I met up with David at The Salvation Army. We're going to go smoke some marijuana somewhere. Thanks, David.

     6:32pm  Here's some of David's poetry.

                   David is talking some gibberish.

                   Victor: "Speak up and speak distinctly, for when I type it up."

                   David: "Gibberish, huh? The night that I named my pipe I was walking along singing very loudly cause I love singing. Then I got to smoking out of my new glass pipe with a little frog on the mouthpiece that has eyes that look out towards you. I just love that pipe. It actually has eyes with pupils. Anyhow, I was smoking out of it. I looked at the frog and that made me think of the rainforest. I looked at the blue and that made me think of the air and the water. So naturally my pipes name had to be Echo."

                   David: "I was sitting at Jim's on 410 and Perrin Beitel the other night drinking coffee all night in preparation for a day for work at Labor Ready. Somewhere during the 4 o clock hour two young ladies came in. I said hi to one of them, the one who turned out to be named Shadow. Then I pulled out my journal and showed them some artwork that I had been working on. The other one invited me over to sit with her and proceeded to feed me more than half of her rare Porterhouse steak and her strawberry cheesecake. She played footsies with me and said she'd see me nine years ago. Apparently with another guy named Mike at one point. Back when I was 13. She knew that I was somebody else, but she just liked the resemblance and she was happy. She was just being true to herself. She tried to start in on my backpage, but I told her that was sort of unmarkable territory.

                   Anyhow, one poem, I think this is probably the best one that I've put in here so far:

                   You mentioned this to me as I gazed through fog-shrouded windows

                   And you hear troubled water churning in your soul's rock-strewn riverbed

                   This stream I have traveled but briefly

                   And the sunlight-scattered reflection brings forth recollections of my youth

                   When I wandered this earth pure and joyous with each step

                   The deep brown of your gaze, a silent grove of rich soil

                   And the plants therein smell of morning mist on a spring sunrise

                   Lulling me back to a tranquility I should never have forgotten

     7:04pm  I'm walking back now. I came in the Jack in the Box on I10 and San Pedro. I'm going to spike my water with lemonade again.

     7:19pm  Turning left on Culebra. Off Fredericksburg.

     7:39pm  Passing Zarzamora.

     7:55pm  I walked to where Culebra turns into Bandera. I'm on Bandera now. I'm going to go hit up the Dominos again.

                   They didn't have any mistakes at Dominos. Oh well.

     8:07pm  I'm going to stop in at Rita's Fiesta Cafe. Now open nights. Friday and Saturday. 6:30-9.

                   Shit, all the chairs are overturned on top of the tables. They're closed. That sucks.

                   There's a Pizza Hut. I'm going to ask for mistakes.

     8:08pm  The guy said, "No sir, we don't."

                   I thought I was going to go hit up Henry's Puffy Tacos, but it looked too fancy. I'm going to keep walking.

                   I'm over here on Bandera and Woodlawn already. 

     8:21pm  Cool, El Potosino Mexican Restaurant. They're still open, cool. I'm going to go eat. I'm hungry.

     8:24pm  Mari me esta dando gasolina para el estomago para mi camino a casa. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:32pm  Scored me two fat tacos. I ate them and I'm walking.

     8:52pm  Just passed Hillcrest.

     9:05pm  I walked down Bandera. In front of the barber shop, The Sherril Plaza, Steve and Heather. Steve made contact. Steve is riding a little motorcycle around. He said I've talked to him at Medical Center. He said he's seen me a couple times. I told him I had walked downtown today and that I was walking back too.

     9:30pm  Just walked underneath Loop 410. I'm in Leon Valley now.

     9:34pm  Just passed Wurzbach.

     9:46pm  Passing Huebner Creek.

     9:52pm  Passing Grissom Road.

     10:05pm  I'm walking passed Huebner. I'm going to stop in the Blockbuster and borrow their phone. I'm going to call my mom so she won't worry.

                     I just called my mom from the Blockbuster. First thing she whines when she answers the phone is, "Oh, I'm tired." I told her, "I'm not calling for a ride. I just don't want you to worry. I walked all the way downtown today mom, and I'm making my way back. I just wanted to let you know that I'm over by the Blockbuster by Taqueria Jalisco." Where she brought me that one night(1-27-05, 8:18pm). She said, "Oh, you're right there? I can go get you." I told her, "No, I am not calling you to come pick me up. I am going to walk all the way home, just so I can say I did that. I'll be home around midnight."

     10:10pm  Passing Eckhert.

     10:20pm  Passing Leon Creek.

     10:24pm  Just passed Mainland, in front of the Walmart.

     10:35pm  I didn't tell you. I'm already on Guilbeau. I'm already past the HEB. I'm going to turn right on Wickersham up here. At the light.

                     It got chilly. I'm going to stop and put my thermal top on. Almost to Wickersham.

     10:41pm  Turning right on Wickersham. This is my last stretch for home. I can't believe I'm going to actually do this. I swear, talk about training for the apocalypse, hehe. Today was a great day. I have never walked this much.

                     Man, I remember not that long ago I was excited telling myself, "One day in the near-future I'm going to walk all the way downtown(1-4-05, after 5:08pm)." Look what I did today. I walked downtown and back.

                     As the mission evolves.

                     I thought I was going to be home around one. I'm going to make it there by almost eleven. Two hours early. I've been hauling ass today.

                     It only took me four hours to get back home from downtown.

                     If it only takes me four hours to walk back from downtown, then I've calculated my downtown trip to about sixteen miles one-way. So I've walked approximately thirty miles today round-trip. I walked a shitload.

                     Passing Tezel Road. I am almost home.

     11:11pm  I am home. I cannot believe I walked all the way downtown and all the way back. No bus whatsoever.

     11:48pm  I just got out of a hot shower. I feel good. I'm going to go to sleep now.

Next day..

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