San Antonio, TX

Wednesday March 10, 2004

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I woke up like at 4:30am. I already took a shit, ate breakfast and now I'm going to take off walking to the park.

     5:22am  I am leaving the house. It's a brisk morning.

                   I ate breakfast and I got two sandwiches in my bag for when I get hungry. I'm going to have a good day. I'm going to have a really good day.

                   Let's see if I can make it to the platform by sunrise.

     5:50am  I stopped at the Exxon and found a snipe in the ashtray. I'm going to smoke it.

     5:55am  I just walked in the park right now and I'm going to walk the long way to the Walmart again.

                   Look at all the very different religions in this world people get to choose from.

                   The absolute truth shouldn't be a choice.

                   People say I am not independent because I'm always receiving stuff from other people. Hell, I rather be independent from money than anything else.

     6:27am  I just went in another complete circle. I'm dumb. How can I get lost in my own woods? I know where I'm going now. I'm ok. I gotta walk South.

                   I'm going to stop at the pavilion here and take a shit.

     6:42am  I just took a picture of this multi rock layer trail that I remember from when I was younger.

                   I've said it before. There is plenty of generosity to go around.

     6:47am  I'm down in the creek now.

     6:54am  I ran into like five or six deer. They all ran off. I got a picture of one standing there. I hope the picture comes out.

     7:02am  I'm passing the Legalize Herb sign close to Snarlwood and the natural wall.

     7:16am  I'm behind the Walmart already. Let me see if I can find out what the letter of the day is. Let me walk by a bus and see if I can look at the transfers.

                   I couldn't get a good look. The driver was reading a paper and covering the transfers. I'm going to go in the Walmart and take another shit.

     7:35am  The 610 driver is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Letter of the day is J.

     8:10am  I saw the headline here in the newspaper machine at the hospital. It says, "Obesity on track as the #1 killer. Inactivity/poor diet may overtake tobacco." Shit, I'm going to save the world, hehe.

                   Another article says, "11 million had TV plug pulled." Everybody should turn their TV's off. Screw TV's! They rot your brain.

                   Don't drink from that trough.

                   Benito me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, hermano.

     8:25am  The nice bus driver gave me a free ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:30am  I went to the back of the bus and asked if anyone wanted to hear my really interesting story. "Nah, I don't want to hear about it," said this one dude. I said, "I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." He said, "I don't smoke it that much." I said, "You don't have to." I went up to the bus driver and hit him up for my story. I asked him, "Will conversation distract you?" He said, "Aren't you the one who's writing a book?" I told him, "That's right."

     8:43am  Nobody is listening to me this morning. Nobody wants to hear my story. Damn the ignorance in this world.

     9:11am  I just got off the 92 at Travis and St. Mary's.

     9:13am  I'm at Travis Park. I'm going to see if anybody's got any weed.

     9:24am  I came to Travis Park and John smoked me out. David hooked me up with some Chips 'Ahoy. I appreciate it, man.

     9:42am  I came and told David my story. He was telling him about the Peace Center at the Mennonite Church. Hopefully I'm going to tell them my story today. After I get my tooth pulled. If it doesn't hurt too much.

     9:47am  Whoa, as the mission evolves. I just got a destination. The Peace Center! Yeah, dude. Resources here they come.

     10:06am  Cathy is hooking me up with a cigarette outside the dental clinic. I appreciate it, Kathy.

                      I had a great presentation with this lady who walked by the clinic. Man, today is already turning out to be a badass day. I'm going to go to the Mennonite church. Sweet!

                      Oh, and since I was late I got my tooth extraction rescheduled to the 17th. She told me, "We only give you thirty minutes to be late." Greedy ass Christians. 

                      So, now that it's not an emergency, because it doesn't hurt with the antibiotics. I asked the lady at the dental clinic, "Now that it's not an emergency will you still charge me ten dollars?" She said, "Uh, uh, uh five."

                      Oh yeah, right across the street from the dental clinic is San Antonio's Municipal Auditorium. Mark my words. I will be performing in the Municipal Auditorium one of these days.

                      Are you wearing your helmets? I'm going to blow your minds.

     10:35am  Robert hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:56am  I tried to tell this girl in front of the Gunter Hotel my story. She wouldn't listen to me though. She was a pretty girl. She listened to me at first and when I asked her to tell her friends she said, "I'll tell my friends about the marijuana, trust me."

                      I'm walking down North St. Mary's now. I'm going to find the Mennonite church.

                      I am going to bring the truth out of hiding and the truth shall set us free.

                      Molly gave me a cigarette in front of the St. Mary's Church. I appreciate it, Molly.

                      I got her email address. First one on page sixteen, I think.

     11:10am  I just had a semi-good conversation with this old guy. He wouldn't let me finish. He all asked me, "Who do you think created you?" I told him, "My parents having sex." Then he asked, "Who created them?" I told him, "Well, my grandparents having sex." I told him, "I try not to worry about the past. You can't change it. I am more worried about tomorrow and the next day. You can still change those." He started ranting on about how much god loved me.

                      He told me, "Marijuana will never be legalized." I said, "Just compare it to alcohol."

                      This idiot told me I was rejecting god.

                      I am practicing what he preaches. I'm just adding my own twist.

     11:39am  I found the Mennonite church. I remember one day when I was walking to Elva's, I stopped here and tried to tell this old dude my story. I don't remember what happened. I heard there's a peace center. I'm going to go ask where the kids are.

                      1443 South St. Mary's, by the way.

     11:48am  I'm having the greatest time. I walked into the Mennonite church looking for the Peace Center. I asked the lady, "What do you guys do here?" She gave me all these flyers. I put them down and said, "I have a story for you."

                      They got a flyer here that says, "Shouldn't someone be doing something about the violence in our world?"

                      Another one that says, "Be the change you wish to see. Be peace. Because one person can change the world." Oh man, that's cool. Damn-straight.

                      Whoa, there's a whole room full of high-school kids! I can't wait!

     12:31pm  It's going to happen soon! I have to come back and talk to the peace coalition tomorrow at 5:30pm. I didn't get to finish my story with that lady. She was all about it, though.

                      I asked her to do me the couple favors and everything.

                      One of them came outside right now and yelled, "Hey, Victor. Good luck!"

     12:45pm  Mr. Forest is hooking me up with a ride to Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                      Oh yeah, I got to eat lunch at that place with all those highschool kids. They were giving out sack lunches.

     12:57pm  This one lady told me, "I don't want to listen."

     1:02pm  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                      He even hooked me up with one for later.

     1:10pm  I came to Travis Park and Jacob with his wife and two kids, I asked them for spare change for a joint and he said sure. He said it was for a good cause. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:50pm  Cynthia hooked me up with a cigarette in the park. Cynthia Garcia.

     3:00pm  Wynd is telling me some information about Amsterdam.

                   Wynd: "They legalized heroin and crime rates have been outrageous."

     3:15pm  I just took a picture of Wynd, Red and Rex. Cop, they call him.

                   Oh yeah, I'm all stoned. I'm going to go tell someone my story.

     3:32pm  Man, I just had the greatest presentation with this girl! She was reading a book and I walked up to her and said, "Excuse me, can I tell you a really interesting story? It's more interesting than what you're reading. I guarantee it." She said sure. She even closed her book and everything.

                   She had it open still when I started, but once I got into it she slammed it shut.

                   Her bus came. #9.

                   I should've asked for a courtesy ride and finished my story. Damn.

     3:37pm  This cool girl Marie came up to me. Her friends called her back. She said to them, "Hold on, Victor's going to get stoned."

                   To the victor go the spoils.

     4:25pm  Richard is changing his name to Tony. Richard hooked me up with a roach. Thanks Tony. I appreciate it.

     4:30pm  Marisela gave me a cigarette. Have you hooked me up with a cigarette before? Marisela said, "No, I think I bummed one off of you last time." That's cool. It all comes back, right?

     4:50pm  I just took a picture of Marisela. Isn't she beautiful?

                   Man, that girl is hot.

     5:00pm  I am having so much fun. I've been playing with the squirrels for a long time now. They're everywhere in the park.

     5:05pm  Joseph hooked me up with a cigarette here at Houston and Navarro. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Oh, I'm going to go to The Riverwalk and tell my story some more.

     5:19pm  56753 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:35pm  I was just walking by the street by the Travis Park church. I hit this girl up for a story and she was like amazed. I followed her home. I'm going to talk her ear off. This is awesome. I love people who listen.

                   Her name is Katherine Reece.

     6:45pm  Man, I had a great time with Katherine. Well, she probably got tired of my yapping. She told me she was going to take a nap, so that was my cue to leave. I'm over here on Main Street.

                    Man, I had a great day. Thank you, Love. Thank you so much. Praise Love.

                    Meeting Katherine was so cool. I just walked out in the street and told her my stuff and she invites me over! She's all a Babylonian working forty hours a week. I hope she tells all her friends.

                    I'm going to walk San Pedro Avenue, by the way.

     6:53pm  Wally, here at this gas station hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Wally.

     7:13pm  I'm at 2217 San Pedro, I think. The dude who hooked me up with the cigarette at the gas station here listened to me like crazy. He works here and he even has a laptop.

                    In between customers I'm going to tell this guy my whole story. I have to water my seed here more.

                    I can't just leave him hanging like that. He's interested.

                    I told that guy all my stuff.

     7:37pm  I just finished up with that guy at the Ameritex gas station. I told him about the spirits and everything. I told him to tell his friends and that I was the catalyst.

                    Whoo, there's a young girl walking. I'm going to tell her my story.

                    That girl wouldn't listen to me, so I'm going to keep walking downtown.

                    I came by Salsa's Mexican Restaurant again. I'm not that hungry. I'm not going to ask for anything.

                    Oh yeah, earlier I was contemplating going over to that gangster Nanos' place. I am not sure what part of Woodlawn it's on. I don't know if I turn left or right to get to his house. I'm just going to keep walking down San Pedro.

     7:52pm  I'm walking into the public library in front of SAC. San Pedro Park Branch Library.

     8:10pm  I have no new mail. That sucks. I checked my email at the library.

     8:14pm  I walked into the Diamond Shamrock in front of SAC. I walked to the back and refilled my water from the faucet. There weren't any barriers or nothing. Then the dickhead cashier tells me, "Nobody is allowed back here." I told him, "You should put up a sign or something. Duh."

                   I saw some security guard that just went into the gas station. I'm going to tell him my story when he comes out.

     8:20pm  I hit that security guard up for my story. He said, "I gotta work." I told him, "What? You mean stand out there and do nothing?"

     8:34pm  Mr. Hill hooked me up again with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:35pm  Oh yeah, the 91 pulled up. I asked the driver, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride to the hospital?" He went, "Again?" I told him, "You got credit for it last time too, brother." He let me on. Good 'ol Mr. Hill.

                    Right now I am scanning people on the bus to tell my story to. I don't know. Oh yeah, earlier right before I got on the bus this dude Ted walked up. Some dude I knew from a long time ago. He was all interrupting me and shit while I was telling someone else my story. I told Ted, "I am trying to save the world here, man." Both me and Ted got on the bus. I don't want to talk to him. I want to talk to somebody else.

     8:52pm  I just had a great presentation with this girl. She got off the bus already. I told her about my walk to California. She was all freaked out at first. I told her, "Hey, do you have anything better to do? You're on the bus." She listened to me. Cool, cool.

     9:17pm  We got to West. Rick showed up. Umm, I'll tell you about Rick later. He's worked at West before. He's with his girlfriend on the bus. Oh cool, there's another guy I know, cool.

                    He said he'd give me half a joint, too. Awesome.

     9:30pm  Lee hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:56pm  I was going to buy a couple buck's worth from some guy in a truck. He was going to hook me up, so I pulled out my tape recorder and said, "I am writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it." He promptly gave me a whole dimebag's worth! Nameless is hooking me up with a dime! For the cause!

                   Cool, Nameless hooked me up with some bud! I even got enough to share!

                   Mouse walked by and she recognized me. I asked her, "Hey, wanna smoke a bowl?"

     10:28pm  Man, I am having some great performances tonight. It's been awesome. It's going to happen soon!

                      I had some kickass presentations at West tonight.

     10:35pm  Haha, good 'ol West Telemarketing. What a magical place. Ahh, I don't want to walk home yet. I should call my mom.

     10:37pm  Abel is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Abel.

     10:45pm  I had an excellent presentation with this guy. He nodded his head up and down. He had to go eat though.

     11:00pm  Kelly hooked me up with a cigarette under the seven thousand building. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:07pm  Haha, the coolest shit happened. I was having some great presentations underneath the staircase under the seven thousand building. Then all of a sudden the security guard comes up and starts telling me shit. He asked me, "Do you work here?" I told him no. He said, "Get out of here, you're criminal trespassing." I told him, "Alright." Then he starts yelling at me. I said, "I said okay, why do you keep telling me? I am going to do it. Calm down." Then he starts talking shit to me getting in my face. I said, "Calm down. What did I do to you? I didn't do shit to you." He told me, "Yeah, you did. You took me off my lunch break." I told him, "Umm, I have been here all night. Why didn't you finish eating?" He asked me, "Do you have any ID on you?" I told him, "Yeah, I do, but I don't need to give it to you." He all said, "Oh, I didn't say you had to give it to me, but I would like to see it." I told him, "You can't. It's in my bag and I don't feel like getting it." Anyway, I just started walking home.

                     Oh yeah, I told him the OP Ivy song to his face!

    "Why do you have to force yourself with power and control?
    Why do you feel the need to live your life playing up a role?
    Intimidating people with your wallets tied down
    You and your kind destroy our underground

    Wear a tie if you want to wear a uniform
    Join the army if you want to conform
    Tough guy, big man do what you can
    Whatever you destroy we'll create it again"

                     I have always wanted to say that to a cop before. Well, he wasn't a real cop. Haha, I'm going to be famous.

                     Man, what a great night. I'm going to walk home all happy.

                     It would've been so cool if I would've told off the security guard in front of all those kids I was talking to.

                     Whoa, I just realized I have an old West ID in my wallet. I should've told him, "Yeah, I work here. Look."

                     I'm going to walk to the Diamond Shamrock on Prue/Babcock and tell people there my story.

     11:47pm  Not only did Rebecca listen to my story, but she gave me a cigarette too! I appreciate it, Rebecca.

                     Ha, I had a blast in the Diamond Shamrock. I talked to this really pretty girl Rebecca. She listened to me good. I've kind of shortened down my stuff. I don't tell them the whole story. I got to the point where she doesn't think I'm crazy. She wouldn't do me that favor. She went, "No, I don't think you're crazy." I am just everywhere.

                      It's going to happen soon.

     11:52pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm walking to my platform in OP Schnabel. Now I have a cigarette to smoke up there.

                     Now I'm going to climb up in my platform and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. What a great night.

     11:55pm  Oh yeah, I turned left onto Horn, which Springtime turns into. I'm going to cut through the woods. No trails.

                     Damnit, these woods I took brought me back to Prue Road.

                     Like I've always thought. If the feds want to bust me for downloading pirated software, I would tell them, "Why don't you go after the guys I'm getting this from? Eliminating the end-user doesn't solve a damn thing. Don't I deserve equal treatment under the law? Oh, you are going to discriminate against me? You're not going to bust everyone else, but you're going to bust me?"

     12:17am  I'm walking down Prue on the sidewalk. Giving all the cars the peace sign as they drive by. It's all late at night. I'm going to go into the woods now and cut over to Braun Road and walk home.

     12:33am  I got to my platform up in the tree. I need to name this place. I'm going to smoke some weed and smoke a cigarette.

                     I love it up here. It's so calm.

                     Okay, I'm going to make a note of every little quote I get in my head. Shit, I forgot what I was going to say, damnit.

                     Man, I should've told that security guard, "Man, exactly who do you think you are, you little piglet. Show me your badge. Oh wait, that's right. You don't have one, at least a real one. You just have that one you got out of the Cracker Jack box."

                     I have found near-perfection in accepting imperfection.

                     I cannot wait to show that Kassie girl these woods. She just has to see this view.

     12:46am  I got down from the platform. I am walking home.

     12:53am  I got an excellent picture of the view. That was a badass picture.

                     I've made a commitment to everybody first. I can't have a relationship until it happens. That will be my reward.

                     Maybe I just might be surprised.

                     It'd be kind of cool if Kassie would come travel with me.

                     I just walked out of the park. I'm over here on Braun Road and Bandera.

                     We gotta take it back guys. It's more ours than theirs. They've had it long enough.

     1:42am  I'm getting to my mom's house already. I see her lights are on. I hope she's not awake.

                    Cool, the chain's not on the door. I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal.

Next day..

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