San Antonio, TX

Friday March 11, 2005

     7:15am  I woke up at around three this morning. I crashed out at around six last night. I woke up around three and took a shit. Then I went back to sleep and I woke up at six.

     7:25am  I'm leaving the house. I called Walmart and asked them a question. For Christmas my little brother had bought me a multi-tool that I don't need. I never opened the package, but I didn't have the receipt. I asked them if I could get some in-store credit and they said yes. I got a couple cameras in my pocket which I'll get developed.

                   I found me some new cargo shorts too. I cleaned up my room and I found a lot of clothes in bags. Dude, these are like size thirty and they fit me perfectly. Man, I used to wear a thirty six waist when I was with Chasity. I got some new shorts, perfect. And the pockets don't have holes in them!

     10:37am  I forgot to tell you. I'm at the Citgo already.

     10:48am  The 610 let me on. When he got there I showed him that tool I was returning. I asked him, "Can I please get a courtesy ride just to the Walmart so I can go return this? I'll walk it if I have to."

     11:08am  Carl hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Hehe, that guy all didn't want me to record him.

                     I just dropped off two things of film at the photolab and came and got a cigarette from Carl at the smoking cabana. Hehe, he all didn't want me to record him. He was all shaking his head when I started talking. I'm going to walk to the bus stop and smoke this cigarette.

     12:43pm  Tracy gave me a cigarette. We just got to the hospital right now.

     12:47pm  Mr. Solis told me no. His greedy ass failed.

     12:56pm  Steve hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                     5143 hooked me up with a ride to Crossroads on the 604. Perfect.

     1:09pm  I changed my mind and got off on Fairhaven. I'm going to walk to Gardendale and make an appearance there. Maybe I can stop at Jennifer's and see if she'll smoke me out, hehe.

                   Jennifer wasn't home. In walking to her apartment I saw some car with a Pagan bumper sticker. I'm going to go knock on the door of the apartment in front of that car and see if I can tell somebody my story.

                   Jennifer wasn't home, but Emily sure was(5-17-04, 4:07am). I showed her my list, but she had to go. Then I saw some girl outside her apartment right then. I went and laid my stuff on her. She seemed really interested, but she had to go.

                   I am walking into Sonoma Canyon Apartments right now.

     1:32pm  I walked by this apartment and heard rap music. I walked by and saw this white dude sitting inside. I approached him trying to tell him something and he turned down the music. I hit him up for my story and he agreed to listen. What's your email? awehmann@hotmail.com

     1:48pm  I had a good presentation with some dude just sitting outside. When I asked him to doubt me he said, "I'm not going to doubt you. I think you can do it." I got a believa!

     1:57pm  I came to the Data Food Mart to smoke a cigarette.

     2:15pm  I had a funny presentation. These two guys pulled up in a car. This Mexican and white guy. First I asked them, "Hey, do you know anybody who will smoke me out for a dollar?" They told me no, so I asked them, "Well then can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" They wouldn't listen to me, but I got to ask them to do me the two favors. Ha, they were all laughing at me.

                   That was in Dove Tree Apartments. I already walked through Auburn Creek. Sundance is next.

                   I crossed over to Auburn Creek again. I'm going to walk Bluemel by USAA to Mission Station which connects to Woodtrails.

     2:57pm  I just had me a good presentation right now with these two pretty girls who were sunbathing at the pool. Stephanie and Celina. I told those girls my whole odyssey. They listened to all of it.

     3:07pm  I walked to Datapoint and now I'm cutting through these new apartments to Medical.

     3:25pm  No presentations in Turtle Creek.

     3:27pm  I decided I was going to walk to the I10 access road all the way to 410, to Crossroads.

     3:42pm  I'm going to go hit up Las Palapas on the other side of the highway. By Callaghan.

     3:45pm  The greedy ass at Las Palapas told me no.

     3:54pm  I should go hit up Chacho's.

                   I'm walking through La Valencia Apartments. I'm looking for somebody to talk to. My friends don't live in the apartment close to Chacho's anymore. You remember, right? The ones who smoked me out(4-30-04, 2:45am). Some lady lives there now with her kid.

                   Crossed the street and I'm walking through Nob Hill Apartments now. Lemme see if I can tell my story to somebody.

     4:09pm  I had a really ignorant presentation with these dudes on their balcony. This one dude was getting a haircut. They wouldn't listen to me at all. They were all, "Hell no, we won't work for free."

     4:14pm  Tanya hooked me up with a cigarette at Sage Crossing. I appreciate it, Tanya.

     4:20pm  I'm telling Tanya my story over here at Sage Crossing. What was your email? texasstar48@yahoo.com

     4:38pm  Wow, everyone was outside the apartments playing with the dogs and they got a ball stuck high up in a tree. Steve put himself on a mission. He got a big rock and was trying to hit the ball. Nobody thought he could do it, except me. I told him, "I believe in you, brother. There's nothing to it but to do it." It took him like four or five tries, but he nailed it. Good job, brother.

     5:34pm  I'm telling George and his friend Steve my story. What was your email? bassballbat@yahoo.com

     6:32pm  Jay hooked me up with a cigarette here at this little gathering we're having by the creek behind Sage Crossing.

     7:17pm  Thor hooked me up with a cigarette. The sun's going down. I appreciate it, Thor.

     8:12pm  I have to make an update already. I ended up at this little party. This gathering right here by this creek. I've been throwing my Frisbee around and shit. I all ran into a lot of people who knew me. This girl Gypsy Jo I had met in Austin. I really don't remember her, but I told her I'd look her up. She said I had already told her my story. We just had a great gathering at these apartments. It's perfect that I ended up here.

                   I walked up to the Chevron on Fredericksburg. This one guy comes up to me and says, "Hey man, what's going on traveler? I was just thinking about you." He told me, "Oh, I don't have any weed." I told him I had a little, but I was saving it. I want to go smoke Melissa out. I'm having a rad night tonight.

     8:27pm  Oh yeah, I never told you about this one girl I met on the 610 on the way to the hospital. She was all telling me about how she has sex with one of the security guards that works at the hospital.

                   I just got to Santa Fe. I'm going to go see my friends here.

     8:37pm  Oh shit! I just found out Mia's missing. Trish's cute little dog. I had gone and knocked on Melissa's door. She answered it in a bad mood and told me, "I can't talk right now. Mia is missing." I told her, "Oh shit, I just wanted to see if you wanted to smoke." She quickly said, "No." I told her I was sorry. I think I pissed her off. I need to apologize for being so insensitive.

                   I don't know. I was truly trying to make her feel better by offering to smoke her out. I guess I can't keep assuming everybody is so worry-free as I am. I should've told her, "You should know that everything happens for a reason, Melissa. Even the bad stuff. Worrying about it won't do any good." I mean, I don't mean to just forget about Mia, just that worrying about her wasn't going to bring her back. She wasn't even Melissa's dog to begin with. Mia is family though. I truly am sorry Mia got lost. I am really sorry, Melissa.

                   Right now I'm just walking down Fredericksburg. I don't know if I'm going to catch a bus or not. Oh yeah, I stopped by Teo's and he actually offered me some dinner. He said it was cactus. Whatever it was, it filled me up good. I'm walking now. I had been contemplating walking all the way home. Maybe I'll catch the bus to West, if possible.

     9:45pm  I walked into Golden Kirin, this restaurant connected to the Save A Lot. I borrowed their phone. I called my mom just to let her know I was coming home eventually.

                   I didn't tell you I took off walking down Hillcrest. I'm going to actually walk to my mom's house. Maybe I'll have some good conversations. I don't know.

                   I never mentioned, when I left the house this morning I had put on my old pair of shoes. My old Shox. They're comfortable as hell. I miss them.

                   Man, it was a grand gathering we had at Sage Crossing earlier. In all these twists and turns I took walking through apartments, I ended up there. I got smoked out and I got hooked up with some weed by Tanya.

     10:34pm  Chris just randomly hooked me up with some weed in front of the Jack in the Box.

Next day..

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